Month: May 2010

What makes you rich?

May 12, 2010 | 1 comment

A man is rich in proportion to the number of things  he can afford to let alone. ~ Henry David Thoreau Oh this is a good quote…people too often measure their wealth in terms of how much money or things

Placebo vs. drugs

May 11, 2010 | 5 comments

Here’s another article in the growing chorus of reports in recent years uncovering the illusion that certain medicines have curative powers. The New Magic that Can Heal You and Has the Drug Companies Running Scared Mary Baker Eddy had the

The benefits of forgiveness

May 7, 2010 | 8 comments

I was speaking to an audience of 170 people. Ten minutes into my presentation, a cell phone rings very loudly in the middle of the room. A man with an oversized jacket hanging on the back of his chair frantically