Health that sticks

September 27, 2024 | 33 comments

Sometimes people worry about staying healthy after they’ve prayed for recovery from a physical illness.  This worry vanishes when one understands the true nature of health.

As learned in Christian Science, true health is not a state of matter that is vulnerable.  Real health is spiritual.  It’s a state of Spirit expressed through us.

What comes from Spirit keeps coming without fail.  It does not wane or waver.

To stay healthy, know that your health comes from Spirit, not from matter, and that it will keep coming to you forever.  It’s never lost.

Health from Spirit is health that sticks and stays.

33 thoughts on “Health that sticks”

  1. I didn’t know what the problem was. I thought it was my computer and I did not know how to fix it.
    Thank you so much for SpiritView Evan.

  2. Thanks Evan. So glad we can log on to SpiritView again! There was an error message all day and it was not a good feeling to seemingly be separated from our beloved gathering place that you provide here. But in truth we cannot be separated from our good.

    Thank you for, “What comes from Spirit keeps coming without fail. It does not wane or waver.” Just like what you told us the other day (SV 9/24/24):that Spirit is like the sun that continually shines on us, we don’t have to ask it to do so. So Spirit, God is holding our wellness continuously intact. We pray just to open up our thought so we can see the manifestation of this truth and get any obstacles (wrong beliefs) out of the way.

    1. Yes, Rose, that (tech) error message here that seemed so persistent is very much like the
      error message that we sometimes seem to get from erroneous thinking, isn’t it? It sure
      seems real and can swoop us into believing all sorts of falsities in matter. It can seem to
      make error so real. We keep checking to see if it has improved (like checking this site to
      see if it had been corrected) and sometimes we may try in frustration, to look up to see
      if it is something “we” have to do .. not knowing where the error is coming from … but
      what a joy and revelation to see our beloved view through spirit back again !!!

  3. Oh thank you very much, dear Evan, that it’s fixed now and we can open up our beloved SpiritView from you! So comforting and healing the truth: Health from Spirit is Health that sticks and stays.

    I had the same thoughts than Dennis. And I am also very thankful for our daily dose of loving comfort and treatment! And I tune in to your loving thoughts, dear Rose thanks for your comment!
    Here it’s 2.30 am and I can have still some hours of heavenly rest.♡♡♡

  4. Thanks everyone for your patience today. I had a major tech problem on my end, that I hope is resolved. I look forward to reading your comments!

      1. Hi All, It was at first disturbing, and then it dawned on me to explore why I would have that feeling, which lead to discovery of error. Gosh, God gives me just what I need, it may take a moment or few to be open to it. Thank you God for this exercise, thank you Evan for persistence, thank you all who assemble here and make this a wonderful journey. John

    1. We are so grateful to you
      It occurred to me to “up” My prayer of support for SpiritView and you and our whole world
      There are a lot of intrusive thoughts that just need to be immediately dispelled.
      Our world certainly needs a united uplifting thought grounded on our understanding of Christian Science
      We don’t need to fret, or has already been said, keep returning and looking for the problem. Instead, we need to stay firmly grounded, firmly committed, firmly assured that God is indeed all powerful, all present, all action.

  5. Hi Evan,

    Thanks, as always, for SpiritView. So glad the glitch was fixed and we are now able to enjoy this wonderful inspiration. Health is truly forever because it is from God.

  6. Agreed! So good to have the spiritual view of things back again. Being without
    this inspiration tends to have little mind go off on tangents that need to be
    reeled back to the reality of Truth, so am so grateful to be able to read and share
    thoughts again. Thank you and am so glad the glitch is fixed as I thought it was
    something here, too, that was wrong.

  7. I circled back many times today and finally I got Spiritview and all the wonderful commenters back. I always read Evan’s inspiration that I didn’t know I totally needed and then all the comments every day. I so appreciate this blog and when it was temporarily gone, there was a gap in my day. Thank you Evan and all of the fans of Spiritview.

