Be a spiritual visionary

September 23, 2024 | 17 comments

John Scully, an American businessman, said, “The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.”  While the logic of this rule is obvious for companies seeking the next innovation that will take off in the business world, it’s a rule that applies to spiritual healing too.

To heal, we must see past the problem before us to the possibilities of Life in Spirit.  These possibilities are not obvious to material sense, for material sense is ignorant of Spirit.  

For success, we must see past material sense.  We must look to the realm of the infinite!  

Be a spiritual visionary!  See what is possible with God long before material sense has any hint of it.  That’s when amazing things happen.

17 thoughts on “Be a spiritual visionary”

  1. Thank you for this beautifully illustrated (photographed) message! This week leading up to our Branch church’s Christian Science Lecture is brimming with hope and promise. What a privilege to think of being included “with God long before material sense has any hint of”…..”what is possible”….
    Life in Spirit is so wonderful and spiritual reality so deserving of our attention.

    1. Rhonda, great to hear of your church’s upcoming lecture. Your joy comes through in your comment. If the lecture is being shown online as well as in person, or if it’s being taped, perhaps you can share a link here. Thanks very much.

      1. Thank you again Evan. Rhondda I agree with you about the message in the photo and have to admit I didn’t get the whole message until I spotted the child. holding the little light. Holding good and promising thoughts for your upcoming lecture. All is possible with God. Love expressing Love.

  2. Thank you Evan.
    Seeing through the lens of Spirit is God’s intention for all. Spiritual man, the only man, can do know other, he is, we are God’s vision, God’s seeing.
    So beautifully illustrated. Thank you.

  3. “To heal, we must see past the problem before us to the possibilities of Life in Spirit.”
    Thank you Evan and all for each day dedication in Spirit, to see that real Possibility.
    Blessings to all!

  4. where did you find this nice illustration Evan?
    The idea to work with boosts the thoughts ive hadrecently so great snd thanks for all the ideas you present!

  5. I love the beauty and inspiration in this!! Thank you! It reminds me of a cavern nearby
    where darkness is illuminated by colorful lights. What would be cold and gloomy and
    dismal comes alive with a spark of luminescence and enlightenment that radiates spirit
    above the shadow of matter, like God’s Love warms Spirit into our lives with a glow of
    colors like in a kaleidoscope of our spiritual being. It awakens mortal belief into a more
    perfect realm … Today would have been a day of celebration for a dear friend who has
    passed into this spiritual realm, but her presence in Spirit has not changed and this
    expression of eternality has been very helpful and is so much appreciated.

      1. Awww, Thank you dear Rose. What a sweet message. My friend and
        I had been “lifelong” friends and had always shared each other’s challenges
        and triumphs, but knowing that Love is eternal is very comforting and
        can spiritually feel her presence, which is so lovely.

  6. “As I turned to God in prayer, my answer came: It wasn’t that the supply those people needed increased; it’s that the supply wasn’t limited in the first place. The supply wasn’t in matter; it was in Spirit. Jesus knew this, and he was able to reveal it to everyone.” Excerpt from:
    “Understanding God’s limitless supply” By Jane Keogh (Christian Science Sentinel, October 17, 2014):

  7. if there was nothing beyond material sense, we would be trapped within our own perception. Fortunately that is not the case. There is something beyond material sense and we experience it everyday. That fact only needs to be recognized to be accepted.

  8. Thank for this insight, Evan.

    I admit that this has stirred an awareness that there is work for me to do on this topic as there is not an instant resonance on some level with what you presented.

    Intellectually I can see the concept, and in this week’s Bible Lesson, is the passage S&H 505:26 there is a cautionary note regarding intellect :

    “This understanding is not intellectual, is not the result of scholarly attainments; it is the reality of all things brought to light.”

    Which I view as very informative. I may not be as clear as I wish, in conveying this position, but in summary, I am thankful for having a light shone on a truth which I know I can grasp. In short, I am sharing part of my journey in this realm that has been so well revealed by Mary Baker Eddy.

  9. Thanks Evanfor all your wonderful and spiritual insights in God’s provision. All His
    supplies are unlimited..
    Help me Father-Mother to contiue to see myself in your reflection each day.

  10. Evan says, “Be a spiritual visionary.” To me that means turning our vision fully to God, to see what He will show us/tell us about any circumstance. This can seem very hard to do at times, to pull our attention away from analyzing the “problem.” It seems hard because error is telling us it is hard. It’s probably the most natural thing in the world to turn for help to our Father-Mother God.

    Mortal mind sees us as a material body, It does not see our true, full majesty as God’s reflected spiritual Being, so anything it says about us is wrong from the start. It has no clue. Evan I love the encouraging way you closed you message — when we begin inquiring into what is possible with God, is when amazing things happen.

  11. I had a wonderful bit of news this morning. My first thought was thank you God. One of my favorite sayings is “ I love to work with God, but best of all I love to watch God work.” I’m so grateful to God for each and every blessing.!

  12. MBE says: “The lens of Science magnifies the divine power to human sight; and we then see the allness of Spirit, therefore the nothingness of matter.” (Message ’01’)

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