Spontaneous abundance

April 18, 2017 | 23 comments

Are you ready to receive spontaneous abundance? That’s how God provides.

The mortal mind, in its limited view of God’s infinite good, often believes good comes to us over time. Work long hours, every day of the week, and your pay check will grow larger. Take years of schooling, get smarter, and hopefully you’ll land a job that pays well. Think hard, and harder, and harder, until you figure out an answer to the problem you’re facing, and so on…

There is merit in hard work and earnest striving, however, there is also room to appreciate that God’s good does not flow to us because of how hard we work or how many hours we spend grinding our mental gears. God provides spontaneously.

God’s good is all here and now. It is never off somewhere else. It does not increase over time, it is never on hold, or ignoring us. It is as close to us as the thoughts we think.

Too many times to count, I’ve seen God’s abundance appear spontaneously in my life. In younger years, when afraid of how to pay bills, I had a woman appear at my front door and shove handfuls of cash into my arms. When on the edge of life, I’ve had spiritual ideas appear spontaneously in my mind and immediately bring me right back. When stuck on figuring out a plan of action, I’ve had the perfect plan snap into view. When feeling lonely, I’ve had the perfect mate appear in the most unexpected way.

God answers all prayers, and spontaneously.

As Jesus Christ said, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him” Matthew 6:8, NRSV. And since God is Love, you can be assured that your need has already been met before you even thought there was a need. The question is never, “Will God provide?” He already has. The bigger question is, “Am I ready to receive?”

“Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands” Isaiah 43:19, The Message.

23 thoughts on “Spontaneous abundance”

    1. Yes you are right, Sofia, and thats what I actually wanted already to say yesterday – Evan, you are our all angel, tenderly leading us to understand our loving God more and more – thank you very much dear Evan, also for todays gorgous SpiritView. It is crystal clear, as some commenters previously said, and very freeing lovingly from the belief of so called stress situations.

      Yes, Gods good is now and right here – I am grateful for this blog, Evan 🙂

  1. Yes ! I love the spontaneous INSTANT supply God is always holding ready for us. Once (and this is only ONE of many examples) my young son suddenly announced he would like his own bible. i was etrribly cash strapped at the time so said that as this was a ver good thing for him to want then God would show us how this could happen if it was what was necessary. He immediately asked if he could playat a friends house which was quite 45 mins drive away. Normally I would have said , “Maybe not today”, but this time I heard myself say “yes”. We rang to ask and the dad said it was fine but he was cleaning out their basement so to come right in. As we pulled up in their driveway that dad walked towards us holding a box of books and taking the one off the top , holding it in the air , he said “I dont suppose you want a King James Bible do you”?
    My son just gaped at me with his mouth open in surprise and I said “Well that was quick wasn’t it Paul?” I will NEVER FORGET this instance though it was about 25 years ago. NO COINCIDENCE other than the co-incidence of God and Man! / supply and demand being equal AND SPONTANEOUS!
    Thankyou again for your terrific posts Evan!

  2. I love this topic and like the last commenter I have proved that supply is spontaneous.
    My husband was a school teacher.
    To progress up to the point of being the Principal of a large city school it was necessary in our time to serve in country schools ,progressing from one teacher country school to two teacher to four-teacher to larger till the position of Principal without a classroom of children in front of you each day was the culmination of years of progress..
    During these years I had begun the earnest study of Christian Science. In moving on to the two-teacher school we soon moved into a brand new teacher’s residence. This occurred again soon after we moved into the headmaster’s house adjoining the four-teacher school.
    I always felt my progress in the study and application of Christian Science was demonstrated in better living conditions.
    After six years at this country school we moved to the lovely city where we have lived , my husband continuing his progressive career through three large schools.
    Thank you Evan for this thought-provoking message.

  3. I should have explained that my husband has passed on but the joy of progressing together lingers

  4. Thank You Evan! More and more I’m learning to change my perspective of how I think about myself and the universe. On page 301 of Science and Health is the following sentence:

    Few persons comprehend what Christian Science means by the word *reflection*.