  8. Thank God that error is resolved & I could open SpirirView & read the inspiring truth – Health from Spirit is health that sticks & stays. It does not waver or wane. Thank you so much Evan

  9. Like everyone I thought the problem was with my laptop. I decided to just be patient and know that all was well. I’m so grateful to be able to read this today which is the day of my Association meeting. Blessed day!! Linda X

  10. Yay! How wonderful to be able to access Spirit View again! Like everyone else here it left a big hole in my day not being able to view and engage with all the lovely thoughts , comments and articles shared.
    Unstoppable ..’God, good, guards guides and governs..” ( including tech issues)❣️

      1. Hi Rose….thank you for sharing the article.
        It’s a quote that never leaves me, butidont know its origin. I do remember learning it from Sunday school though.
        Happy Love filled weekend. B.x

      2. Thank you for the article, Rose. The 5 Gs is something I remember from Sunday School decades ago, along with “I am God’s Perfect Child.” Another excellent resource for us and our children and grandchildren.

      3. Wow Rose, I also thank you for posting this article about the 5 “Gs”. And because it’s an article for children it is so well to understand!

  11. Thank you for this great Spirit View, I am grateful that you got the Tech issue resolved. A Christian Science friend shared with me one time that “all mechanics are mental”. She healed an issue with her car through praying with that statement. Thank you to everyone for sharing. God is blessing each of us through Spirit View.

  12. Yes! So happy you found the ptroblem and we know that Gods angel thoughts guide Us every day and under all circumstances .

  13. Hi dear Anna Moellering, thank you, that’s right what you say. In the branch church in Munich where I was a member decades ago there were 2 members who several times gave testimony of fixed mechanic facilities after praying and affirming the spiritual truth.. And I also can testify that a malfunctioning at my computer again functioned after I deeply prayed and knew that God is omnipotent and allknowing divine and unerring Mind and is in total control. Really all things are possible with our loving, good God!♡

    1. This SpiritView is such a gorgeous treatment and help. I read it several times when I need it, and I do need it! Evan says: “What comes from Spirit keeps coming without fails. It does not wane or waver.” Such a wonderful reassuring Truth! In Science everything comes from Spirit, everything good!
      Thanks a lot, dear Evan. – such a comfort!♡

  14. I, too, am very grateful that SpiritView is here to be viewed again. The topic is one I have been working with and I am glad to see it available again. I was delighter to read what Evan shared: “What comes from Spirit keeps coming without fail. It does not wane or waver.” Also, I appreciate Rose’s comment on the sun “that continually shines on us, we don’t have to ask it to do so” from a previous SpiritView message from Evan.

    I found/learned that I need to rely more closely on God’s Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniscience as you all did. My first reaction was to see if I could find the files that needed fixing on my computer. Not there. Try later, not there. Try some older SpiritView files to see if I could go forward to this one. They all came up with the same error message. Then I thought about how to send Evan an email to let him know about the problem.

    All this turning to matter before understanding that the error was not a real or powerful thing and the Truth would remove and resolve it. I then left it in God’s hands and, once again, He came through. I am so grateful for the resources God has given us in Christian Science and that the messages from Jesus are still available and effective. what a treasure we have!!!

  15. Thank you, Evan! So glad to see SpiritView back up and running. And thank you for turning our thought to health that “sticks.” This is a January 20, 1917 Sentinel article written by Frances Thurber Seal, titled “Health Revealed.” (Ms. Seal is the author of a fascinating book titled “Christian Science in Germany” in which she details her incredible healing work while establishing Christian Science in Germany beginning in the year 1897.)

    1. Thanks a lot, dear Cheryl for this very good article by Frances Thurber Seal. It’s really worth reading!♡

      1. You are welcome, Uta. I’m glad you enjoyed the article. Frances Thurber Seal was a tremendous healer. She wrote with the same conviction. Have a beautiful Sunday, Uta. ❤️

        1. Thank you dear Cheryl and a lovely sunday for you, too. Here it’s sunny this early morning.

          Cheryl I have the little booklet by F.T. Seal you mention. It’s in English and German. It is really very interesting. When she came to Germany she couldn’t speak any German. She Was a wonderful CS.♡

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