Month: October 2010

Racists harm themselves

October 12, 2010 | No comments yet

I was sent a link to an article with an interesting message to consider. Barbara Page-Gould, the author, points out in her piece titled, “Warning: Racism is bad for your health,” that the targets of racism aren’t the only ones

Amazing video

October 11, 2010 | 4 comments

In this wide world of billions of people, individuals with unique talents and capacities keep popping up everywhere. Lunga is one of them. In one way, what Lunga does in the below video hearkens back to the day of circus

Our loved ones are in heaven

October 8, 2010 | 14 comments

I conducted a Celebration of Life service for a dear relative last Saturday. He lived to a ripe 90 years old, and there was no reason to be sad about his departure. He lived a good life and made his

God did not create a tree of good and evil

October 7, 2010 | 7 comments

One of the most significant contributions Christian Science makes to accurate theology is its explanation that Genesis chapter one spells out a spiritual account of creation, and Genesis two, starting with verse 6, is a myth written to explain the

The pruning love requires

October 6, 2010 | 2 comments

From a reader with an inspired view to share… Dear Evan, Because I have so enjoyed your postings, and have shared some of them with patients and family members and friends, I thought I would share with you an inspiration that