Why pray

January 6, 2025 | 33 comments

There are many reasons.

When we pray, we draw close to God, the source of inspiration and ideas we need to prosper.

Prayer opens thought to answers and possibilities that previously were unseen.

Prayer brings peace of mind.

Prayer dissolves worries and fears.  It calms thoughts.

Prayer shuts out mortal mind along with all its calamitous noise.

Prayer tunes into spiritual reality where the discords of material sense disappear and the harmony and peace of God appear.

When we pray, we find Love.  We find Truth.  We find a path forward.

Prayer is our connection with God that allows the goodness of God to flow through our experience without limit.

Prayer is spiritual mindedness.  Spiritual mindedness brings healing.

Why pray?  To get better, feel better and be better.

Mary Baker Eddy asks, “Are we benefited by praying?”  And answers, “Yes, the desire which goes forth hungering after righteousness is blessed of our Father, and it does not return unto us void” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 2).

God answers prayers.  But we need to pray so that God has a prayer to answer!

Let prayer lead your day.  You’ll be blessed.

33 thoughts on “Why pray”

  1. Thank you Evan for this prayerful reminder – unless we pray to our true parent every day by renewing our relationship with our Father-Mother God, and forget our duty to do so as stated in the Manual of The Mother Church, we can often forget our duties to God, to our Leader, to mankind and ourselves.
    Thanks again for this inspiring reminder.

  2. Thank you, Evan! Sometimes i doubt that i know how to pray effectively so i try just to watch/correct my thought and to think about God When i read the Lesson i try to apply it to worries and fears Im not sure if this is enough

    1. Dear Shirley, I think how you do it and prepare yourself for a day with God is really good. I do it the same way. However I also take time to just listen to healing thoughts from God and that inspires me to pray the Lords Prayer or the Scientific Statement of Being by Mrs. Eddy.

      Thank you very much, dear Evan for your today’s really helpful SpiritView.

      1. Oh, and I want to ad what else is very helpful; I grab my Bible and Science and Health and open them at random. And often just the suitable verses and passages show up to give me needed comfort! And yet, dear Evan, are your inspirations about how to pray aright most helpful and comforting and, yes healing! ❤️

  3. Mrs. Eddy gives us a whole chapter on prayer, so it must be important. A good idea to review. I find myself talking to
    God throughout the day and listening, communicating in Mind, and feeling gratitude in Love in God’s blessings. So many proofs of
    His care in just little things!

    1. I and my Father are one.

      Everything that comes to me everyday is a blessing.

      God is the doer, I am the doing.

      John B

      1. edit “Everything that comes to me today brings me a blessing.”

        with background : from God’s Nearness by Mary Baker Eddy

        “Everpresent Love is the very nearest thing to me at all times. It is the nature of God to bless and care for me. I never reach out for Him in vain.

        Everything that comes to me today brings me a blessing.”

  4. I know why to pray, and the results of prayer, but honestly have never solidly understood what makes up a good and effective prayer.

    1. Thanks “J” for the link to this article. Most helpful to use along with the chapter on Prayer in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy..

  5. Be still and know that I am God.
    A wonderful article titled”the Lord’s prayer”written by John Hargreaves. John served as a member of the board of lectureship and has published several articles. The Lord’s prayer published by Mulberry press really opens up an expanded understanding of the Lord‘s prayer.

  6. This is a wonderful compilation of the definition of prayer. Thank you, dear Evan..
    I especially love where you wrote … “When we pray, we find Love.
    We find Truth. We find a path forward”. Yes! So sweetly put and True.
    “It calms thoughts”. Lovely …

  7. . . . . “God answers prayers. But we need to pray so that God has a prayer to answer”!
    Gee – I must have gone to a different Sunday School. I was always taught “Prayer” is not a request for GOD (Principle) to answer, its an affirmation of God’s Laws and Principles YOU can apply. We don’t pray FOR something – we pray ABOUT something.
    I think Evan’s post is best understood when the context of “Prayer” or “Praying” is better defined as understood in CS.

    1. Hi Roger, Evan’s statement, “God answers prayers. But we need to pray so that God has a prayer to answer!” came to thought for me in a different context. I was looking for the Lord’s Prayer article by John Hargreaves, mentioned by Alan, and couldn’t find it. But did come across another article by John Hargreaves instead that said, “As long as one willfully persists in seeing himself as a mortal trying to get rid of a problem, he will seem to himself to remain a mortal trying to get rid of a problem.” If we aren’t alert, we can be mesmerized by a false mortal view of a situation and become fearful and anxious; so we have to remind ourselves to actually pray and shift the focus to God, who in prayer gives us a higher view.

  8. Love this Evan thank you! I think of the hymn Standin in the need of prayer
    It’s me, it’s me, O Lord,
    Standin’ in the need of prayer;
    It’s me, it’s me, O Lord,
    Standin’ in the need of prayer.

  9. thank you Evan -love this spiritview ! I think of the hymn Standin in the need of prayer
    It’s me, it’s me, O Lord,
    Standin’ in the need of prayer;
    It’s me, it’s me, O Lord,
    Standin’ in the need of prayer.

    1. Yes, it’s a lovely and energetic song!
      Thank you, Sheree! And thanks all and Evan, to give us
      plenty of possibilities to connect spirituality, to have no choice but be in God’s company

  10. Thank you very much Maggie! That is just the article perfectly maching with today’s SpiritView. That article “God will give you your Prayer” gives me exactly what I need and what answers my questions regarding, how to pray aright, although Evan gives us the right ideas regarding good inspirational praying, as well. Our good God is always with us and caring for us.
    The article from Maggie is very worth reading and very helpful.

    Thank you so much, dear Evan, for your very blessing SpiritView Blog!

    A very blessed week and lots of Love to all!!!❤️

  11. How many times has SpiritView given me exactly~ EXACTLY~ what I need?!?!
    And once again Today !
    Thank you one and all~ Beginning with Evan, thanks also to Maggie and J for these three MARVELOUS supplemental & extremely supportive articles.
    I’m so grateful to be in the company of Such conscientious students, Thinkers, of Christian Science.
    Love to you all

  12. This is so true I am working to know that God is my banker resources supplier and He meets my every need.
    I have experienced many healings with Gods help where was my home going to be food pay bills when we turn to God He opens the way. God gives you his spiritual ideas and turn they give you daily supplies

  13. I see God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Thus, to have a personal relationship, I pray as if I were talking to Jesus. I talk about my walk in the flesh and wanting to be more like Him. I pray for the strength and wisdom to walk in the Spirit and for clarity on how I live my day trying to follow the Way. I then find myself praying in Spirit and in Truth.

  14. My dear sister is going to have hip surgery today.
    I cannot get to the hospital.

    The prayer, I have lived you since you were born. G-d holds herein His arms.
    thanks gor this writing.

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