Embrace an automatic default of looking for the good

October 9, 2024 | 19 comments

When meeting a new person, do you look for all the good in that person, or start noting shortcomings?

When faced with a new project to complete, do you see all the good that is going to come out of that project being successfully accomplished, or do you start grousing about all the hardships, difficulties and extra demands that project is going to put upon your schedule?

In other words, are you looking for the good or looking for something bad?

Looking for the good does not mean one remains ignorant of trouble that needs to be corrected, but it is a heavenly inspired attitude that gives one dominion and power to have positive experiences.

To improve your everyday experience, let your automatic default be, “Looking for God’s good.  It’s everywhere to be seen, and can be seen, when one looks for it.  Spiritual sense readily perceives it.  It’s a much happier way to live.

19 thoughts on “Embrace an automatic default of looking for the good”



    Melissa Baker

    Wrote last week.
    Thanks rvan

    1. Excellent!! An absolute requirement for meeting people and with the people we think we know. Otherwise, it is breaking the First Commandment. This is loving our neighbor as ourself. Thank you Evan.



    Melissa Baker

    Wrote last week
    Thanks Evan

  3. Oops sorry
    It seemed like it was in the wrong place.
    I moved it, but forgot to erase.
    Very sorry.
    Happy God day everyone.

  4. It can be a habit to look for and manage possible evil. I did it for years. I try now to fan the flame of good I see. Amazing how this change in perspective harmonizes every experience

  5. Eternal Mind the Potter is,
    And thought th’ eternal clay:
    The hand that fashions is divine,
    His works pass not away.
    Man is the noblest work of God,
    His beauty, power and grace,
    Immortal; perfect as his Mind
    Reflected face to face.

    God could not make imperfect man
    His model infinite;
    Unhallowed thought He could not plan,
    Love’s work and Love must fit.
    Life, Truth and Love the pattern make,
    Christ is the perfect heir;
    The clouds of sense roll back, and show
    The form divinely fair.

    God’s will is done; His kingdom come;
    The Potter’s work is plain.
    The longing to be good and true
    Has brought the light again.
    And man does stand as God’s own child,
    The image of His love.
    Let gladness ring from every tongue,
    And heaven and earth approve.
    Christian Science hymn book…
    Thank you MB for the lovely poem…made me think of the hymn above!
    Perhaps I’ve gone off at a tangent…but it’s all loving and good on SV❣️

  6. In this present challenging time in our country with controversial
    Political view, we, children of the infinite good, pause and direct our love by sending our best vibes and thoughts to those suffering the danger of hurricanes. God is the ultimate
    Force and intelligence, so be sure I can see and be connected with the infinite Presence, the ultimate reality of safety for all in need.

    1. Thank you for the perfect prayer for today❣️
      Loved the reminder of “the ultimate Force and intelligence……”

  7. To feel embraced I’m coming back to explain
    what caused me to think it was in the wrong place.
    I was in bed and the room was dark. I had expander the words to check something.
    When I was ready to send, the area was white. I thought it was attached to SpiritView.
    I copied and sent, but didn’t erase.

    How many times do we miss seeing what is true because of not looking at the Truth. We need to expand thought, embrace Oneness , so that we and the world can feel God’s embrace.

  8. When it seems mortal mind tries to have us or loved ones be under siege with many
    distressing forces to deal with (-knowing personally dear ones going through hurricane
    impacts with two of the major regions being affected, including now the Tampa area).
    Evil seems to be influential, but God is Supreme and more powerful than anything
    mortal mind tries to throw at us or them. There are many good people helping in very
    loving ways, even though we may not see them, but is comforting to know the good that
    is there and love is being expressed where these challenging raging storms seem to be.

    1. Carol, when I read about the approach of disasters, such as hurricanes, I pray with the account of Elijah when God told him to stand on the rock before the Lord.. It was shown to him that God was not in the earthquake, wind or fire – and that God was all around and about His people all the time, protecting, governing and guiding them safely. God does
      not cause anything that could harm His own offspring – His own reflection,
      and, of course, He does not. So I pray to know that God is right there, and harmony and safety are there for all His children and all His spiritual manifestations, and that there is absolutely no destructive element in God’s perfect and beautiful Creation. And so on. I hope that this is doing
      some good.

      God is Spirit, God is here,
      God is all, and God ks everywhere.
      Only good did He create
      Only good is theirs who on Him wait.

      Man is made in God reflection,
      Dwells he now in His protection.
      god is Spirit, God is here,
      God is all, and God is everywhere.

      That is the first part of a Church solo which
      you may know, but it is very comforting and assuring.. ….

      1. Thank you for these comforting thoughts, Maggie. The loved ones
        referred to have mandatory-evacuated after riding out the last hurricane.
        They had just recently moved to the area, because they didn’t feel “safe”
        in the city they moved from. My thoughtful prayers go out to them that
        their home and others will be unharmed. You are so right, that like Elijah,
        God does protect, like it did them, when a tree fell in their front yard during
        Helene. There is technology to benevolently break apart these so-called
        “acts of God”, which we know God does not cause evil or destruction. Was
        talking with someone today and he said if someone believes in God, then
        they would also believe that there is a satan. It was an interesting conversation,
        but to me, like in what you have shared above, if God IS Everywhere, which
        He is, so how could there be a place for anything unlike Him … in Reality.

  9. If we are to have the Mind of God reflected in our lives, we must have faith that God is entirely good and not conflicted between good and evil, that all that really exist is of God’s creation. Else we are not beholding and reflecting the Mind of God in our thoughts.

    1. Thanks Josef that “God is entirely good and not in conflict between good and evil”.
      It helps tremendously to keep our faith as pure as possible!

  10. Today’s blog reminds me of a citation from last week’s Bible lesson (SH 480:31-2) that concludes, “…choose good as the reality!” Oh, how I want to do this, intend to do this, but often fall short. I know this isn’t a matter of human will but of spiritual direction and inspiration. May we all choose good, see good, express good, expect good, and feel God’s goodness today and everyday. Thank you , Evan, for your shepherding care of your SpiritView flock.

    1. I relate to what you said Joan, about intending and desiring to always choose to see good, and then feeling pulled off course by error’s loud distractions. But you’re right that it’s not human will or human striving that is needed, but humbly returning to God again and again, and if necessary—again. I echo your prayer that we can all see Good, expect Good, express Good and experience God’s Good always.

  11. From Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896, p152: 6-8 (to,)
    “Of this we may be sure; that thoughts winged with peace and love breathe a silent benediction over all the earth,..”
    Mary Baker Eddy

    This is my most favorite quote and it is pinned to my wall over my study desk.

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