Listen for God’s direction

January 27, 2025 | 32 comments

When two people are talking to you, you must choose which person you are going to listen to.  It’s very difficult to divide one’s attention and fully absorb what you are hearing.

The same rule applies when listening for God’s direction.  The voice of Truth is always present in consciousness leading thought in a healthy progressive direction.  The big question is, “Are we listening?”  Are we listening to what Truth has to say, or are we distracted by arguments of error pulling attention in a different direction?

It pays to be honest about what voice we are listening to.

If feeling fear, anxiety, worry, or doubt, we are listening to mortal mind.  Tension, strain, stress, pain, and disease are where mortal mind leads thought.  Not a fun place to go.

But right where mortal mind appears to be in control, divine Mind is present in full spiritual control.  The voice of Truth is present to be heard.  And you are free to heed the voice of Truth and follow its direction!

Like changing channels on your TV, you can change mental channels and listen to divine Mind.  

Mortal mind is fiction.  It does not have a lock on your state of mind.  You can choose to shut it down and listen to divine Mind.

To stay healthy and free of suffering, listen for Truth’s direction, and be quick to follow its leading.  You’ll be much happier with the outcome.

“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:21, RSV).

32 thoughts on “Listen for God’s direction”

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I love the idea of changing thought as simple as changing the TV channel.
    Switch over to divine Mind.

  2. “21 And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.”
    That is one of my all-time favourite verses in the Bible and I have been able to prove so many thousands of times that we can hear that word behind us and in us because the Word IS God and we live and move and have our being in that Word..that guidance, that constantly available help. A few days ago, I realised I was feeling totally overwhelmed by the situation in America, seeing shocking daily developments on YouTube and feeling so outraged and upset that I even had trouble sleeping ( and I don’t even live there)! But I knew that I had to STOP….and listen for the WORD within me…not the words on YouTube as it is all lies about God’s creation anyway. The moment I asked for guidance and a way to see past this distinction, I had the message to the very calm and gentle music of a certain musician I’d seen on Spotify. When I looked him up I realised that most of his music is inspired by God I guess…some of the the titles were “Be Still”, “Miracles”, “Heaven’s Light”, “Redeemed”, “Blessings”, ” Illumination”, Evening Prayer”, “Timeless”, “Pray” etc etc,…. This was the perfect answer because as I listened I was reminded of so many verses and sentences from the Bible and Science and Health, that within minutes I went from being deeply disturbed to being totally calm and confident that God is in control and grateful for all the blessings of being here now, in this time and place (as we perceive physical existence at the moment). I hadn’t even been able to focus on doing the weekly lesson that week but suddenly I could and every word was so so relevant and neutralised all the negative feelings. in minutes! After feeling terribly upset and horrified for months, I “changed the channel” as you said and it was really so simple and so effective. God is EVERYWHERE and NOTHING apart from Him is present or has power”!!!!

    1. Dear Diane…thank you for sharing your thought process to a harmonious healing . Proof of Gods care is inspiring to us all.Bx

    2. Diane thank you soo much for your story!! I’ve been struggling with negative thoughts and I love how you said it was simple and that nothing apart from him is present or has power!!

  3. Wonderful!
    Last evening before going to bed I wrote a little note to myself for today as follows…

    ‘’In the morning, think…’’I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”’ Phil 4;3

    Ties in seamlessly with your thoughts today Evan…one Mind governing all.❣️

    1. Thank you Barbara. The verse from Phil. 4: 13, (not 3), what St. Paul sayd is wonderful and also one of my favorite and very best and most comforting truths!
      It is always very comforting to have learnt the truth that the One omnipotent God is governing the whole universe, His whole and huge creation! Specially during this election time, as also in Germany and my hometown Hamburg are in February and March elections for which our prayers are very needed, as well.

      Thank you very much, dear Evan for your clear and comforting SpiritView to ponder to whom we will listen and obey and follow, to humans or to our allmighty, loving, all-knowing and healing God, divine Love!♡

  4. My thoughts about current disturbing news is to not be impressed by a lie about God and Her constant care for us.

    Our scientific prayers is why any seeming disturbance has come to the surface. When it seems to lift it’s hydra head in defiance of good it will certainly be destroyed by understanding what truly is real in God’s goodness.

    1. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.
      (Ezekiel 21:27)

  5. The material, human world of experience will always have an element of the tragic. But, it can never hold the higher thought of peace, love, truth, compassion because it fraught with fear, confusion, all forms of uncertainty. It is faith in Spirit, God, which leads us to the bridge that is there and not to the bridge that isn’t there. Faith is not walking across the bridge that isn’t there, but the bridge that is there.

  6. Once when trying to listen to God’s direction about a decision and I wondered how am I supposed to know what to do, the thought appeared, “Just know what Mind knows.” Keep knowing the spiritual facts about a situation instead of prematurely trying to figure out the right decision. Just keep knowing what divine Mind, God, knows about home, career, or whatever we are considering. The story of Mary and Martha helped in realizing that be Mary first. Listen for, and acknowledge, the spiritual truths governing before taking action. Know the spiritual truths first. Sometimes I run around like Martha without praying and listening first and realize there was wasted effort. Pray first and listen like Mary for divine direction and there is less confusion and wrong steps.

  7. Thank you Evan and All. Always helpful to receive such inspiration .. it seems
    just when needed. Mortal decisions can seem very challenging at times. Sometimes
    what seems like a right decision, can seem to turn out to be wrong, but when seen in
    the grand picture … helped propel us to another direction, we may not have been aware
    of or foreseen, but God/Mind has it all planned for us in the eternity of time. If we
    patiently wait on God and try to see everything from His/Her perspective, things
    start to become in more clarity as to why things are happening the way they are
    and through this lens, all things work out in Truth’s direction, where Love for fellow
    beings is the motivating factor.

