Find your peace with God

June 26, 2024 | 13 comments

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

– John Piper

13 thoughts on “Find your peace with God”

  1. Thank-you for this inspiration! I am teaching a workshop today and am up early, asking myself prayerfully how I can best glorify God in the painting demonstration I give to the participants. I am striving to let go of my own self and to give, love, and listen unselfishly. My prayer is for the day to be an inspirational, happy and productive one where everyone learns, not ego-driven but God-centered.

  2. One way to be “most satisfied in Him,” is to look and see all the good that is around us and filling us. Bask in the warmth of it. I heard that term to ‘bask’ in it on a recent Daily Lift and that idea keeps returning to me. Bask means: to warm oneself pleasantly, as in the sunlight; to enjoy a warm or pleasant feeling from being in a certain environment or situation.

    I also thought of the line from Hymn 134, “Embosomed deep in Thy dear love, Held in Thy law I stand. Thy hand in all things I behold, and all things in Thy hand.”

  3. What a spectacular message today and such a beautiful, peaceful view corresponding!
    A wonderful way to start the day. Thank you!! God has created such a lovely world
    and we are so blessed to be part of it. I love the hymn you shared, dear Rose and I
    also loved the reflecting page Hymn #133, which also goes along so well with today’s
    topic, ” God is most glorified in us when we are satisfied in Him”… This hymn reads,

    “I cannot always trace the way Where Thou, Almighty One, dost move;
    But I can always, always say That God is Love, that God is Love.
    When mystery clouds my darkened path, I conquer dread and doubts reprove;
    In this my heart sweet comfort hath, That God is Love, That God is Love.
    Yes, God is Love: a thought like this Can every gloomy thought remove,
    And turn all tears, all woes, to bliss, For God is Love, For God is Love.”

    What a Beautiful reflection of Love reflecting Love!

    1. Carol I love that line that states that knowing God is Love “can every gloomy thought remove, and turn all tears, all woes to bliss.” I love the word Bliss, it takes me to the feeling of absolute, undiluted Joy, the Bliss of Being that I believe is our true nature.

      1. Thank you so much, Rose, for these gentle words of Truth. Mrs. Eddy’s
        Hymn #160 .. Satisfied, is also so inspiring and blissful…

        “It matters not what be thy lot, So Love doth guide;
        For storm or shine, pure peace is thine, What-e’er be tide …
        Aye, darkling sense, arise, go hence! Our God is good
        False fears are foes – truth tatters those, When understood…
        The centuries break, the earth-bound wake, God’s Glorified!
        Who doth His will – His likeness still – Is Satisfied.”

  4. This morning’s post brought hymn 81 to mind:

    God is with me, and His presence
    Shall my perfect guidance be,
    Till my heart that peace inherit
    God alone can give to me.
    His all-power
    Helps and heals, and sets me free.

    I’m so grateful for this platform of love and encouragement that lifts my heart every day.

  5. In quiet contemplation we are indeed so blessed to understand that we are the effect of divine Loves perfect creation, Gods law as explored and explained in Christian Science.
    I love the picture today…the reflection being as perfect as the original.
    Romans 12;2.
    “Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God.”
    Thank you for the continual inspiring focus Evan. And thank you Martine for the link to the Journal article.❣️

    1. Dear Barbara,

      I thank you for the just right sentiment, “blessed to understand, that we are the effect of divine LOVE’S perfect creation.” Facing a city bill, due for the water our church used, by a certain deadline, but the amount due seems incorrect, grossly inflated and not our responsibility to pay it. We live in a desert, so the inflated amount due is exponentially over the top. As the member signing the payment check, a conclusion was presented that the amount due on the bill would need to be addressed, before we pay the bill. That falls to me volunteering to seek a correction at the local City Hall where the bill is be paid. I write to you that my world needs to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, that the bill be corrected before it is overdue, adding more penalty fees to the amount due.
      Your message today helps me renew how I will approach the utility department so that there will be a renewed transformation of proving what is 1. good and 2. well-pleasing, as well as the “perfect will of God.” Truthful, correct, and submitted on time.

      1. Dear chilesands
        Just seen your reply glad my post has helped focus your thought and trust the right result will occur. We are so blessed with our SV family. B.x

  6. This beautiful setting in the photo above reminds me of Miscellany Pg 150 in Prose
    Works, where Mrs. Eddy writes so expressively,

    “Stand by the limpid lake, sleeping amid willowy banks dyed with emerald. See
    therein the mirrored sky and the moon ablaze with her mild glory. This will stir
    your heart. Then, in speechless prayer, ask God to enable you to reflect God, to
    become His own image and likeness, even the calm, clear, radiant reflection of
    Christ’s glory … ” So Lovely!

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