What are you admitting about yourself

August 9, 2024 | 31 comments

The admission to one’s self that man is God’s own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 90

Are you admitting that you are a capable, intelligent, healthy, happy, unlimited expression of God’s abounding goodness today!  I hope so.  If not, you have room for improvement.

When you admit your spiritual truth, you set yourself up for a grand glorious day.

In Truth, you are God’s likeness.  You are an immortal being, divinely designed to express the beauty, order, intelligence, wisdom, health and perfection of God.

If you cling to a false concept of self, such as a bumbling mortal, lumbering around in matter, weighed down by fears and physical beliefs, you might not be feeling too spiritual.  If so, it’s time for a paradigm shift.  It’s time to get thought aligned with spiritual reality.

You are God’s likeness!  Understand it.  Admit it!!  Set yourself up to experience all the blessings that flow from having a correct concept of self that is made in God’s image.

31 thoughts on “What are you admitting about yourself”

  1. This is the answer! ~ exactly what I need today to silence useless, negative, weighty matter thoughts, that drag one down. Thank you sincerely Evan for this life giving spiritual uplift!

  2. Just what I wanted to be reminded of today Evan. Thank you so much for your continuing caring and sharing. I’m so grateful for SV .

    ‘When Christ changes a belief of sin or of sickness into a better belief , then belief melts into spiritual understanding and sin , disease and death disappear.’ S andH pg 442.

    Every day S V enables me to understand more of how the Christ, Divine Love uncovers true being.❣️

  3. Hymn no. 475 (verse 1) says…
    “Forget not who you are, O child of God,
    For God demands of you reflection pure;
    Your heritage is goodly, and your home,
    In Spirit’s warm embrace, is safe, secure.”

    Verse 4 rounds off with a beautiful promise…
    “So now look up to God’s pure holy light
    And greet with fearless joy each coming day.
    Of royal birth, you are a King’s own child —
    And God is yours and you are God’s alway.”

    1. an absolute favourite hymn! a great one to memorize…and it also came to thought last evening so grateful to have it expressed here too! thank you!

    2. Thank you very much, Gerald for sharing that hymn here! For me it is very uplifting, inspiring and helpful. It’s what I needed this moment!

      Thank you Evan, for this passage in SH p. 90 by MBE. I always loved this possibility. to see one’s self already here as God’s own likeness. And I admit it very much. That means we are already at one with our Father-Mother God – what a wonderful spiritual outlook !

  4. o got up earlier than usual this morning and this is my morni g cup of coffee!! I needed this too and thank you for the uplift.

  5. my mum passed three weeks ago so today’s SV is perfect. mum is fetterless and free not constrained within a mortal body thank you everyone

    1. Dear JB UK, I have always found this comment by Michelle Nanouche, from an older blog of hers, very comforting: “Grief is the pain of feeling separated from something we have never actually lost. Parents are a reflection of God’s love for us. Your Father-Mother must always be expressed. Neither that love nor that reflection have stopped. They can’t! Your parents are still loving you as much as you are still loving them. Pray for them! Send your message of love and respect to them through your conversations with God. No one is cut off from the communication system of the Christ. God’s message of good – the Christ – is communicating everything we need to hear and know.”
      Many loving thoughts to you and your family.

      1. That is truly beautiful, J . It brings comfort for so many
        differing challenges that need comforting. The weather
        seems to be an issue at the moment with saturated ground,
        high winds and tornado watch. But as you so rightly shared,
        from Michelle’s words of wisdom, “God’s message of good –
        the Christ – is communicating everything we need to hear
        and know”. As I just heard a tree come crashing down behind
        my neighbor’s house, God’s message of safety and protection
        is being heard loud and clear above the din of mortal sense’s
        roar and hullabaloo. God is Good and Harmony rules.

        1. Thank you J for this quote. I was out for a trip around some favourite haunts from a time when my parents were with us. Similar thoughts came to me. I’ve especially felt that prayer and Love for those now gone forward is essential. Very deep excerpt from M.N. b.x

  6. How wonderful to be an expression of God/Love and to feel this Love so
    beautifully!! Thank you so much, dear Evan and everyone . We all are unique in
    our own way … and reflect all of the divine qualities that we have been given.
    There are times when we need to be awoken from the mortal sense of things that
    would try to drag us down, but our spiritual uplift is the resident within, that inspires
    and raises our thought to higher joys.
    I love that hymn, too, dear Gerald. What an inspiring way to see ourselves, perfectly
    connected to the Truth of Love and our being, “in Spirit’s warm embrace”.
    So lovely!!

