You are never alone. Your help is here.

August 12, 2020 | 22 comments

“God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.”

~ Isaiah 12:2, NLT

Side with God and win!

22 thoughts on “You are never alone. Your help is here.”

  1. For those of us who are humanly on our own for much of the time, this is real assurance and oh so comforting, on many levels. Instead of feeling downcast, there is much cause for rejoicing over this Companionship.

    1. “If God be for me, who can be against me?”
      Thank you for this day’s message. Alone with God is a good thing. Love is always the answer.
      Much gratitude, Evan

    2. Thank you Evan for you daiky posts- filled with ideas and tools to understand.

      Thank you for your reply- Katherine. I love making companionship capitalized to represent our true companion. I have a mentor that taught me, to ponder the word alone. We can perceive it in different ways. If we choose- we can take the word alone, add an “L” and separate it to read: all one. When we are “alone” and without a human companion, we are all one with the Christ, Spirit. Also what is the saying- God plus one is the majority- I also love that idea when I feel “alone”. One more helpful to me is to stay and be…. wed to Spirit. I am married and am often physically with someone- but I find the idea of staying wed to Spirit so comforting. I think of my husband in the same regard- he too- is wed to Spirit. So grateful. Sending you love and everyone gathering here. Thank you, Evan for providing daily inspiration and gathering.

  2. A wonderful bible verse Evan. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Quite by chance I opened up my Bible yesterday to this ;
    ‘The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.’ Deut 31;8
    Spirit View is so uplifting plus it has encouraged me to seek Gods help more diligently, every day❣️

  3. I like to think of God wrapping his arms around each one of us, those in prison, the homeless, those living in tents, migrants, loving each one so much that they will feel God’s love and have all their needs wonderfully met.

  4. Thank you very much Evan for above comforting Isaiah verse. Also in the corelative reading at the beginning of this week’s lesson sermon God promisses us so firm and lovingly of His everpresence, always with us and caring for us . Yes and with pleasure will side with God and win! Am very thankful to xou, Evan for your healing and uplifting daily spiritual viees and to you, dear commenters for your appreciated comments!

  5. “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
    If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.”
    Psalms 139:17-18

  6. I like to think of alone as being al(l)one, that is, all One. All One with God, the best companion there is who is ever-present and with us al(l)ways… all ways, no matter what challenges we may face. As in Hymn # 224:
    “O Lord, I would delight in Thee, And on Thy care depend: To Thee in every trouble flee, My best, my ever Friend.”

  7. Everlasting arms of Love
    Are beneath, around, above;
    God it is who bears us on,
    His the arm we lean upon.

    He our ever-present guide
    Faithful is, whate’er betide;
    Gladly then we journey on,
    With His arm to lean upon.

    From earth’s fears and vain alarms,
    Safe in His encircling arms,
    He will keep us all the way,
    God, our refuge, strength and stay.
    (hymn 53)

    1. Thanks Angie for sharing Hymn #53….so helpful and supportive to everyone! And, thanks Evan for the reminder in Isaiah 12:2. With God, all things are possible!

  8. FOUND, both necessary items, just by relinquishing my thoughts and direction to GOD, then I was led to where they appeared. God is truly FOR us, (me included). Thanks for all the comments above mine, I appreciate the community’s input and Evan’s clear view of TODAY. God is with us, who can be against us?

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