Clear out the clutter

July 14, 2016 | 7 comments

“Clutter is found in so many shapes and sizes. We can find it on our kitchen tables, under our beds, in our cars, and in our heads.”

~ Katrina Mayer

Clutter is unnecessary trappings that we allow to sit around untended, but should get rid of to clear the way for something better.

As Katrina mentions, clutter can be physical and mental. And as Christian Science teaches, eliminating mental clutter will lead to eliminating physical clutter. You can’t hold onto something physical that you’ve let go of mentally.

So, take a good honest look at your mental household. Are you holding onto any mental clutter it’s time to release? It could take any number of different forms, from worries about the past, concern about the future, a belief that disease is real, that suffering is necessary, resentments, agitations, remorse, hesitation to progress with a new idea, clinging to outgrown models, fear of loss, lack of trust in God’s timely provision, or anger.

If it weighs you down and doesn’t inspire, you don’t need it. Release it, let it go, and move onward and upward with a higher understanding of God’s ability to meet your need every moment.

A spiritually inspired thought is an uncluttered thought. It is clear with Truth and empty of error.

God gave you an uncluttered Mind to enjoy. Enjoy it and live free.

7 thoughts on “Clear out the clutter”

  1. Thank you Evan for that very needed reminder to unclutter our thought. Yesterday our reader in the Wednesday testimony meeting read about what makes us really free – it can only be through our GOD in the manner your last two sentences expressed.

  2. Mind … so amazing! Such a timely piece, Evan. Thank you. I am up early to study, pray … and then sort, organize, downsize, declutter, pack and get ready for a major move. So, this is amazing to me.

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