Expect gain, not loss

January 24, 2020 | 13 comments

If you’re ever tempted to believe that what you do results in lack or loss, you can turn that scenario around with the truth that everything God inspires you to do is going to result in gain.

And by “gain,” I’m talking about positive effects, forward movement, productive activity, health, wise and inspired action, and profitable outcomes.

Everything God does results in a positive gain of some kind, otherwise, there’s no point in the activity. God does not engage in pointless activity. God acts for a reason, and the reason is always to cause something good to happen.

When we act on God’s nod of approval, we’re going to see something positive and good happen. It’s the law of cause and effect.

Refuse to accept lack in your life. Your Life is in God, and it is full—full of intelligence, worth, value, substance, and inspiration that takes you to good places.

Acting on the spiritual resources God provides, leads to human needs met. The only loss one might experience is loss of fear, false belief, limited points of view, suffering and ignorance of God. But those are healthy losses!

Let God take the lead. Act as God acts, for a significant spiritual reason, and the outcome will be gain of something precious that takes you to a better place.

Everything God is involved with leads to gain that blesses.

13 thoughts on “Expect gain, not loss”

  1. “Acting on the spiritual resources God provides, leads to human needs met. The only loss one might experience is loss of fear, false belief, limited points of view, suffering and ignorance of God. But those are healthy losses!’ …. instant healing. Thank you Evan. Been treading water for 3 years now, working on a big project with seemingly no progress, and wondering IF I was doing the right thing. Of course God is the “only” do-er. Just letting go and opening my eyes. Expectation speeding my progress.

  2. This is just the inspiration I needed! I was feeling down about a project I was working on that seemed to be very frustrating and not going well. Going to tackle it again with this fresh thought. Thank you!

  3. This message is such a perfect message. I felt as if everything in my life had been destroyed but it has not. The things that appeared to be destroyed might evolve into something else that God is making.

  4. “God acts for a reason, and the reason is always to cause something good to happen”.
    What a fresh way of describing what God does for man. Thanks, Evan.

  5. Thank you and all who commented for this very timely post. It is very helpful in working with long term relationships, as well, especially when they don’t turn out to have the happy endings we had hoped. Disappointment and sorrow are always difficult to face, but, most especially when they involve those we once deeply loved. Knowing
    She is in charge, even when we don’t understand the how’s or whys of the situation, is helpful in strengthening our trust that “God acts for a reason, and the reason is always to cause something good to happen.” It’s very comforting and brings reassurance to move forward a little more each day. Have a blessed day, one and all who read this!

  6. Understanding abundance with no end and the fact that God understands our need before we ask is something I need to practice again and again. I have seen the fruits many times. I look forward to the next demonstration. thank

  7. Thanks Evan, “God acts for a reason and inspires me to respond, always making something good to happen for me”; I truly resonate with this reality of Life. Today, my wonderful friend and I had a moment of pause from dancing as we felt satisfied at how much we have progressed, dissolved resistance to take on the challenging routines, but most of all we enjoyed ourselves in this renewal hours where our childlike joy of younger days feeling carefree and indulging in those amazing songs we used to love and of course our adventures in romancing and stuff we did then that we realised we are actually doing now but in a different setting. Yes Divine Life includes timeless joy for all times unfolding it’s priceless Priviledges and Benefits , that we know what our completeness in Love and happiness is.

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