  8. Thank you, Evan! Your clear message about Listening first, then following, and not ‘I’ll go and do this, or that, and that will be the right decision and direction for happiness.’ Reminder to self: “Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God…”! Thank you for this timely message.

  9. Than you Evan and all for the healing comments today. Just what I needed to read-hear. I know there is a lot of push-back with the new administration- the Presidents ‘agenda and Congress as well. and I find if we read , listen or view a lot of different opinions (as news) we will not be able to hear God’s voice.
    Hymn#82 in the Christian Science Hymnal says it all! “God is working His purpose out as year succeeds to year. God is working His purpose out, And the time is drawing near, Nearer and near-er draws the time , The time that shall surely be, When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.

    Many blessings to all.
    With gratitude,

    1. There is never reason to fear or doubt…God is in control, whether we like or recognize His remedy or not…only God knows what is best…our goal is to trust His process and pray, not to nurse our own biases, ignorantly grumble against, celebrate or simply go along with the masses who essentially bear false witness by passing judgement (for or against someone or something) based on limited perspective and understanding of what presents in our world. We must practice rising above all appearances of division and discord and error of every name and nature…this is our spiritual work…the Scripture verse below describes our physical perspective as Christians in regards to government as every spiritual concept has a physical counterpart:

      ROMANS I3:I-4

      1. To properly understand the verses you quote from Romans, and understand their spiritual meaning, I find it necessary to stay clear that “governing authorities,” is not referring to human leaders, but to the authority of Life, Truth, and Love.

        God gives Life, Truth, and Love authority to produce good results. When we follow the leadership of divine Principle, we’ll always have good results. And our human leaders are blessed by doing the same.

        1. Thank you very much indeed, dear Evan, to interpret the Roman-words Anna posted, into the true spiritual meaning which is clearly understandable!♡

        2. I also thank you for the clarification regarding the quote from Romans, as I was very confused, so really appreciated you weighing in!

        3. Thanks, for clearing up that very alarming group of verses Evan. Those verses have always bothered me, as, very clearly, not all human governments are authorised by God or are God’s “ministers” and certainly are “a terror to good works” IF they serve only themselves and do not make decisions based on TRUTH and Love for their neighbours and their country. The translation is very unfortunate, as it gives the wrong idea and has been the justification for accepting so much evil intent in the world. I was thinking about this yesterday. Remember that a KING Authorised the KJV so naturally he will authorise a verse that makes him appear infallible and justified in doing whatever he likes. Remember the “Authorised (by) KING JAMES Bible”… not authorised by God, but a king with his own agenda. It would be worthwhile to check out much more updated translations than the one which has over 10,000 mistakes in it. When something doesn’t feel right then it probably isn’t.

      2. Here is the NRSV version which has quite a different slant …and yet another reason to question everything.
        Romans 13
        1) Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order. So live responsibly as a citizen.
        2 If you’re irresponsible to the state, then you’re irresponsible with God, and God will hold you responsible.
        3 Duly constituted authorities are only a threat if you’re trying to get by with something. Decent citizens should have nothing to fear.
        4 the government working to your advantage. But if you’re breaking the rules right and left, watch out. The police aren’t there just to be admired in their uniforms. God also has an interest in keeping order, and he uses them to do it.
        5 That’s why you must live responsibly – not just to avoid punishment but also because it’s the right way to live.
        6 That’s also why you pay taxes – so that an orderly way of life can be maintained.
        7 Fulfill your obligations as a citizen. Pay your taxes, pay your bills, respect your leaders.
        8 Don’t run up debts, except for the huge debt of love you owe each other. When you love others, you complete what the law has been after all along.

  10. Evan I love your metaphor about two people talking to us at the same being similar to the “voice” of error and the true voice of God both communicating to us. Trying to listen to both will result in chaos and confusion, there is no peace in that approach. Error tries to be loud and distracting because it knows it has no substance; but God speaks in a “still, small voice,” powerful and always present.

    Also liked, “…you are free to heed the voice of Truth and follow its direction.” Yes, there is no spiritual law to prevent us from using our God-given ability to hear and follow Him.

    Wonderful, insightful shares today, thank you all. We are visiting our daughter in California right now and I see how indispensable it is to have the truths I learn in CS accompany me every step of the way on our wonderful God-guided travels, to keep thought in line with divine Mind, the only real Mind.

  11. Thank you Evan and everyone for insights into these blessed thoughts.
    I love (where Evan writes), “…right where mortal mind appears to be in control,
    divine Mind is present in full spiritual control. The voice of Truth is present to
    be heard”.
    How often is the truth, the real Truth overshadowed by the din of mortal mind’s
    supposed, seeming “truth” about who is in control or are they correct in what
    they are saying or doing. Seeing everyone as a child of Mind’s guiding, helps us
    to see the positive, rather than what is so often mortally portrayed as being
    negative (in the news/opinions, especially). There are many times omissions of
    compassion, empathy towards others, with things positive to be reported – and
    the voice of mortal mind which likes to manipulate our thinking into believing
    others are not guided by Principle/God seems to want to capture our attention
    to try to get us to listen to the voice, other than the voice of Truth.

  12. Thank you Evan for the salient wisdom you shared today and for your very helpful clarification of that verse in Romans. And thank you Angel for your good thoughts!

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