What’s in your In Box?

December 10, 2008 | 5 comments

A worker complained of too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Her In Box was overflowing, she fretted. And it was growing, not shrinking!

Have you ever felt that way? Overwhelmed by too much to do?

In a moment of inspiration, I typed back, “God is the In Box and you are the Out Box. Your In Box is overflowing all right, but not with too much to do. It’s overflowing with opportunities to express the wisdom and intelligence of divine Mind that enable you to perform your tasks efficiently and timely.”

Back in the early 1990s, I worked at the world headquarters of my church for one year. The position I was asked to fill replaced around 10-15 workers who had been laid off. The In Box on the desk I was assigned was heaping high in letters, memos and notes that needed thoughtful replies, responses and projects completed. It’s was week’s worth of work piled up, and I, one person, was supposed to get it all caught up, quickly. My little human mind could not get its arms around how this was going to happen with even more work coming in. So, I didn’t try to figure it out humanly.

I prayed, and thought, “God does the work. I reflect what God is doing. God can do this, so I will manifest the work getting done.” I didn’t create a work schedule to follow. I just jumped in and whittled the pile down one letter at a time listening for divine direction each word of the way.

God was my In Box. God was my influx of inspiration needed to do the responding. I was the Out Box. I was God’s outflow of wisdom, ingenuity, creativity, and love that got the work done.

It took a while to get to the bottom of that pile, but I got caught up and easily stayed ahead of the pace from then on.

God is your In Box too, and it’s filled with the wisdom, joy and love you need to do your work well.

With this attitude, one can look forward to seeing what is in their In Box each day!

5 thoughts on “What’s in your In Box?”

  1. Wow! That’s terrific. As I look at my piled-up desk, I love the idea of it being God’s In Box. This is going to be very helpful.

    Thank you Evan!

    Your blogs seem always right in line with what is needed, especially in this strange time we are humanly experiencing this days.

    They are greatly appreciated and cherished.

  2. Thank you Evan, I really appreciated this post, it was spot in, particularly as I spot the InBox this morning.

    All the best.

  3. Hello Evan, and thank you for the In Box post. I often had wished that I had the opportunity to apprentice to an ‘old-world’ master craftsman in my field, rather than stumble along mainly on my own. But of late it’s dawned that I apprentice to the most masterful craftsman, eternally no less. Hardly a day goes by at work without the thought, “It would be easier if you did it this way…” — dominic

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