Month: March 2018

Live in abundance

March 9, 2018 | 9 comments

So, where is your thinking today? Is it in the realm of abundance or shortage? You can choose to live in abundance. God is abundance—abundant wisdom, intelligence, wisdom, creativity, resources, capacity, ability, health, wealth and riches. God has everything needed

An empowering attitude

March 8, 2018 | 19 comments

“Always be humble and gentle.” ~ Ephesians, 4:2, NLT Humility and gentleness go a long way in maintaining healthy happy relationships. Humility allows the presence of divine Love to come into our relationships with others, and gentleness provides opportunity for

Seeks the sweets of Truth

March 5, 2018 | 18 comments

Interestingly, every few months or so, I have a conversation with someone struggling with food and weight issues make a statement like, “I had someone tell me that food is just matter, and matter isn’t real, so I can eat