Stay fully employed

June 28, 2024 | 20 comments

Employment is all about demonstrating usefulness, value and worth.  

If a company eliminates your job, they haven’t eliminated your employment.  Your employment is still the same:  using each day as an opportunity to demonstrate usefulness, value, and worth.

If one company doesn’t appreciate, or need, what you have to offer, another one will.  

“In my Father’s house are many rooms,” (John 14:2, RSV) Jesus Christ said.  

Our “Father’s house” includes the whole working world.  

There is room, a place, for everyone.  

Keep your eyes wide open to see where you are headed next.  Where can you prove usefulness, value and worth?  

A new opportunity awaits you.  It’s already been prepared.  The one Mind leads you to it.

20 thoughts on “Stay fully employed”

  1. Thanks Evan:
    it’s good to know what Father-mother God has provided for you. wether a job or anything else. cannot be taken away.

  2. From my experiences over the years of losing several well-paid occupations to computer tech., I found that every single time, what originally appeared as an absolute disaster would miraculously turn into a literal turning point…and each time I had to “re-invent” myself and try something completely new, it turned out to be progress! Progress in learning, honing new skills very easily, meeting wonderful new people and sometimes, being paid the same wage but for one day a week less! I had to constantly trust in what I could not see. I found I could always totally trust in the invisible God, Spirit …. so so present. Where no money was visible in the bank, suddenly a forgotten overdue payment arrived, and several times the client offered to pay me cash up front …just in time to pay my rent. Where no client meetings were in my diary and only $23 to my name a completely unknown new person (to me) called with continuous work for the next 5 years. When I had no idea how to do a new task in for a housing company…a new friend called offering help by actually doing the part I didn’t know how to do. When I needed someone to talk to, the right person was right there. God has always “pulled out of the proverbial hat” !!! what I needed when in dire circumstances. When I found myself with few belongings and no furniture during a difficult divorce, people appeared in the most amazing ways with everything I needed, This went on for about 20 years as many hard situations re employment, finances and housing were supplied in many miraculous ways …and all through just TRUSTING that God has “many mansions”, and “infinite resources with which to bless mankind” and a solution to every problem. And I learnt so much from all of those times. The THINGS were needed but the experience was worth more.

    1. Similar experiences have proven to me that God’s love, care, guidance, direction–timely unfoldment by trusting God–have unfolded for me as well. Thank you for your testimony which, shared here, inspires and uplifts any of us who read it.

  3. Thanks so much! What you just shared sparked a timely re-minder I needed – what’s true for one is equally true for each and all. You now have me going about this morning mentally enjoying a revised version of the song “Anything you can do, I can do .” (with apologies to Irving Berlin and “Annie Get Your Gun”) You are indeed very gainfully employed today – and you get to work from “home”. I’ll stop here….

  4. Yes! Mrs. Eddy says “Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals”. (13:2) That means what’s true for one, is true for us all! What a wonderful promise to rejoice in 🙂

  5. That’s so very true Evan. Years back my brother, a Civil Engineer, very intelligent, who stood first in his college and third in the whole of Maharashtra in his Civil Engineering Exam was fired from his job for no reason. He was literally in tears. We all encouraged him saying brother you are a genius you will get many jobs. Right enough he applied and got replies from two very good Companies ACC (Associated Cement Company) and Godrej. Both wanted to employ him. He joined Godrej and there was no turning back.
    He got many promotions in Godrej and was much appreciated for his good work.
    God is very kind. If he closes one door he opens 100 doors. And “All things work together for good to them that love God.”
    Thanks Evan…yes God makes a radiant room for all His children and no one is left out.

  6. “Awake from illusions and be free” by Robert R. MacKusick:

    Thank you Evan and all. My gratitude list includes wonderful employment. Sometimes through no fault of our own we experience layoffs, company buy outs, etc., and it can be easy to let fear distract us. But when we get ourselves out of the way, and focus instead on trusting God’s care completely and surrender and yield to Him alone, I have found employment unfold in amazing ways that I never could have imagined. Our true employment is to express and glorify God. So grateful!

  7. Being employed by God is really the greatest reward, no matter what we are
    doing. The world desperately needs our prayers and That is a full time job. I, like
    Diane W – have always had just enough to fulfill all of my needs, even though at the
    time, things may have seemed bleak. But things always worked out, literally. There
    was a time when (shared) customers were a threat to be taken away from me, along
    with everything else, through vindictiveness (error’s supposed hold on someone trying
    to take away the Good that God provides). But with perseverance and God at my side –
    one with God is a majority, God saw me through every step of the way, as always
    when we turn to this ever present help in need. God provides and we are all blessed …
    now and always.

  8. After working for a large bank for 18 years, my hours were cut back and at first I cried about it because I needed the money to pay bills. But it was truly a blessing, because I was able to go back to college, learn a new skill, get a new job, and later become self-employed. God led me through every step to a new career. I always had everything I needed through all these transitions.

  9. I often turn to MW 118:24-28 when error seems to whisper, mumble or shout about current conditions and have regained my footing in Truth. Thank you, Evan., Everyone is needed, useful and provided for in divine Mind.

  10. Thank you, Evan. This is very helpful as my husband seems to have challenges in this area. I see him expressing much usefulness, value, and worth but receiving money seems to be a missing element. He’s a good man with many talents and I know that there must be fruitage. Meanwhile I seem to attract money wherever I go.

  11. Thank you Evan for this wonderful reminder I too have had so many wonderful demonstrations of supply and direction that result in employment, opportunities to give and learn, being useful, adding value and receiving all our family needs. And I’m in the middle of demonstrating this again right now!

    I found this talk that was originally on and is now in the archives yesterday and just loved it! Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, dear DKM. What a pleasant surprise to find this wonderful talk on a
      Saturday morning! It has so many inspiring thoughts to “Work” on. Sometimes
      we are not sure exactly What we are supposed to be doing .. and this helps guide us
      into our right direction…In doing for Others, we may seem wanting what their needs
      are, and we may misinterpret, but going about our Father’s/God’s business is always
      our rightful employment. In the talk, I particularly liked where Mr. Salt mentioned about
      not worrying about “what is someone else thinking of what I am doing?” I have had
      customers in the past who had no clue all that went into making their places the way
      they enjoyed them. Some were unappreciative, some were very appreciative. But
      satisfaction of doing my/our best is what our goal should be and was at the time,
      even if the “pay” wasn’t that much. Being “retired” now and enjoying our own home
      of God’s creation, wherever that is – is a value that can not be measured. We are
      blessed in ways that may not seem to be evident right now, but in God’s time, we
      are always in perfect harmony with the One Mind of Truth and Love.

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