What newscast are you watching?

November 6, 2017 | 25 comments

I like to watch the news, with moderation, and see what is happening around the world. But so often what I see on television is far from healing. News reports are filled with one bad thing happening after another. Weather disasters, murders, killings, wars, conflict, political dysfunction, disease and other forebodings, along with their destructive effects, dominate the screen.

I remind myself that what I see on television is not representative of what is really going on in the world. There is a bigger news story that never gets mentioned. And it’s the Good News of Christ saving the world from sin, disease and death.

That’s right. It’s happening right now, and it rarely, if ever, hits the evening news.

Christ is saving the world from all forms of suffering through the spread of spiritual truth throughout the human consciousness.

Jesus Christ was the lead Newscaster of all times with the most important message to share. As Matthew recorded, “Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness” (Matthew 4:23, NLT). The Good News is the fact that the kingdom of heaven is here and now to be fully experienced. Anyone can find their way out of suffering through the pathway to God Jesus Christ has mapped out before us.

Christian Science explains how to walk the path of spiritual sense and experience the blessings of heavenly harmony now. It explains how to conquer suffering with spiritual understanding and realize one’s health and harmony in God. This is really Good News!

So, don’t get overwhelmed by mortal mind reports of suffering around the world. They are not a call to get depressed, but a signal to change the news channel you are watching and get tuned into the Good News of Christ’s coming to save humanity from that suffering.

The more we collectively put our mental efforts into demonstrating Christ’s saving power the faster progress will happen around the world.

“The word of the Lord remains forever.”  And that word is the Good News that was preached to you”
I Peter 1:25, NLT.

Be sure to keep the Good News uppermost in thought today!

25 thoughts on “What newscast are you watching?”

  1. Thank Evan. Just what I needed to hear today and I will take that good news with me today and share it where I can!

  2. Thank you Evan. This is a perfect reminder to hold the Good News in
    thought continually.
    I have often turned the radio on to get a bit of news only to turn it
    right back off, not needing the constant details of disaster.
    Shouldn’t we have a radio station, possibly broadcast from
    TMC/CSPS that only gives the Good News of the day?

  3. Really good article about the Good News! I love Sarah’s idea:
    The announcer would say……..in the news today……
    A good Samaritan helps his neighbor
    A disease diagnosed as incurable is healed
    Two nations at war declare a treaty
    Politicians decide to work together as a team
    Thousands of dollars pour into charities today
    The kingdom of heaven is here and now!

    Stay tuned for more details on these stories….:-) Now that’s GOOD NEWS!

  4. The thing is, the good news effectively handles the bad. Mrs. Eddy rejected the little statue of 3 monkeys closing their eyes and ears to evil. I don’t watch tv news either, but I do listen to public radio, and then have to take the time (unselfishly) to pray. We see/hear THROUGH the evil to its inability to destroy or even disturb Truth, Mind, Life, Spirit, — God’s synonyms — and therefore God’s beloved children. There’s a reason Mrs. Eddy established the Christian Science Monitor. Every story is an opportunity to empathetically “pour in truth through flood-tides of Love,” as she wrote.

    And, yes, thank you, Evan. Truth is the real daily news. When he broke bread with his students, claiming this was his body, Science and Health states that the bread was the Truth which he broke– explained –, that they were to share with all. Which gives new meaning to “Give us this day our daily bread” (our daily news!) and utterly illuminates the spiritual interpretation: “Give us grace for today, feed the famished affections.’ In one place she describes grace as the effect of God UNDERSTOOD, which is healing. What better feeds the famished affections?

    1. Me too! And in today’s, Nate also uses the word “overwhelm”. We won’t be “overwhelmed by mortal mind reports of suffering around the world” if we overwhelm evil with good.

  5. Spiritview is our good news for the day, along with the Daily Lift for me. It helps to realign my thoughts with how I should be thinking, then its my choice as to how well I listen to God’s messages and apply them in my life. A simple thing to write here, but much harder to do, however, thanks once more to Evan’s blog and all of you who comment with nuggets of truth and help.

