Fear no one

October 1, 2024 | 25 comments

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

~ Psalm 27:1

Who shall I fear?  

With God at my side, I shall fear no one.

25 thoughts on “Fear no one”

  1. Fear no one, nothing, anything.
    FEAR – find everywhere, all around . God
    Thank you so much for this gift !

  2. I am so grateful to you Evan for sharing your inspiring thoughts with us everyday, what a blessing is this blog ! thank you so much.

    Hymn 99 From The Christian Sciennce Hymnal

    He that hath God his guardian made,
    Shall underneath th’ Almighty’s shade
    Fearless and undisturbed abide;
    Thus to myself of Him I’ll say,
    He is my fortress, shield and stay,
    My God; in Him I will confide.

    His tender love and watchful care
    Shall free thee from the fowler’s snare,
    From every harm and pestilence.
    He over thee His wings shall spread
    To cover thy unguarded head.
    His truth shall be thy strong defense.

    He gives His angels charge o’er thee,
    No evil therefore shalt thou see;
    Thy refuge shall be God most high;
    Dwelling within His secret place,
    Thou shalt behold His power and grace,
    See His salvation ever nigh.

    1. Thank you for bringing this hymn to my attention. We need divine protection everyday. I will use this today as a prayer.

  3. Whatever the material challenge, it seems to me that False Evidence Appearing Real is sneaking in by the back door looking for recognition as something , rather than being seen as it really is…no..thing.
    Easy to type…not always so easy to realise.
    Thank you Evan as these few words above jolted me a little today to close that back door regarding some people in my thought.
    The Bible describes the fear of man in terms of a trap: “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe” (Proverbs 29:25). When we fear man, we are walking into a dangerous place, because we’re no longer trusting in the Lord. ( this para being a direct quote from Wiki)
    Thank you Martine for sharing the hymn…definitely todays re-read from SV.
    Blessings to everyone❣️

    1. When I read in your comment,: “the fear of man” it came across as man’s fear, mortal mind’s ignorance, not as fear of a certain man/individual.and that made entertaining fear itself as the trap, eh?

      1. Either way works, Thank you for pointing out another view. Entertaining a fear is a trap. Ignoring the spiritual truth that the divine Mind keeps us safe, False Evidence Appearing Real is a lie about something, not the truth. Divine Love is always with us, guiding us. The trick is to remember that. When we do we create good things and move safely forward.

  4. Wonderful post with inspiring comments.
    Hymn 99 came into new relevance: I dwell “underneath th’ Almighty’s care…I abide, live Fearlessly right there 24/7 undisturbable… You, Father-Mother Life and Love are my guardian etc, The hymn, not just a beautiful poem becomes a strong declaration. Thanks all.

  5. Fear of others has no power except what we give it. I choose Love divine as my daily respite and destroyer of mortal mind -human made fear.
    Much love to you Evan and staff and everyone in SV.

  6. As Barbara said, I added to it.

    False evidence appearing real.


    False evidence as to what we think we
    see in others.
    Thanks Evan and everyone.

    1. Thank you, Evan. And thank you, Maggie, for sharing this excellent companion article. It is right on point.

    2. Hi Family ! Thank you to all.

      Thank you Maggie for this article, I got a lot, and know there is more in here to garner.

      I share one message I got… “fear hath torment” = torment hath fear, ergo if i experience torment, this indicates a fear, yet to realise that any fear i could experience is NOT real, frees me, and then to progress to the awareness “there is no fear in love” the big “ah ha!” moment, I AM IN LOVE !!.. Only love, the real; no fear, the unreal. Simple concept, some repetition on my part may be required.

  7. As children of God, and expressions of this divine Being – what or who have we to fear?
    No one .. really, as One with God is a majority. I love the crowd of individuals above in
    the sweet artistic rendition of fearing no one. Thank you all for such inspiration of having
    nothing to fear, when God is at our side, always. I love in the article (Thank you, Maggie)
    how the author quotes Mrs. Eddy’s statement, “Error is a coward before Truth” … This is
    and will be proven with each declaration of what is right and in harmony with everything
    Good that God has in store for all of us, regardless what the fear seems to be. Nothing
    can be taken away from Truth.

  8. Thanks for this reminder, Evan. I often reflet on the phrase “Sheperd show me how to go..” frequently – especially when fears creeps in my thoughts. And as I move forward in life, I value your reminders that God will lead his lambkins and take them in his arms.

  9. My number 1 favorite hymn that I have spoken, sung, clung to hundreds of times is #77 which begins:

    God is my strong salvation;
    What foe have I to fear?
    In darkness and temptation,
    My light, my help is near:
    Though hosts encamp around me,
    Firm in the fight I stand;
    What terror can confound me,
    With God at my right hand?

    I love this hymn so much!!

  10. Evan, thank you so much for this post! ‘Very helpful, especially in light of events in our country and around the world.
    Thank you, contributors, for your ideas, the hymn, and.the artical.
    Love and blessings to all!

  11. Thank you Evan, and all.

    Fear can certainly seem to be a hypnotic influence on our thought, but it only has the power that we allow it to have. I remember being frightened while watching scary movies, while knowing that everything portrayed was 100% fictitious and enhanced by special effects. Would the movie have the same effect on me if I were on the set, watching it being filmed? Absolutely not. So, to dismantle and disrupt the effects of fear (fear of sickness, sin, death, all evil) I need to see it for what it is: an illusion, a construct of a limited, mortal mind. This empowers us.

    1. Thank you Nancy. That simple perspective shift you accomplished with the movie analogy and the dismantling thereby revealing the falsity of these imagined constructs is brilliant.

  12. Thanks a lot to Maggie for the great article with examples from the Bible with David who was not afraid of Gholiath as he knew God was with him.

    Thank you very much dear Evan for the reassurance of God’s everpresent Love and power to protect us and caring for each of His loved creation!
    Thank you for the verse from Psalms and for the lovely picture; many people are united peacefully together, a picture of Christ-Love and Joy!

    This SpiritView and all the comments give me a lot and comforts me very much. Lots of Love and Thanks for the blessing SpiritView Blog!♡

  13. Thank you Evan and all. The verses Evan quoted from Psalms state that God is our, Light, Salvation and Strength.

    As Light He helps dispel darkness so we can clearly see what is true; as Salvation He saves us from wrong beliefs (error) that would lead us astray; and as our Strength we can lean on Him in all things and not on so-called human, mortal ability (in our weakness He is Strong).

    With all of that, really taken to heart, it would be hard to fear anything. Thank you God.

  14. Has anyone ever told you that you could NOT do … a thing? This is just the impetus I’ve needed to Get Going!! I’ve listened to Truth, various times in my life as a community member, (why listen to anything else?! But…well…workin’ on it!!) and it proved a very good thing!: I was part of a local group who saved 200 beautiful wooded acres in the Santa Cruz Mountains because we refused to give in to the error that said we COULD NOT do this! Well, we fought the aggressive and powerful Developer and WON, and now folks are enjoying hiking the trails under the Redwoods and Oaks….IN PERPETUITY!! TRUTH knows what IT is doing!! What HE is doing! What SHE is doing!! Let’s Listen UP more (Sue!!) and Pick Up That Glass! (Listen to Brian Webster’s article that Maggie so lovingly attached for us– it is EXCELLENT on dealing with … let’s face it: Hypnosis!! Truth is able to de-mesmerize us, if we apply it, listen to it, wake up to it!! (Talkin’ to myself here!)

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