Courage transcends those who would oppose

August 3, 2017 | 13 comments

“True courage is like a kite; a contrary wind raises it higher.”

~ John Petit-Senn

13 thoughts on “Courage transcends those who would oppose”

  1. Sweet. And in the higher view, the allness of Love is seen, the Life and Mind of all, and whatever opposing thought in whoever seems to think it, is seen as mind-less, life-less, powerless. David and Goliath. The battle is the Lord’s, and the Lord has already won.

  2. Diane,
    Thank you for your comment, “The battle is the Lord’s and the Lord has already won” I have been holding right thought for a dear CS friend and this is so helpful ♡
    Hugs, Shelagh xx

  3. Evan,
    Wonderful jumping off point for right thought and the wind of Spirit is indeed lifting me up.
    Thank you ♡

  4. Wow, yes, excellent start to the day. Thanks Evan for kicking it off and Diane for expanding it. For me, the idea of all opposing thoughts to Mind as being mindless, lifeless and powerless will be my contrarian role for today. We are all buoyed upwards, as limitless consciousnesses.

  5. Very timely – for it brings me to thank you Evan for the wealth of insight you offer in your subject index and archives as I was just thinking about ways to face down fear – the expectation of evil (not real, therefore not substantial, and therefore powerless), and courage came to me as the expectation of good(real, substantial and all powerful): that understanding I am the offspring of divine Love and the Source of only good (filled full by the Christ in me) grows into faith (that I can trust the power of the thoughts of God/Good) and energizes my awareness as courage, so now I can realize perfect Love casts out fear. And I know it!!

  6. Thanks so much. Ideal for me today. I am going out to gather and share the fruits of the Spirit, and this gives me courage to do that.

  7. Great thought, Evan! Live been working with the thought of transcend and it occurred to me that every inspired thought, every healing is transcendent!
    Step by step as we spiritualized our individual thoughts, we transcend. And isn’t this what Jesus showed us- healing by healing and in going forward meeting every challenge with absolute, unshakable faith in the Father! It’s daily

  8. We walk in beauty
    Goodness our Joy
    When the depth is
    The Sun rises to
    A life renewed,
    The only Life
    There ever is

    Then we know
    Then we see
    One with Love
    We shall ever be

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