  6. Hello, Evan – this is my first day as a receiver of your wonderful spiritview blogs, and I can see that I’m going to learn a lot from it. At church yesterday I, as well as the rest of the members, was given a print-out of your item: ‘The church that is full’, and it really is just what we all need to know, so thank you for that. These are going to help such spiritual growth!

    Anne Daly, UK

  7. Thank you, Evan, for this much needed inspiration, especially given the negative news that seems to permeate our world today. So much of it is contrived and slanted and even “made up” in very biased ways. Taking in these un-truths helps divide our world rather than bring harmony and to heal. Thankfully there are many alternative websites that let you pick and choose what you wish to read or hear about, rather than be bombarded by the tv (and commercials) that gives one no choice but what the 24/7 ‘opinions’ the pundits wish to spin for that particular day.
    I am so grateful for Spirit View and all who come here who help bring the Truth to light.

  8. I start my day reading the lesson and with both the daily lift and your post to establish my foundation. But relying on the truth that God is good and can only be good eternally is my foundation to keep me balanced throughout the day. Thank you for this cornerstone in my daily practice of knowing the good.

    1. I agree Joseph.
      The head of the lesson committee at The Mother Church was asked how the lesson sermon always has the answer to the world news and he answered “ the lesson is the news”. Food for thought!!

    2. I agree Josef.
      The head of the lesson committee at The Mother Church was asked how the lesson sermon always has the answer to the world news and he answered “ the lesson is the news”. Food for thought!!

  9. What a wonderful SpiritView Family! I am so grateful for it.
    And a loving welcome to you, Anne Daly!

    Evan, always so “tuned” to the News of God and divine reality, you sent exactly what
    I needed this morning, to counter the yet-another-batch of bad (UnReal, UnTrue) “news,”
    a friend texted me yesterday. I am very grateful for this help. Thank you.

    And thank You, God, for inspiring Mary Baker Eddy, so many long years ago, to establish a daily international newspaper, to “spread undivided the Science that operates unspent.”
    I love The Christian Science Monitor!

  10. Just reminding all…
    The ‘Christ’ coming to save
    us from sin and sickness
    Is a divine state of consciousness
    we are all already in possession of

  11. Humanity is like popcorn
    Kernels of potential on
    low simmer…
    Occasionally one pops,
    becomes an expanded
    version of itself….
    All the other kernels
    are amazed when this
    happens and tend to worship these popped corns……

  12. Thanks, Evan, and everyone who has commented sharing your inspiring ideas. I once wore out the mute button on my TV controls to not be taken in by the overwhelming number of medical related TV commercials, as well as the very descriptive bad news with vivid pictures. The good news is that “God is everywhere and nothing apart from Him is present or has power.”

  13. Thank you Evan. A much needed Spiritview after listening to the news over the last several weeks.

    Many years ago, back in the 1990s, I watched an episode of Star Trek Voyager called “The Thaw”. The Voyager crew discovered some people in pods. Their minds were attached to a computer via a headset that essentially played out their worst fears. A couple of the people in the pods had died because their worst fears were played out and even though they were only dreaming and “they” were actually safe in the pod, they believed the conditions were present that could kill them and they died. They were listening to the wrong station. They were safe all the time in the pod but because they were convinced by a dream that they had died, they died. And, everyone in the dream was convinced about this death. I can’t help but relate this to bad news or untrue news. Are we interpreting what is true using the five senses? Or, do we know we are safe and our neighbor is safe in God’s care. A fear dream will not give us the correct facts. We have to see through it to what is real. What happens if we take that headset off? What if Jesus saw this so clearly and knew we were just fine and woke us up? We would be healed! We would know those fears were not true, we had not died and would no longer be convinced of it. So, raising the dead would not be a miracle, it would just be waking up to the facts of reality and listening to the channel of Truth.

  14. At a conference one time a speaker was talking about praying for the World. One person said I am so busy I have a hard time finding time to sit down to pray for my family. The speaker said something like “I do my best praying while stirring the soup”. I will never forget the aha moment I had when I heard that nearly 40 years ago.

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