Month: September 2008

Rebuilding from a scrap heap

September 23, 2008 | 1 comment

A reader sent in the below sequence of pictures and attached explanation. I was especially moved by the story for it illustrates that no matter how destroyed, bombed out, or terrorized we feel, we can always come back with a

Identity theft?

September 22, 2008 | No comments yet

A reader sent in the below photos. I couldn’t help but chuckle when I glanced through them for you get surprised when you look closely. They are not what they first appear. Beware of identity theft!! The header blared. I

Downside of lottery mentality

September 21, 2008 | 6 comments

I caught a vivid glimpse during a tennis match this weekend into why holding what I call a “lottery mentality,” can be detrimental to health, success and progress. For years, I’ve believed that buying lottery tickets and gambling as a

Wealth is wisdom

September 17, 2008 | 2 comments

With a hurricane of turbulence on Wall Street this week, many people have been concerned about the safety of their investments. I too, have spent time in prayer over this issue, listening for God’s guidance on any changes my family