Keep moving down the path of spiritual progress

August 17, 2021 | 19 comments

It is impossible to steer a parked car.

If you want to go somewhere, you must keep your vehicle moving.

Don’t let your “car,” or thinking, get parked in material sense. Keep it moving with spiritual sense, and you’ll get somewhere progressive.

19 thoughts on “Keep moving down the path of spiritual progress”

  1. What a great analogy, I love it! It’s so easy to let one’s mental car grind to a halt … and yes I keep ‘mine’ moving by regularly reading spiritual material like the Lesson, or listening to CS articles, podcasts, etc.

  2. “Shepherd , show me where to go”, – not where to stop! There is no stopping in God, only the constant flow of Love, Mind, fulfilling the infinite never ending glory of I AM THAT I AM

    1. “Upheld by Love
      I soar so free

      What guideth me?
      God’s thoughts of me
      God’s thought IS me!”

      Times and times and times…thank you again, Ken.

  3. LIFE is Movement says Christian Science. There is no stillstand in divine Life, which is the only Life. And if I sit still I am moving in spiritual consciousness while praying, when studying the lesson, preparing a Wed reading. But also churchwork brings us lots of blessings and needed healing and spiritual progress. Such progress is what Evan surely means.
    Thank you deeply for your loving awakening with this SpiritView blog, dear Evan!
    This SpiritView blog brings blessings and healing also through the inspired comments and wonderful links to suitable and valuable CS articles. Am grateful to you all – thanks a lot!!!♡

  4. There was a monastery where monks were tasked with the challenge of not thinking. The experiment payed off. They couldn’t stop thinking no matter how much they meditated.
    I only heard of this when speaking to a brother about everlasting Life. The whole point is that as spiritual beings we are always reflecting spiritual thoughts. They drive us where we love to go.
    When are those thoughts in need of purification? When the physical so called senses suggest anything unlike God and His idea. Then our vehicle is headed in the wrong direction.
    “Daily watch and pray to be delivered from all evil.”
    I love this daily forum. Uplifting and blessing. Thank you for this morning’s prayer.
    This forum is never left in obscurity. Days later, months later and more, applicable truths are always available. Thank you for this modern revelation.

    1. David, it is an excellent point you make that days or months or more later, the wisdom that is shared here on SpiritView is available for us to return to, what a blessing. Thank you so much Evan, for not only the daily treatments but for the archives that are there for us, full of spiritual power.

      On that note I want to thank Susan A and Maggie for comments from yesterday’s Spiritview, I did leave replies to them this morning, but in case they don’t go back and read them I am grateful for their sharing on the power of seeing others as they truly are and on how the words safe and protection may have a hidden false implication of something in God’s universe that is unsafe or that we need to be protected from. Very helpful to me.

      With you all today on the “path of spiritual progress.”

  5. As we journey our path of Life, “He knows the angels that you need and sends them to your side to comfort, guard and guide.” To comfort us and assure us that when the road gets bumpy, He will always be at our side. To guard us and protect us from any evil hazards along our way. And to guide us to Him.. Thank you Evan and and to all in the SpiritView community. Hugs, Jim

  6. When we were kids, my best girlfriend and I used to love to sit behind the wheel of my parents’ car and pretend we were driving. One day a man motored by in a hurry and we honked at him and hollered, “Why doin’t you look where you’re going”!!! Well, he stopped about 50 fieet away and slowly back his car up to us. We were scared, but so thrilled that he BELIEVED we were real drivers. In the end, he just hollered something back and barreled on down the street. Thank you for this clever reminder .

    1. What a vivid and hilarious picture you painted today, loved the humor you brought to “keep moving” in thought and action. While this period called “pandemic” has inspired me to keep moving, with no break between since the beginning, the humor you provided has me realizing, where I’m going has to be more spiritual.
      What a joy to spread the good around through thoughtful, more spiritual thinking.
      Keep the humor coming.

  7. Evan, your poignant words are an uplifting incentive to seek the road less traveled that leads us to mental clarity and spiritual illumination. As Rose points out, we are all travelers on the road of spiritual progress. We are steering through the mazes of mortal beliefs. Christian Science is a powerful fog light which enables us to clearly see our ultimate goal, and to enjoy our trip along the way! Sooo grateful for you all.

    1. Love the analogy of a powerful fog light Linda! Thanks Evan and great comments everyone. And thank you Angie for the article.

  8. Hi Evan,
    I actually LOL … with your starting comment!!! wOw!
    Thank you!! what’a image I’ll remember 🙂

  9. The same is true when you are sailing – if your boat has no wind in its sails then it is impossible to move . Great analogy Evan – a good wake up call! To keep moving forward spiritually

  10. Hello Evan….sometimes the most obvious things make us think more deeply …your post today has done this for me. Thank you for today’s thought and everyday of course. You get us ‘in gear’ for spiritual enlightenment . So happy to make this journey and enjoy all the SV contributions along the way.❣️

  11. Appreciate the reminder that words don’t teach, only experience, as I recall how Dad taught me to drive by sitting in the passenger seat and letting me think and feel the experience at the wheel. Understanding and wisdom grew from “being” – not simply listening or reading!

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