You embrace your body in your thought, and you should delineate upon it thoughts of health, not of sickness.
~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 208
If you think about your body, be sure to think about it in a way that has a positive impact and not a negative one.
Stay clear that you are a spiritual being living your spiritual life in the body of Spirit where health is permanent, and disease is impossible.
The body called “physicality” is but a temporal concept, not the real you, but to the degree that you entertain it, you affect it. Spiritual truth always has the best effect.
For the best effect, keep thought filled with spiritual reality. Know the reality of health and the unreality of disease. Agree with health and disagree with disease.
Let the reality of your perfect being with God in Spirit shape and form every thought. The effect those heavenly thoughts produce on the body will delineate health rather than sickness. Their effect will be very good.
Thank you for the reminder, Evan!
Yes Thank you
Beautifully simple health care with unending benefits.Such clarity! Such peace!
The logic is clear! What one entertains in thought manifests on the body(of thought!)
One (evil) claim is that it is not possible to keep thought only tuned to Truth, to divine Love, annnd deal with the myriad of Things To Do Before X, Y, Z hour or day!
I rather think that our (true) and infinitely-loving Mind, God, is quite able to do all necessary tasks. All-powerful Mind is… just that!! Talk about a Multi-Tasker!!!!!!!
Thank You, God!
“Awake from the dream” by Eleanor D. Robinson, from the January 4, 1958 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:
J, I just wanted to let you know how much the article you shared yesterday meant to me. I have an entirely new and deeper appreciation for “God’s day”—its fullness, spontaneity, completeness, continuity, and uninterrupted activity. So thankful.
Dear Joan, I’m so glad you found the article helpful.
Thanks J for sharing a very helpful article.
Thank you dear Evan and all. Your message is very helpful to keep thought on
heavenly aspirations with our goal always in Spirit and in Truth. .. Thank you, too,
dear J , for the lovely article. There was a winter wonderland to wake up to this
morning (unexpected) ….. and started the day with the beauty of pristine snow
covering the trees and landscape with such loveliness. Now, with the sun
shining, it enhances the whiteness and purity of God’s Beautiful world.
Thank you dear Carol, for you lovely description of your beautiful, divine Morning. I could imagine that beauty.
Yes, I also am very grateful to you, dear J for the love with which you are surching for suitable wonderful articles for us! They are always so helpful and healing!♡
Thank you Evan; it’s quite a lot work until it is very natural for us to really live and move and breathe in divine truth, life and love.
Thank you endlessly for your healing SpiritView Blog, It does very good!♡
Thank you for your kind words, dear Uta. Yes, there is
something about freshly fallen snow that invigorates and
adorns thought with the gentle gift of God’s beautiful
snow-laden trees and mountains … and the uniqueness
of snowflakes – like how each of us is unique and express
God/Love in our spiritual qualities.
Thank you Evan.
Evan, Thanks for bringing up this subject today. I would like to share the article TRUE HEALTH by
Heartfelt thanks to Evan and all who shared comments and links to the wonderful articles. This was exactly what I needed today.
I have been playing catch-up after awhile of being unable to follow Spiritview, and have just now read – and listened to – the post from November 27, “The continuity and freshness of Life.” WOW!!! Evan, your piano playing is such a beautiful demonstration of living above the limits that mortal mind would try to foist on us. So inspiring, as were the many comments from others who are living their best lives reflecting Life,, without regard to age.
So important to be clear on what we believe or understand about the body. I remember reading somewhere in a CS article that the the body is a body of qualities, nothing physical about it. And there is a legal expression Body of Evidence (meaning a collection of proof of something), so we can think of the body as a Body of Evidence proving the existence of God, all good.
Thank you dearly, Rose! So wonderful is your comment that we can think of the body as a Body of Evidence proving the existence of God, all Good. I love these perfect Truth words!♡
Thanks Evan & other contributors for their valuable comments.