Depend on God for the best results

June 18, 2021 | 11 comments

Do you ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels and going no place? Perhaps it’s time to depend more on God, and less on self.

The all-knowing Mind of God always has a solution that brings resolution. Listen, watch, and pray, and the needed insight will come.

“God, the Master, The Holy of Israel, has this solemn counsel:
“Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me …” (Isaiah 30:15, The Message)

11 thoughts on “Depend on God for the best results”

  1. Just what I needed today! Thank you, Evan, for this wonderful reminder to turn wholeheartedly to God. As it says in hymn 359-“Trust the Eternal…”

  2. And.. the lesson this week explains also the benefit of choosing God as the path to Life bountiful and everlasting.
    ‘When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears them and delivers them out of their troubles.’ Ps 34.v17.
    Thank you Evan…you keep us re-evaluating spiritually.❣️

  3. So glad to see Spiritview back up and running! It was a good lesson in trusting in the continual flow of good when the blog we love seemed to be missing yesterday and this morning.

    I loved, “depend more on God and less on self.” Good advice. I laughed when I read, “stop your silly efforts to save yourselves.” Funny because it’s so true how we get very serious in striving and and thinking that we as a “self” can do anything without leaning on God. It’s all about humility and trust in the One who is trustworthy. Thank you very much for this.

  4. Oh dear Evan, it couldn’t be more true what you give us with this SpiritView up here.
    And I love this wonderful Bible vers from The Message, to turn wholly to God, listening, watching and praying and following God’s loving, healing, blessing guidance! Am very very grateful, Evan you always are giving us such a loving, supporting and healing spiritual push and advices into a successful day with God!

  5. Thank you Evan and all whose ideas expressing abundantly the support for Spirit View.
    I shall be at peace. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

    1. Bless you Angie for sharing articles. This is very helpful for me …clarifying some thoughts and study I am currently focusing on. ❣️

  6. Thank you Evan – I have not received yet this issue of Spiritview – I had to come to your site to get it — appreciate you and your blog.

  7. Thank you Evan for this reminder as a lot of us are wondering how we can possibly depend on our corrupt government for anything any longer. This message has brought me such hope and a sense of peace that was missing from my life today.

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