Wait on God, not on other people

January 15, 2018 | 20 comments

Have you ever waited around for another person to do something for you, but they never come through?

Unfortunately, it happens.

Perhaps we wait for a family member to be kinder to us, or wait for a customer to put in an order, or wait for a potential employer to give us a job. And then nothing happens. The family member is still unthoughtful, no order comes through and no job is offered.

There is a cure for the kind of disappointment and despair this type of waiting can bring into our lives. The cure is to put all your faith in God, not in other people, for all the good you expect to see happen in your life.

Sometimes people come through and sometimes they don’t. But all good comes from God.

God is the source of all love, kindness and care. People may or may not be kind, but God is always kind.

God is the source of all supply and provision. Customers may or may not place an order, but God always comes through with provision that meets every human need.

God is our employer and always has a perfect job for us to be doing. A company or corporation we are eyeing may or may not offer us a job, but God always puts us in our right place when we let Him.

Wait on God first and foremost for ALL the good you expect to receive in life and you’ll never be set up for disappointment. God always comes through. God’s promises are fulfilled. God loves us and cares for us and ensures we have everything we need to prosper in ways that fulfill His desires for us.

The prophet Micah wrote, “As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me” Micah 7:7, NLT.

Wait on God and wait no more! God’s good is here now.

20 thoughts on “Wait on God, not on other people”

  1. Yes, dear Evan, when I read your today`s SV I come to the conclusion, that the absolute truth you explain to us is the outcome of our oneness with our Father-Mother God who is Love and the only employer. I experienced that once when I one day had the thought that not the director of the company for which I worked, but God alone is my employer, and my trust was in God. From then on my life changed radically, and years later a became CS nurse. But I am very grateful what good I learned at that job. For this job I got through the prayer of a dear practitioner.

    Your last sentence is gorgeous – thank you a lot Evan for that so inspiring SpiritView – it is really a spiritual view of this theme “waiting on God” !

    Shirley is right that there is no age or any other obstacles to do always God`s job – thank you!

    Our only job is to reflect God in every aspect.

  2. “God is the source of all love, kindness and care. People may or may not be kind, but God is always kind.” Thank you, Father.

  3. A very encouraging start to the week – especially as looking for new business opportunities and refreshed skills appropriate for them. Thanks Evan.

  4. Thank you Evan.
    This could not have come at a better time for me. I am constantly struggling to deal with the disappointment and a sense of helplessness … especially when people offer their support verbally but do not come through by way of action! Am going to work with the ideas you have shared. We also read in the Bible:
    My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him ~ Psalms 62:5

    Thanks also to all who have shared their comments.

  5. Thank you Evan. It is often easy to the steered toward anxiety and disappointment by mortal mind and loose focus as to where our true source of all true fulfillment really is, God!

  6. Thank you very much Evan for this posting. I have been made redundant several times, and in 3 separate instances, with the kind help of a practitioner for which I was most grateful, I actually received very timely phonecalls out of the blue, from individuals who became my next employer. God is very good. Blessings to all.

  7. Great post Evan. For me, keeping thought open to infinite possibility allows it to happen and brings it into your experience, often in unexpected ways. Being open to God’s goodness instead of closed or focused on the problem ushers in the blessing.

    1. Thank you Evan! Scott, I like your viewpoint. Focusing on help from a person instead of God can really narrow a viewpoint and keeping us from seeing God’s abundance and limitless solutions. Thank you to all contributors. 🙂

  8. When I put my entire desires in God I can never be disappointed. I tend to not want for anything because I have faith that God supplies everything that I truly need.. God is my best friend, caretaker,
    And He supplies all of my needs. I am very grateful for His loving care!

  9. Thank you, Evan. This post and others’ comments are exactly what I needed today. While walking home from an errand, I was becoming disappointed and discouraged by some unfinished items that a family member has not completed in several years. Whenever, I bring it up, they become resentful. So, I’ve stopped mentioning it, but continue to wonder about when these items will be completed. I try to hold onto the idea that progress is the law of God, and that mortal mind has no affect on our ability to make progress. Thank you for that beautiful quote from Micah!

  10. God / “Divine Love always has met and always will meet” my “every human need” MBE I am so grateful that this statement is so true and that we can count on God to know our desires, needs and fulfill them in the most harmonious way possible.

  11. Thank you once again for your message. And Scott and Patty I ditto what you both said. I have always felt when I get up in the morning I was going to work for my Father’s business – even in retirement. I truly try to always know “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.

  12. Thanks Evan for the daily Angels you sent to us. They are indeed so helpful.
    You are so right.. Instead of waiting on human help, putting our expectations on our relatives, its much better to lean on God and rely on His care, support and love. “Because God is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” “Because God has set His love upon me, therefore will He deliver me..I will call Him and He will answer.. He will be with me in trouble. God will deliver me and honor me.” “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house (consciousness) of God forever.”
    “Step by step will those who trust in God, find that He is our refuge and strength, our very present help in trouble.”
    Its so very comforting to know that God’s help is always at hand…We can go in silence, ponder on His love and infinite goodness, seek His help and be blessed.
    Thanks to all the lovely comments sent in by our friends on Spirit View. Its a spiritual feast we all partake daily.

  13. Beautiful share of your understanding and the all good that is available when one waits upon God. Thank you.

  14. Wow!! I’ve been facing a situation of the same kind. A friend promised to house me, as i’m in another town to study. He has not yet sent me money for that, but assured me on the phone that he would, in a short deadline. Now iunderstand that God alone takes care of me, protects me. Neither my friend nor i can prevent God’s will to be fulfilled!
    Thank you so much!

  15. We must know when we seek God’s guidance, our prayerful thoughts must be sincere and sometimes it takes awhile for the right answer. Be sure to insure your thought process is not blocked out, because want immediate solution

    Continue to address your issue for guidance. Seeking prayer, do not forget we must have complete awareness that God’s Thoughts come in many forms and it will unfold in ways you have thought about. I find the help from a Practitioner enhances seemed to have always been successful, after listening carefully. So much Love is given and the solution in my efforts have been exceptional in listening for His Voice

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