    The word “reflection” in that sentence is italicized for emphasis. To material sense, humans gain good through accretion. Accretion is defined as:

    the process of growth or increase, typically by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter

    When praying, humans often ask God to “give” them something they need, such as a job, companionship, money, health, etc. But if we understand that we “reflect”, not “accrete”, we then realize that asking God to give us something is as silly as a sunbeam asking the sun to give it light or heat. We already have all the good we need and therefore praying becomes a process of “realizing what we already have” instead of “asking for what we do not have”. This is why Christian Science practitioners often ask their patients to spend time “being grateful”. The process of humbly giving thanks breaks the mesmerism of believing we have to “get” something and helps us realize we already have everything we need through reflection!

    1. Good reasoning Brian, I liked your thoughts on a previous blog as well, when you prayed for your cat’s healing.
      Thank you for sharing.

  5. Oh, what a happy crowd of angel messages, each one blessed and blessing.
    Thanks, Evan, for lovingly sharing this uplifting truth and thank you all!

  6. Grateful thanks, Evan, for sharing this inspiration. If lack of one sort or another has seemed a constant companion, in spite of glimpses of divine abundance, “Am I ready to receive” is a mighty potent question to ask. It’s already started being my employment for today!

  7. I was leading a comfortable life, most needs were being met, although there was never anything extra. I was praying with the idea of abundant life. Then one day I read this sentence in Science & Health (p.2) :” Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept?”
    I made a resolution right then to “accept more.” Also uncovered was a false belief that I felt I was unworthy to deserve more!
    This mental adjustment has resulted in many blessings, yea an abundance of them! I am so grateful.

  8. This is wonderful. From the beginning of my studies to find a way to live more intelligently and with more true freedom, I had to deal with a habit of striving, being a good student, a good person. The idea of being worthy of anything without struggle, as if we must always be behind the 8 ball, was a familiar way to live.
    Being grateful usually comes after I recognize the good as ‘arriving’ . I am going to remember this and all the comments and accept more. all good present. everything is all ready all right.

  9. Thank you Evan and all!! Love that we learn early on in Christian Science about gratitude and its forthcoming blessings. And wow…Diane..love that about the Bible and your son…and you saying yes..to the 45 min drive!!! ‘Yes’ ….is a good start with gratitude. Ha

  10. Thanks to all! I’ve seen our family’s needs provided in the most unexpected ways, all coming as a result of knowing that God is the source of our supply. When we trust our Father-Mother God wholeheartedly amazing things happen. One time my son’s high school jazz band was going to Reno, NV from Hawaii where we lived and he really wanted some black suede shoes. Finances were a bit tight, but we knew that if it was right for him to have those shoes they would appear. My husband was driving home on his Moped and there was a black suede shoe on the side of the road. He picked it up and went a few more yards and there was another one. They looked brand new! When he got home my son tried them on, and they fit perfectly. Alleluia!

  11. Reflection (and thus supply of all that is right and needful) is


    Sue :<)))

  12. Wow! I love the Isaiah quote from The Message at the end. Also, my thought for myself was DON’T OUTLINE what good for you God “needs to do. ” Love, love this blogpost. Thanks Evan

  13. Thank everyone for and Evan for this beautiful form to share spiritual ideas with one another. Today’s message on abundance and all the ideas shared were so needed. Trista you reminded me of a quote from a lecture I heard many, many years ago, “Remember, you can not outline good, enough.” I still think of this when I try to do my own outlining for any situation, stop and let God do the planning. Thank you. May you all be drinking from the saucer as blessings overflow.

  14. So true. God’s good is at hand and one need not struggle or go through strife to experience God’s infinite supply of good overflowing in our life continuously.. Its so spontaneous and so dependable.
    God is the all-knowing Mind. So we do not even need to inform God about our needs. He already knows them even before we do…He also knows which gift is best for us..So if we leave the choice to Him, we surely get the best. This requires total confidence in God’s capability of giving us the best.. I have got some of the best gifts, even without asking..I just cherished those gifts in my mind and saw them come alive in my experience.
    We need to open our minds, our thoughts and our hearts to understand the beauty, the bounty, the unconditional and pure love of our Father-Mother God, to whom all things are possible..Its like we need to go out to experience the warmth, beauty and resplendent light of the sun. Sitting in a dark room we can not complain “Oh there is no sunshine in my life”. So friends today itself, lets leave our darkness of ignorance reach out to receive the glorious light of understanding a most loving father, who holds us close in His embrace and showers us with abundant blessings. After all we are His beloved children in whom He is well pleased.
    Thanks Evan for showing us the way that leads to God and to spontaneous good.

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