You are at your best when you love

February 20, 2019 | 33 comments

If you’re ever wondering how to be happier or healthier, live in Love.

Love is the best possible state of existence one could ever enjoy. It is pure mental harmony, unmovable peace, buoyant inspiration, spiritual consciousness, the realm of divine Mind where everything is working together for good.

Love is not a state of the human mind where fickle emotions often reign, peace comes and goes, evil is believed, and feelings go up and down according to the physical sensation of the moment.

Love is God. It is a power and presence that exists above the human, above human emotions, above the temporal. It is felt in the human experience through the uplifting and healing effect it has on the human mind, but it doesn’t originate in the brain or mortal mind. It comes from above, from the divine Mind, and is found in God, the sum and substance of all worth having.

In a consciousness of Love, fear disappears, anger dissolves, tension goes away, stress is absent, peace takes over and harmony reigns. As light dissipates darkness, Love displaces anything negative, evil or dark. It takes over the premises it occupies, and enforces health and harmony. It heals mind and body of suffering and brings out divine control.

As children of God, we were created to love. We were not created to be angry, upset, resentful, fearful or discouraged. We were created to love, to reflect Love, and to be Love in action.

When you live true to Love, you live true to your divine nature created in the likeness of God. It is all good in this likeness, without a single impression of error.

Live in Love and prosper. You will always be at your best when expressing the Love of God. It is the healthiest and happiest thing to do.

“Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God” I John 4:7, NLT.

33 thoughts on “You are at your best when you love”

  1. Thank you so much. This underlines an experience I have just had where looking at a situation through the eyes of Love has completely transformed it.

  2. So true…love brings true happiness. Love makes life worth living. Love alone heals. Love is the Liberator. Love is another name for God. One who loves dwells in God and God in him.
    Hatred, animosity, resentment, hurt feelings and pride bring misery, unhappiness, sickness, disease and death.
    Love alone is Life. Love one another, is the Masters Command. So let’s love one and all and include ourself in the embrace of Divine Love where there is safety, security, bliss, plenty and life eternal.
    Thanks Evan for your love for us. God bless

  3. Thank you so much, Evan, and thank you, Nergish and all! The anxious, momentary constriction we miscall “life” is as close to death as we’re going to get. Love is Life, and nothing else exists.

    1. Jay, as someone who seems to humanly struggle some with anxiousness and patience, I love thinking about human life as “the momentary constriction we miscall life.” Awesome analogy!

  4. I Love this loving post and can Feel God’s presence
    throughout it’s expression and in reflection of all who comment and encompass it’s message, (as with all of these wonderful blogs).
    God’s Love shines and envelopes us with this beatific
    radiance. What a great way to start the day!

  5. Evan writes “We were created to love, to reflect Love, and to be Love in action.
    When you live true to Love, you live true to your divine nature created in the likeness of God. It is all good in this likeness, without a single impression of error.”
    Many years ago I took a chain saw course. I was a chartered accountant amongst seven landscape gardeners! It was physically very challenging and I had asked for help from a Christian Science practitioner. On the final day, we had to cut down a tree in width one and a half times the length of the chainsaw, – requiring a cut from both sides of the tree. I was working with the knowledge that I was an expression of Love, that God was being expressed through me, and that I was loving the Principle that we had been taught. There is a perfect way to do everything, and I just had to listen and be true to Love and its rules. I was conscious of Love doing what was required. When the examiner came round, he called everyone together to show them what had been done and said it was the most perfect cut he had ever seen! I looked in awe and recognised it was not me but Love that had been expressed, – it was love in action. I felt no physical exertion, but just Love. This had stayed with me as such a beautiful example that when love fills our thought it takes over our actions, and we can expect to see perfection effortlessly expressed in whatever we are doing. “It is God (LOVE) that performeth that which is appointed for me”. Without expression Love is nothing and vice versa!

  6. Ken, thanks so much for sharing your amazing experience. With love all things are possible and you certainly proved it.

  7. What a beautiful description and expression of real Love as compared to sexual attraction. Thank you thank you

  8. So what does it REALLY mean to “Be Love In Action”? I think a lot of people try really, really hard to be Humanly Loving, especially Christian Scientists, because they have been taught that we are Supposed to be Loving! But, in my experience, it often comes across kinda fake….like pasting that smile on the face and trying sooooo Hard to Be and Look Nice – so people will think we are Good Christians/Christian Scientists. I don’t think that is what Love in Action Really Is! I think it might have more to do with getting so far out of our ego mind, surrendering to a Higher Will or Presence, that we allow the Presence of God or Love to take over our thoughts and action. What Do You Think? And have You really ever been able to do this? (Besides Ken Cooper, of course!)

