What do you see?

March 20, 2013 | 7 comments

Be careful how you interpret the world: It is like that.
~  Erich Heller
This reminds me of people who mistrust other people. Everyone they meet is automatically suspect.
It reminds me of those who see life as a burden. Every activity, demand and request feels like a burden to them.
It reminds me of those who are joyless. They find no reason to express gratitude, happiness or delight.  Each day feels like an empty void.

In the words of Mary Baker Eddy, “Mortal mind sees what it believes as certainly as it believes what it sees. It feels, hears, and sees its own thoughts” (Science and Health, p. 86).


On the contrary, a spiritually inspired thought informed by Truth and Love enables one to see more evidence of God’s goodness all around.
On a dreary day, these individuals can still find reasons to rejoice and be happy. They can see beyond another person’s shortcomings to their virtues and strengths. They can find friends at every corner. They can find a reason to smile even though they receive a frown. They can find hope where all appears hopeless. They live in a consciousness of God’s omnipresence that opens their eyes to seeing evidence of God’s love and care wherever they go.
So yes, be careful how you interpret the world. Don’t interpret it from a demoralized mortal mind’s point of view. Interpret it from God’s point of view and watch beautiful scenes of blessings roll out before your eyes wherever you go and in whatever you do.

7 thoughts on “What do you see?”

  1. One still has to use wisdom, and that one obtains from deep consecrated prayer. The thought is correct as Evan’s blog points out, but with wisdom and understanding of the human situation.

  2. “Because his eyes were open to the source, Jesus saw reality for what it is: a constant manifestation of God.” Deepak Chopra.

  3. I am about to have a change of place and I am not quite ready to accept it A friend of mine gave me Hymn 148 in the CS Hymnal “In Heavenly Love abiding, No change my heart shall fear;…” and it comforted me. And now God spoke to me again thru you to “interpret it from God’s point of view and watch beautiful scenes of blessings…” When I woke up this morning I prayed and tried to listen but I can’t hear God speaking to me but as you mentioned in your other blog that God speaks to us in many ways so now I am hearing Him more and more. Thank you so much again Evan.

  4. Thanks for your comments that point to how to interpret a win-win for everyone. What a blessing to be informed by Truth and Love and live as God’s blessing!

  5. Thank you for these ideas, Evan. I don’t want to be joyless or see life as a burdes. Several times every day, I thank God for His blessings, large and small. Yet, it is a constant struggle not to feel burdened and worthless. I feel uplifted when I am reading or listening to the Bible Lesson and other inspired writings or talks, but I can’t seem to carry them with me – as soon as I stop reading or listening, I seem to lose the inspiration. I’ve tried post-it notes as reminders, to no avail. I would welcome any suggestions on how to “see” better. I am tired of feeling imprisoned by mortal mind!

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