What do you see?

September 27, 2013 | 6 comments

It’s not what you look at that matters,

it’s what you see.

~ Henry David Thoreau


What do you see as reality in your mind when you look at the world around you?

Do you see lack, reason for despair, hopelessness, and emptiness? If so, you’re not beholding reality. You’re relying on material sense and letting the carnal mind rule your mind and cast thought into a dark place.

Or, do you see abundance, hope, and beauty, reasons to rejoice, to be grateful, to carry on with zest, and to welcome the fullness of Life? If so, you’re looking through a spiritual sense of things, which tunes into God’s goodness and beholds it.

Look, with spiritual sense, and see what the material senses never behold. It’s beautiful and grand.


6 thoughts on “What do you see?”

  1. Thank you for this. If you are looking at the material picture it is indeed depressing. Lately I have been keeping in mind the definition of Elias from the glossary of Science & Health:
    “spiritual evidence opposed to material sense, with which can be discerned the spiritual fact of whatever the material senses behold,”

  2. Hi Honor

    What a nice and meaningful video. This has given me a good idea what one has to do to see things spiritually and I think now I understand what it means. OK we see with our eyes what we see but also we can go beyond these things and look at them spiritually and that is the secret! Wow what a good challenge. Hard work for many but worth it. Think of the satisfaction will bring and blessings. I already see them pouring over us all and bathe in the spirit of abundance and joy. Wonderful! Thank you for all these interesting comments; always something to learn and think and benefit, too. Bless you. By the way Evans your new blog if I can call it like that is super! Well done and thanks for all the spiritual ideas that come here. Best wishes and bless you.

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