God hears your prayers

September 24, 2024 | 25 comments

When you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.

~ Jeremiah 29:12, NRSV

Sometimes the answer you seek is not the answer God gives, but there is always a divine supply coming your way to move you down a path of progress.

When you seek God’s help, God’s help comes.  God hears your prayers.

25 thoughts on “God hears your prayers”

  1. Thank you, Evan.!! Yes, God hears our prayers . I will never forget at a difficult time I was walking along the beach at Dawn and asking God if He heard my prayers and the next wave brought to my feet a half a dozen long stem red roses with baby breath. . oh father, thank you for sending me flowers. It was an incredible moment.. i dried them snd still hsve them

    1. Such lovely words of inspiration this morning!! And dear Dottie, the wave
      of your tuning in to God’s Love, sending you the beautiful flowers is so
      beautiful and touching. I love “signs” like that – letting us know that we
      Are heard by God. This morning there were a lot of little rainbows on
      the walls from a prism in the window, reflecting the sun’s light and beauty.
      This was a sign I cherished and confirmed God hearing our prayers … Lovely.

  2. I love the reassurance that God hears our prayers.

    Sometimes though, the language seems confusing, because it sounds like we are praying to something separate from us who we hope (we know) will hear us. We then read things like, “I and my Father are One,” and “There is no separation between God and His child.”

    If I and my Father-Mother are One and there is no separation, then maybe it’s not so much that we are praying to something outside and separate from us, but just aligning thought with the One Mind, God (which is our only Mind) and then feeling that peace and seeing Truth manifesting in our lives. Perhaps I am just getting caught up in semantics. Any thoughts?

    1. Dear Rose, you are right when you say, prayer is aligning thought with the One Mind, God, being our Mind. I also understand praying to God is opening our heart to God’s guidance, Love, Healing, endless Goodness. When we pray and listen, we open our thought to God’s answers we want and need; that does not mean we could be separated from God, oh no, not at all!

      I had a bit similar experience to Dottie’s. I made holiday in Jesolo near Venice. One evening I stood alone at the sea shore watching the sunset, and a love from God for His beauty reached my heart. I prayed thankfully for God’s immesurable beauty He let`s us see and feel. I’ll never forget that joyful moment. Thank you God!:)

      Dear Evan, thank you so dearly for this utmost comforting SpiritView today. I also can say that it is just what I needed for today and always. It is such a reassurance of God’s everpresence and guidance and goodness!

  3. Mary Baker Eddy says in Science and Health that the intercommunication is always from God to man. Then how can our communication reach God? Any ideas?

  4. God hears and answers your prayers before the words even form in your thought. It’s like asking the sun to give you light. That’s what the sun does–emit light. So, when you ask, “Sun, please give me light,” it’s already actively giving you light.

    When we ask God, “God please help me with health,” God is already actively doing that. The primary purpose of prayer is to open thought wide to receive what God is already sending our way. To get any obstacles to reception out of the way so the good flows our way freely.

      1. Wow, thank you.

        That explains the
        “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer;”

        because it is ALREADY occurring, and I am getting with the program as it were.

    1. Perfect explanation! Thank you so much! Needed this, but then everyday Spiritview gives me a lift and blessing.

  5. I echo the questioning expressed by Rose, Uta and Lori and it does sometimes seem
    quite perplexing. The One Mind often seems like connected thoughts, all being geared
    in the same direction, but sometimes it seems in the opposite direction where group-think
    can try to sway away from the One, the Only Good/God/Truth. Sometimes one feels like
    part of the whole, (God’s being), but other times it seems like there is an estranged type
    of pulling in the mortal (little mind’s-every-which-way) direction where we are divided
    and not in sync with the One thought of only Good being present in thinking. Those are
    the times when I, anyway, tend to feel depressed, divided, like the world is so messed up,
    with little chance of rising above the materiality that would Try to conquer our convictions
    and trust in God’s control and Principle. But like Uta pointed out in her beautiful sunset
    experience, the loveliness of Love was/is all around, which made her feel so much a part
    of the beauty. Nature does that for me. Being a part of God’s lovely creation gives such a
    feeling of Oneness, communication and peaceful inclusion and that is an awesome
    experience. One time, I remember missing my Mom shortly after she had passed on,
    many years ago and was thinking heavenly thoughts about her. A most precious, glorious
    rainbow appeared and it was Truly a God-filled moment where the eternality and
    communication with Love was so Real and powerful.

  6. The morning was warm and sultry. …

    All at once these questions came to me, as though spoken by some one, taking me away from my line of thought entirely: How is God an ever-present help? How does He know our earnest desires? Then, without waiting for me to think how, the answer came in the same way, God is conscious Mind. Instantly the thoughts came: Is God conscious of me? Can I be conscious of Him? I was healed instantly: every bad feeling was destroyed. I could see that the morning had not changed a particle, but I was oblivious of the weather. It did not seem that I had anything more to do with that washing. It was finished in good season, while I was “absent from the body, and present with the Lord.”
    (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 430:12 (only), 26)

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