    1. Dear Bevi, there are no exceptions in infinite Love. When we love, it is God’s love made manifest, and mortal mind/ego has no place or claim. If we are trying really hard we are claiming that there is a mind that has to work hard, rather than an expression that just reflects. When we truly love, our thoughts are not inward but outward, – it is expression not impression that counts. We are all God-like, for Love made us and thinks us, and as you say, when we let “Love take over our thoughts and actions” we are true to God, and nothing shall be impossible for anyone, for God is expressing HImself. When we see Love we see God and each other.

    2. I’m with you Bevi in thinking that “being Love in action” has nothing to do with human will or actions, but when we get as you so beautifully stated, so far out of a limited-sense-of-self-ego, let the one Mind, God’s will or Ego express us, that’s being Love in action. To answer your question “have you really ever been able to do this?” I can say with joy and humility that I have, in those graceful moments or periods when I let the Spirit, God, Mind, Ego do his/her job and got my silly self right out of it’s way. And in abundance I read, hear about and personally witness countless others doing the same! It’s going on all round us! I’m sure you do all the time. 🙂

  9. So much of Christian Science is about Words……reading the Words, saying the Words, thinking the Words….what has happened to REal Communion with God from our Hearts? How many of us sit in the silence and Let God Open Up Our Hearts to Her? How many of us are willing to seek out the lies and selfishness that we harbor secretly in our Hearts and then ask God to empty out our Hearts? What has happened to the deep Healing of Hearts that Mary Baker Eddy talked about? Perhaps this is the true key to Healing of our Physical Bodies……..Have we become a Religion of Words and Profession without the deep and open yearning of the Healing of our Hearts? Have we become a group of Quoters and Spouters – parroting and spewing forth words from Mrs. Eddy without understanding them deep in our Hearts……????? What is True Healing and How Does It Happen?

    1. Good morning Bevi! I certainly can’t speak for anyone but myself and I think each person’s experience is very unique as Our Father-Mother God made us. But I’d like to address your comment about “the letter” or “words” of Christian Science. For me Sometimes certain passages or citations do start out as SEEMINGLY just words. But I KNOW those words are expressing a profoundly deeper spiritually meaning for me to uncover at some point. Sometimes the powerful spiritual meaning comes out to me the first time I read some specific passage, sometimes I can read something over and over and not understand at all. But, CS is the path I have chosen, and why? Beacuse I know deep within my spiritual senses from tangible experience (seeing, hearing, and feeling) that it is more real and more powerfully good than anything else I’ve ever experienced in my life. And by my willingness to stick with it, even through the times I might get very frustrated, feel doubtful, fearful, discouraged etc., increasingly with momentum, much of the letter is literally coming alive to my understanding and it’s anything but “just words.” It’s a deep spiritual, satisfying understanding. I often quote words from the Bible or Science and Health right here on this blog, but when I do, it’s because those specific words deep spiritual and powerful meaning has jumped out and grabbed hold of me and given me a profound spiritual understanding of them. When this happens, I assure you they are any thing but cold words with little meaning but quite the infinite opposite. So much Love to you! Love is wrapping us all in a warm, powerful embrace where we are safe, comforted and cared for, of this I am sure.

  10. Without proper thought, there is no harmonious action.. and, true thought comes from Mind. We may need the words to study… but then, we need to have our thoughts aligned with God, Love.. and, this is what brings healing.

    No amount of words can create an healing – it must be in the spiritual realm where all already is perfect. The words merely teach us how to do this in the world. They are necessary..its called communication. Once we align with God, words become superfluous…and, grant it. . can actually turn off someone who is looking for in speaking absolute truths to a babe’s thoughts. Its a journey..we should each enjoy the unfolding of same…helping one another along but not interfering with one’s natural spiritual growth.

  11. Good morning Evan and SV family who have become such a dear and beloved partof my life each day! What a gift from Love we all have received by participating in this Love filled conversation each day. This morning I awoke feeling kinda bad from the human perspective, groggy and more like the 2nd paragraph of the post, “…the human mind where fickle emotions often reign, peace comes and goes, evil is believed, and feelings go up and down according to the physical sensation of the moment.” But, as I got up and within minutes turned to SV as I always start my mornings the powerful Love from the first paragraph literally washed over me draining the false suggestions I seemed to be feeling while filling me with Love, comfort, peace, and a sense of being refreshed. “Love is the best possible state of existence one could ever enjoy. It is pure mental harmony, unmovable peace, buoyant inspiration, spiritual consciousness, the realm of divine Mind where everything is working together for good.” My deepest heartfelt gratitude goes out to you Evan and to all SV readers and commentors. Our thoughts, prayers, and sharing are so powerful for all of us and the world. How amazing! It arrested my false sense this morning and replaced it with the Truth of Mind, Love, God!

    1. So lovely, Trista! Thank you. We each need to uplift ourselves every day…its not an automatic’s a deep conscientious endeavour… somewhat akin to the manna of old. I personally “work” every morning on this, and dont stop until my thought is uplifted! ❤

      1. Thank you Colleen! I agree, about the necessity for uplifting ourselves each day! It certainly is not an automatic thing for me, in fact it’s often a challenge even though I KNOW it’s the truth. I too work each morning and am finding it’s becoming easier and easier to let the inspiration take over my thought, I hope you are too! We all help each other.

