Month: June 2006


June 13, 2006 | 2 comments

Self-justification is one of those qualities we often ignore and overlook because we hear it done so frequently. But honestly, it’s not a good quality. It’s a shortcoming of the trumped up human ego that seeks to hide its errors

Does it matter what you eat?

June 12, 2006 | 10 comments

Have you ever wondered what Jesus Christ meant when he told his followers to take no thought for what they ate or drank? Was he saying we could eat whatever we wanted, however much we wanted and whenever we wanted

Medicalizing human behavior

June 9, 2006 | No comments yet

Claude Lewis got it right in a column he wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer. He began, “It may be hard to recall, but once there was a time when people took responsibility for their behavior, without recourse to the psychiatric


June 7, 2006 | 1 comment

Have you noticed how pharmaceutical companies market disease to prompt people to buy their medicines? Actors and actresses in ads sneeze, cough, writhe in supposed pain, and put on a show of utter misery to catch viewer’s attention. Then a

True love. What is it?

June 5, 2006 | 9 comments

How do you know if someone truly loves you? It’s hard to tell sometimes, but if you know what to look for, the decision is much easier. True love is not fleeting. It’s permanent. It’s not dependent upon sexual favors.