Month: January 2014

Take Responsibility

January 13, 2014 | 6 comments

We are in an age of absolving responsibility for thought. Legions of scientists seek cause and effect in the physical body. They attribute absolute mind-power to the brain, creative power to DNA, and control over life to the heart, lungs

Rejoicing in Real Substance

January 10, 2014 | 6 comments

The best things in life are not discerned with the physical senses. It’s the substance of Spirit that brings trustworthy joy, deep-rooted peace, fulfilling love and life worth living. People often think that they need something material to feel happy

God is Here

January 8, 2014 | 7 comments

Some people get feeling hopeless and despondent about dismal circumstances in their life and wonder, “Where is God?” The query arises from an ignorance of God. God is everywhere. But God is not in matter. God is Spirit! This is