Tag: freedom

The light that leads the way out

July 10, 2024 | 10 comments

A friend, who has been praying for a healing of his own, shared this story with me… This morning, I went outside through the garage to check on something and came back to find a panicking bird flying around the

Putting God first

March 4, 2024 | 27 comments

How do you find time for God when there’s so much to do? is a common refrain voiced by busy people who believe in God but find few moments to pray. Other commitments take priority. How to earn a living,

Instruct mortal mind

February 23, 2024 | 43 comments

Mortal mind is a term used in Christian Science to sum up all material thoughts, fears, and impressions. Disease, anxiety, resentment, hate, selfishness, greed, hardness of heart, are mortal mind. People often feel at the mercy of mortal mind, as