  7. Wonderful hymn GeraldUK, thank you for sharing it. A great win yesterday for American Olympic Gold medal winner Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone. She is a mature and poised twenty-five year old who shares inspiring thoughts of aligning with God (spiritual reality), identifying as a child of God, trusting God, glorifying God, etc.

    1. Thanks J for keeping us aware of all the spirituality being expressed at the Olympics, yesterday with the runner that felt he was “being carried,” and today with this young woman sprinter Ms. Levrone. I looked her up and found this comment she made as an Olympic champ in 2021 Tokyo:

      -“Let me start off by saying, what an honor it is to be able to represent not only my country, but also the kingdom of God…I pray my journey may be a clear depiction of submission and obedience to God. Even when it doesn’t make sense, even when it doesn’t seem possible. He will make a way out of no way. Not for my own gratification, but for His glory…..He has prepared me for a moment such as this. That I may use the gifts He has given me to point all the attention back to Him. Thank. You. God.”-


  8. Becareful what you argue for! Are you God’s creation or your own? Many times I’ve argued for the wrong side and only suffered because of it. As a God created man, I am pure (that is have pure intent), selfless, open to God’s guidance, merciful (understanding the challenges that others face), loving (in a divine way accepting other God created spirit), When confronted with the wrong thought, reject it and argue for your true spiritual, God created being.

  9. Beautiful messages from God today! Needing that paradigm shift. Feeling blessed to learn and grow in Christian Science, but having issues with clarity and focus.
    Weight issues, and a sore that hasn’t healed in years. Family member diagnosed with Covid. After paying all our bills and buying food $100.00 left. Son giving almost all his paycheck to help out. Electrical transformer issue in Townhome Condo still not fixed since July 3rd.
    It is only through Christian Science and my Father Mother God that helps me and heals me.
    Sometimes feeling overwhelmed but yet that Christ Spirit comes through and
    l feel blessed, being the blessed child of God, filled with gratitude and love for Christian Science.
    How can I keep from singing Hymn 533

    My life flows on in endless song
    Above earth’s lamentation;
    I hear the sweet though far-off hymn
    That hails anew creation.
    Through all the tumult and the strife
    I hear the music ringing;
    It finds an echo in soul.
    How can I keep from singing?

    What though my human comforts die,
    The Lord my Savior liveth;
    What though the darkness gather round,
    Songs in the night God giveth.
    No storm can shake my inmost calm
    While to that Rock I’m clinging;
    How can I keep from singing?

    I lift mine eyes, the cloud grows thin;
    I see the blue above it.
    And day by day this pathway smooths
    Since first I learned to love it.
    The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
    A fountain ever springing;
    All things are mine since I am God’s.
    How can I keep from singing?

    Thank you all for listening!

    1. Evan it is so refreshing and appreciated to be told the unvarnished truth about who and what we really are in God. Out in “the world” we mostly hear the opposite messages.

      I will take your advice this day and adopt the “correct concept of self made in God’s image.” I claim and declare that I am (and we all are) the “capable, intelligent, healthy, happy, unlimited expression of God’s abounding goodness…divinely designed to express the beauty, order, intelligence, wisdom, health and perfection of God.” Amen.

      1. Sorry this was a general comment, though it somehow appeared as a reply to Renis.

        But I do thank you Renis for the great hymn you shared and for your determination to stick with God, stay with God, stand with God regardless of the mortal picture. God is with you and with all of us, no farther away than our breath.

        1. Thank you Rose I am so grateful for your lovely reply. Yes, staying, sticking, standing with God. Hugs Renis

  10. Thank you J and everyone a most inspired Spirit View am humbled and grateful for such loving thoughts expressed here today

  11. Oh, thank you Evan!! So needed! To actally realize these Truths and keep knowing them deep down in my heart of hearts over and over and over again until the false testimony of the material senses loses all reality to give way to the spiritual and true evidence of God’s all-knowing. ❤️

  12. Thank you Evan for your consistency in sharing these uplifting thoughts. And thank you to everyone who comments and shares their experiences in the practice of CS. As someone mentioned a while back, I feel like you are family.


  14. Thank you Evan, for this important and powerful reminder. I was led to search Concord for the word “admit” and its permutations, which appear 55 times in Science and Health – what a treasure trove of ideas! Among them is Mrs. Eddy’s directive to “Stand porter at the door of thought, Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously.”
    (Science and Health p. 392:25–27)

  15. Thank you, Nancy for the lovely quote and have been looking up some of the ideas
    under admit. It is beautiful to see ourselves in Soul’s enlightenment in ways that
    spiritual sense focuses on that everyone can enjoy with Mother/Father qualities that
    inspire and illumine and lead the way to Truth’s clear day. And as Evan so rightly …
    stated, “When you admit your spiritual truth, you set yourself up for a grand, glorious day”.

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