When looking for love, go to its source

August 31, 2017 | 12 comments

A young teenager was worried about losing one of her best friends.

She was a student in the Christian Science Sunday school and understood the concept of man reflecting God’s presence. So, her mother, in an effort to explain to her daughter that she could never lose love in her life said, “If you wanted to feel the sun’s warmth, would you go to a lake and look at the sun’s reflection in the water?” “Of course not,” the youngster replied. “I would go to the sun and soak in its warmth.” “Well, do the same thing when looking for love. Don’t go to its reflection. Go to its source—God!”

The youngster immediately understood the spiritual message. She perked up and headed off to her next activity with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye.

12 thoughts on “When looking for love, go to its source”

  1. How beautifully simple and clear. In fact go to the source – God – for everything. As u make clear, as we don’t look to person for love so we don’t look to the body for health etc. “A priori reasoning” as Mrs Eddy says. ‘Go to the source’ is a great thought to keep in mind today. Thank you.

  2. Yes God’s love is beyond compare. Its unconditional, dependable, soothing, satisfying, unchangeable, comforting, reliable, all the time with us 24/7. I love my unity with God more than anything else. I am never alone because God is with me all the time. I am all-one with God. No human love can match His love, care and concern for me. He is my best friend and I can totally lean on him and rely on Him for all my needs. Human love is vain and not always dependable. Even Mrs. Eddy mentions in her writings that “God is our only true relative” .. So true. God is our permanent relative.. Other human relatives and friends come and go…but God is our relative from eternity to eternity. So why not be attached to Him??
    If we are attached to him..this attachment never gives pain, cause there is never a parting from God. So no parting, no pain.
    When the whole sun, symbol of God is with us…why run after the rays of the sun???
    God is the source of all happiness…so why not go to the divine source???
    If we give all our love to God, He can work wonders for us…Send us the best human partner,
    give us the best of friends, provide all that we need every moment… So friends lets make GOD our best our ever friend and shower all our love on Him.

  3. Thank you very much Evan for that simple yet very sweet and loving explanation which healed the situation absolutely – and such refreshing picture!

    And thank you Linda and Nergish – I fully agree with you; and I cannt add anything to it, so good and healing and loving your comments are!

  4. Sweet!
    There’s a deeper message here.
    “As a ray of light is one with the sun. . . so God and man are one in being.” (Science and Health)
    Every friend — everyone — is God’s sunlight, beaming God’s love, “a gentle beam of living Love,” as Mrs. Eddy says. We can rejoice in everyone’s radiant, ever-beloved identity.
    “Ye are the light of the world,” Jesus said. A Love-lit world.

  5. Yes, AND, considering the enormous outpouring of love being expressed by all the
    dear humans in Houston right now…Yes, humans-reflecting-divine Love-in-action, we must
    remember not to “throw out the baby with the bathwater.” To me, this means we can, in our
    thinking, wash the falsities off the human, and save what is good and true, as reflecting, in
    a degree, the truth that divine Love is truly ALL that is being expressed throughout the Universe. We see this truth “through a glass, darkly,” but it is the truth, nonetheless. “The divinity of the Christ was made manifest in the humanity of Jesus.” These words by Mary Baker Eddy are some of my favorites, for they teach me that God, Love, can be seen, known, felt in the human realm, so called, right in the dream of “material life.” Thank You, God.

    (I love your reflections, too!)

  6. Sunlight breaks
    a night so dim
    Pot belly sun
    rises above
    the rim
    Children play
    in cool
    morning air
    Sunbeams dancing
    in their hair
    Flowers smile
    to the doves
    sweet sound
    Under deep
    blue skies
    mornings Glory
    is found

  7. Thanks, Evan, for this very profound inspiration to go directly to the source for love and every other need as well. And thanks to all who have shared their thoughts.

  8. Thank you for helping me deal with unhappy childhood memories I have long needed needed to see through! I think now of a once popular song “Looking for love in all the wrong places.” God gives me the right place and I was there, even as a child

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