Amazing video

October 11, 2010 | 4 comments

In this wide world of billions of people, individuals with unique talents and capacities keep popping up everywhere. Lunga is one of them.

In one way, what Lunga does in the below video hearkens back to the day of circus shows with freak acts, but when you watch Lunga, she is such a beautiful person, that it’s about impossible to think of her in that way.

Perhaps her athletic capacities simply illustrate how limited our concept is of what humans are capable of when thought is stretched to new dimensions.

Watch for yourself…

“Divest yourself of the thought that there can be substance in matter, and the movements and transitions now possible for mortal mind will be found to be equally possible for the body.” Mary Baker Eddy

4 thoughts on “Amazing video”

  1. Her demonstration shows we only limit ourselves by our thought. Clearly, there is no basis in law so far as our common thinking goes concerning what is and is not possible in body– laws beyond which we believe we cannot go. . Our sense driven mind tells us there are such boundaries, but the actuality is that they are illusory. Gods immutable “boundaries” are all that exist, and in CS it comes to our understanding that they are not limiting boundaries at all, rather they are infinitely “limitless.” Unbounded love and possibilities may be hard to envision or describe in words, as may be the Truth of limitless joy, eternal life, or even loving all our neighbors… But these loving, immutable laws of Spirit all spring from the “Cheery O’s” in God’s bowl of sustaining infinite manna, the O’s of Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience, our cereal of Life.

  2. Woe! What!? Anaconda Girl has no bones!

    Man is not matter; [she] is not made of brain, blood, “bones” and other material things.”

    Man can do more once material limitations are overcome by spiritual sense. G

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