  12. Evan’s wise and inspired words and responding thoughts from others a real encouragement and lift. Thank You!

  13. Love certainly inspires thought. All comments have been wonderful to read. Every time I do read things I have read many times, they are anew. I am bringing to it wherever my consciousness is. I think to be loving is understanding who we really are and who is doing the doing and expressing. I appreciate a lot of the ideas I read about but to express them I have to see what is going on unconsciously. The other day i recalled something that happened when I was 11 years old, still driving the definition of who I was. Who would have thought it?? I looked at it as or through Truth and it was not easy to let it drop. I had no idea this erroneous thought was ‘running in the background’ .

  14. Thank You, Ken, Trista and Colleen, and others, too, for your Beautiful explanations and thoughts re. Words and Thoughts! It sure looks like a lot of “stuff” is coming up to be healed….for Everyone and That is a Good Thing! I know that the Mother Church Reading Room has as their Topic for January and February, 2019: “Healing Deep Hurt”. I called them after the Mother Church Service and asked for some of the Articles to be emailed to me….and they did! Truth is uncovering and destroying error… God’s own way! Love and Blessings to All, Bevi

  15. In the front of the full text Quarterly there is a “Welcome to the Christian Science Lessons!” I love what was used back in 2015, it reads:
    “God’s allness and great love for all His creation, coupled with our love for Him, each other and ourselves – that’s what the Christian Science Bible Lessons are all about. The lessons dive deep into this love, which has allowed them to heal, comfort, reform and even transform people for generations.

    So dive deep into the lessons and God’s love yourself! As you do, and especially as you actively live love day by day, even moment by moment, you can see the healing and benefits that result, helping not only yourself but everyone your life touches.”

  16. Yes! Thanks, Lori! I think they should start using that again in the front of the Full Text. It’s more “User Friendly” than what they have in there now! Just Saying…….!!!

  17. I love what Mrs. Eddy has to say about “Love” in Mis.250:14.” Love is not something put upon a shelf, to be taken down on rare occasions with sugar-tongs and laid on a rose-leaf, I make strong demands on love, call for active witnesses to prove it, and noble sacrifices and grand achievements as its results. Unless these appear, I cast aside the word as a sham and counterfeit, having no ring of the true metal. Love cannot be a mere abstraction, or goodness without activity and power. As a human quality, the glorious significance of affection is more than words it is the tender, unselfish deed done in secret; the silent ceaseless prayer; the self-forgetful heart that overflows; the veiled form stealing on an errand of mercy, out of a side door; the little feet tripping along the sidewalk ;the gentle hand opening the door that turns toward want and woe, sickness and sorrow, and thus lighting the dark places of earth.” My happiest times are when I have an opportunity to visit someone in need. “I am able to impart Truth, Health and Happiness. this is the rock of my salvation and the reason for my being” (something like that)

    1. Ines, yes! Thank you for that reminder of Mrs. Eddy’s ideas on Love from Miscellaneous Writings. They are beautiful and powerful.

  18. I have a special poem that s friend gave to me at a time of deep despair in my life. In it is the line “What you hold in your heart, you wear in your face.” If the love you hold in your heart is genuine, it can’t be hidden, and it will show in your face. Even if a smile is “pasted” on one’s face, it shows that one is trying. We never know what they are struggling with and how difficult it may be for them to show a smiling face. I don’t feel we should judge anyone. We are responsible for our own words and acts and we need to be sure we are being sincere. God knows what is in everyone’s heart, and He’s the only one we need to please. God is Love. I recall a story someone told me of working one day at a job where she worked only intermittently, and having a man whom she didn’t know come up to her and say, “You haven’t been here in a while; I’ve missed your sweet smile.” He was recognizing her spiritual nature and it touched her.

  19. Thank you dear Evan that you give us so much inspiration and joy and love every day of the week! It is comforting, helpful and healing.
    To today’s topic I can just ad ”…. and LOVE is the greatest above all ” in that sense St Paul said it.
    Thank you all commenters, that you already said everything else so inspired and interesting!

    Am so grateful for Christian Science teaching us that God is LOVE itself and completely good – so wonderful and blessing for us all

  20. Thanks to Evans and all who posted very inspiring messages. From Science and Heath with Keys to the Scriptures by May Baker Eddy, I learnt Mind is Love and it is Mind that thinks, feels, hears and speaks and all that I and everyone else can be is the perfect reflection and image of Love. God has established Laws to effect this loving being in our human expression of life so no worries, Love is always be reflected, as well as when we need it with right affections, even though sometimes I do not feel from myself the emotional kind of love, but others can. Yes it truly comes from above human system of thinking.

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