Placebo vs. drugs

May 11, 2010 | 5 comments

Here’s another article in the growing chorus of reports in recent years uncovering the illusion that certain medicines have curative powers.

The New Magic that Can Heal You and Has the Drug Companies Running Scared

Mary Baker Eddy had the deceptive nature of drug-effect all figured out over 100 years ago. All medicine is placebo, she concluded. And humanity will eventually figure this out too.

The article gets more interesting the further on down you read.

5 thoughts on “Placebo vs. drugs”

  1. If you have trouble getting past a pop-up ad requiring registration to read the article, here’s another link to the piece:

  2. Thanks Evan, excellent article. It’s interesting to see the negative comments of people at the bottom of the page. They hold tenaciously onto their limited beliefs because it is the only thing they’ve ever known. If they were only more receptive to the truth…

  3. the only danger in this is that people might think well, great i dont need pills or just sugar pills, but then that is relying on the HUMAN MIND to heal, through BELIEF, in something…which is not GOD or DIVINE MIND. the idea is of course to take this mental healing a step farther and rely on DIVINE SPIRIT for healng, based on our UNDERSTANDING or our relationship to the ONE MIND , also known as GOD. well thats my 2 cents. Darn good article basically.

    I really liked the post a few months ago about how you talked bout how studies have shown that our GENES can change, due to our mental state or something. Anywho the main ideas was that are genes could change, they are not written in stone, and if you can uplift your consciousness, then your condition [as manifested in your physical health], could change.

    ok thats my 3 cents.
    pls talk amongst yourselves….;)

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