23 thoughts on “Love one another”

  1. So simple I love it! That’s what Jesus advised Thank you Evan ! And the past Bible Lesson was LOVE!❤️

  2. Thank you Evan;
    There can be no animosity in Love.
    why? because “Love” is of God.
    Today is my husband ‘s earth strong day.

  3. Love this!! Hymn #179 came right to mind. A perfect example …

    “Love one another, – word of revelation; Love frees from error’s thrall – Love is liberation.
    Love’s way the Master trod; He that loves shall walk with God. Love is the royal way.
    Love knows no evil, neither shade of sadness; Love casts out every fear, lifts the heart to gladness.
    Love heals our every ill, All the law does love fulfill…Love is our answered prayer.
    Love now is dawning over every nation; Showing true brotherhood, publishing salvation,
    Love bids all discord cease, Conquering hate, enthroning peace, Love, Love alone is power.”

    Love sure is what the world needs these days! Thank you Evan and all who share
    this Love today!!

    1. Thanks Carol, the words of the hymn are lovely. Sometimes when we say things like, “Love is now dawning over every nation…” we might look out at the material world and it seems to be just the opposite; that we are just engaging in wishful thinking. But that is the mortal narrow limited view. There is great power for Good in understanding and declaring and claiming the greater spiritual Truths. This has positive effects that go forth even though the effects may be unknown to us.

    2. Thank you for your responses, dear Barbara and Rose. I know what you
      mean Rose, about the world seeming to be anything but- “with Love dawning
      over every nation”. It Appears so much with chaos and warring ideas, belligerence,
      control issues, lies, corruption, cover-ups and just anything But peace and harmony.
      All of this does need our prayers, but as you wrote,… however, “There Is great power
      for Good in understanding and declaring and claiming the greater spiritual Truths”.
      We have to try to be so aware of the devilish untruths that try to sneak in and try to
      be in charge, trying to create war/disharmony, instead of Peace. With God, Truth,
      one is a majority, no matter what Seems to be trying it’s best to dominate mankind and womankind into accepting anything unloving or unkind and often un-true.

      1. Thank you J. I know that it has become harder to find articles and resources that can fully open and be read by all, so I appreciate the extra time and effort you put in to locate share these with us on SV. That is a loving act ❤️

        1. Thank you for your kind words Rose. 🙂 You are absolutely right that there is a lack of fully openable articles…I wish even a few articles were made available online, especially for those just wanting to explore Christian Science. Online is a great way of reaching people.

          1. Our branch church used to distribute much literature. Imagine someone just wanting to get to know what Christian Science is, having an entire issue of the Sentinel or Journal in hand. That’s how it used to be. Now, they are invited to read one article a month online. Our branch is closed. No more literature distribution. We need more literature available online to make up for this. Why is the offering online so stingy? People are not going to sign up and pay for what they do not understand. And the greyed out articles are unfriendly. Thanks J. You have a little sub-ministry here to Evan’s main offering that enriches it tremendously.

          2. Hi Kay, I’m not able to reply directly to you, (no more reply button) so I hope you see this… I’ve reached out to various people to express these same exact concerns. Basically, I was told that Mrs. Eddy wanted her church to be profitable. I get that. But to remain profitable and proliferate Christian Science you’re going to reach people online. Reading rooms have very limited hours, especially for those that work.

  4. I am SO very grateful for the love expressed here!! It truly is a heavenly gift. It is
    love reflecting Love and is the divine Love that meets every human need.
    Thank you for the wonderfully loving articles, J . It was particularly interesting in
    the thoughts on depression that Elise mentions about those who seemingly have
    so little (Nigeria) are happier than those who have so much – materialism. Materialism
    does not really make us happy … only spiritualism does. I also like how she goes into
    how we have our Divine identity. In a world that seems so focussed on other types of
    identity – race, financial, social … everything that would Divide us, rather than unify,
    the identity of being One with God certainly transcends and surpasses false beliefs of
    our gender or ethnicity or anything that would belittle, take away or… embellish who
    we Really are.
    I love, too, where she writes about digging ourselves out of a hole that materiality’s
    limitation seem to put us in. The saying goes, “The best way to get out of a hole is to stop
    digging”. When we dig ourselves deeper into materialism, it is harder to get ourselves
    out of that way of thinking. Love helps us experience what is really important … True Love.
    : )

    1. * Note: Please see Maggie’s comment about the word spiritualism I had incorrectly used.
      Thank you, Maggie, for pointing that out!

  5. Dear Angel – I love all your input, and I understand what you are saying here,
    but I think your fingers got carried away when you said that “only spiritualism makes us happy”
    As I am sure you know, one definition of spiritualism is the belief that spirits of the dead can communicate with the living. I think you meant to just put that only Spirit and all
    things spiritual can make us happy. Mrs. Eddy speaks a lot about spiritualism in her
    writings. In fact there is a chapter in Science & Health, chapter 4, titled “Christian Science
    versus spiritualism. I hope you don’t mind me mentioning this, but I felt it was important
    to mention for others who might not have so much understanding of Christian Science.
    All the love expressed and shared here is really Christian and very helpful, particularly
    when one is dealing with a severe problem. Divine Love, and all that is spiritual and
    good that is expressed, can help to lift us all out of that hole we sometimes seem to be in!

    1. Oh, dear Maggie – Thank you so much for catching what I had written and what I
      had really meant!! I’m so glad you pointed that out and what you wrote is exactly
      what I had meant. I meant Spiritual thinking – the way of our true being – the way
      Spirit/God sees us, not as the way material more mortal ways of thinking tries to
      portray us. I was meaning to compare material (temporary) – ism with
      Spiritual happiness (everlasting qualities like joy, compassion, lovingkindness, thoughtfulness,
      etc. and the word spiritual – ism came out of that, but you are absolutely correct and
      I appreciate your gentle correction so very much!
      I also meant when I wrote about gender and ethnicity, that our true spiritual
      identities are children of our Father/Mother God, of which we derive these God-given
      qualities that exist throughout eternity.

  6. That’s great, Angel. I think it was because you put it as the opposite of materialism and
    it just popped out! I love what you say about gender and ethnicity – all those material
    views about our true spiritual being as all being God’s dear children. As you say, they
    would have us divided, and instead of love, we have conflicting beliefs that would
    obviously divide us – but only in belief, of course. Loving one another as all having
    one Father is the sovereign panacea, isn’t it. With love to you. and all this
    spiritual family. xx

    1. Hi Lori. The print shows up nice and large if you have a laptop, but if you’re using your phone try this:
      – Go to the article and open it.
      – Then simply place two fingers on the article and spread your fingers apart to enlarge it.
      – You can also turn your phone sideways to elongate the article, then spread your fingers apart to enlarge it.
      I hope this works for you.

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