God created each of us with the ability to think clearly, make intelligent decisions and wise choices that bring good results. Be faithful to claim this dominion!
If tempted by blind anger, gluttony, desire to make cruel remarks, lust, self-pity, self-absorption, greed, hopelessness, depression, or any of their kin, be quick to disagree. There is nothing imperative about emotions. They do not have a mind of their own to control our actions. They can be mastered.
And they must be mastered!
Mary Baker Eddy writes, “If man is not victorious over the passions, they crush out happiness, health, and manhood” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 407).
To stay healthy, claim your God-given dominion to think spiritually, act morally, and be Godlike in everything you do.
You are not a mindless mortal living at the whim of human emotion. You are an intelligent spiritual thinker who can make wise choices that bring good results.
Exercise your dominion!
Thanks, Evan, for your wise council!
Thank you Evan!
Thank you Evan!
Thank you Evan! Just what I needed to read this morning on decision making. Not being willful and waiting for God to guide is most important!
There is a little book called “The Blue Day.” I like it because it gives us permission to feel a little blue without guilt about having those feelings. Guilt only compounds the ill effects of blue feelings. It also approaches them in lighthearted ways using photos of animals, which helps me to be more objective about what I’m feeling and not let it “master” me. I’m able to step back and muse about my feelings without judgement. At the end of the book, we’re reminded to step out of those blue feelings and reclaim our joy.
You may disagree with me about giving permission to be in those feelings, but as a person who grew up witnessing depression in her parents and siblings, as well as having some of her own, I have appreciated not being condemned for having these emotions.
I’m very grateful for Christian Science because I am reminded that my true identity is my reflection of all that is good, pure, beautiful, wise, loving… and that reminder, along with the first two commandments, let me loosen the binds of depression, and I feel healed by the knowledge of God’s love for me and among all of us. I haven’t gotten to that place of understanding my permanent healing yet, but blogs like these, Evan, do help me increase my understanding. I am grateful. ~peace.
Thanks for what you shared Amy. I relate to much of what you said..
Christian Science does teach that there should be no self-condemnation, you are correct that it only makes matters worse.
I think the devil loves it when we add insult to injury, such as when we feel bad, and then feel bad about feeling bad. It doesn’t sound like you let yourself wallow in blue feelings, but just, as you said, “step back and muse about them without judgement.” The stepping back gives some distance from them and reminds us that these erroneous emotions are really no part of us as God’s greatly-loved child. Then we can rise up and claim our dominion.
As Mrs. Eddy powerfully said, “Citizens of the world, accept the glorious liberty of the children of God and be free. This is your divine right.”
Thank you, Rose,
I very much appreciate your thoughts. The words, “these erroneous emotions are really no part of us as God’s greatly-loved child.” are helpful.
I have that little book, Amy! A friend had given it to me years ago as a
“birth”(new birth of thought?)day gift. The photos are charming … and
it encourages, like on one of the pages, to see things from a different
perspective. Your take-away from it’s message is just as Evan describes
us to do – to step out of those blue feelings and reclaim our joy. You are
also right, imho, Rose, as in who are we to judge or to cause guilt towards
others. Sometimes we seem to go through experiences that we wouldn’t
have done in other situations, or we are unaware, or unknowledgeable at
the time, or circumstances turn out to be learning lessons. It is best to
try to see others with a clean slate, or as God sees them – like ourself –
children of God, not as mortals capable of doing “guilty” things. Of course,
that doesn’t leave us off the hook in doing what is right in the future, or
making wise choices that give our dominion to matter/mortal tendencies,
rather than the more spiritual/divine.
Thanks Evan, for reminding us that our thing is from Divine Mind. Never our own.
Therefore, when we listen to what God is saying to we crush out all erroneous thoughts.
Thank you Father for helping to hear only your voice.
Lorna I like this, “Thank you Father for helping us hear only Your voice.” and how this “crushes out” all illegitimate thoughts.
A statement came to me a while back when feeling confused/overwhelmed about something. I wrote it down and put it on my wall:
“I have the Calm, Clear, Focused, Organized and Joyful Mind of God!”
Thank you, Rose! Wonderful the last truth sentence, and I also will print it out and pin it on the wall!♡
Thank you very much Evan for the admonition in your today’s SpiritView. It’s important. I get angry when something falls down to the floor, as with much effort I pick it up again. However I’m very grateful and happy to have learned in CS that we are the effortless expression of an utterly good God, who is eternal Love! And as God’s likeness we can feel the infinite energy of Spirit, leading us to newness of Life! I just need to listen more to our loving Father-Mother God and am working on it.
WOW Evan. Thank you for today’s message. It was the clarity I was looking for in my daily experience. I’m grateful for your daily inspiration in my life!
Perfect timing- as ever!
Thank you
Thank you Evan, for these thoughts of wisdom. I was just thinking about how
very young children think that the sun and the moon follow Them ~ a rather
egocentric, like with the above mentioned human emotion passions, that we
grow to learn from – – that we are not the center of the universe, but that
God is. We all get to cherish the sun and the moon no matter where we are
or who we are. Mrs. Eddy’s definition in the glossary of S&H, of SUN is
“The symbol of Soul governing man – – – of Truth, Life and Love.” This unites
us all in the light, warmth, and SOUL of our being and when we understand
that it is God/Love that is ever present, and our Creator, the more “human”
passions are placated and dominion over these emotions become more
realized in our lives.
I loved this – when listening to a Sentinel podcast recently – the speaker quoted a passage that was displayed in Cavan Fry’s office , when he was working for Mrs Eddy – “Soul is heard when sense is silent “ . He went on to describe how this simple but powerful idea brought healing . I’ve been thinking about this so much . It is the turbulent material sense of things that ( seems ) to block the clear expression of Soul in our lives . So profound – thank you Evan
The world needs this advice now more than ever. Thank you, Evan!
“Know then that you possess sovereign power to think and act rightly and that nothing can dispossess you of this power and trespass on Love” Pul 3: 7
correction: Should read: “dispossess you of this heritage and trespass on Love”
I learned this the hard way, but once learned, it’s done. Mrs. Eddy knew all the pitfalls of being human and addressed them all, giving us the tools to overcome it all. God bless her.
Agreed, dear DK. We are all “works in progress” and it IS a true blessing
that Mrs. Eddy has given us these tools to follow and be guided by. Evan’s
dedication to helping us all is so much appreciated also. Spirit View gives
us a platform, a springboard – to learn and clarify in seeing ourselves as
God has made us – – perfect and a dear reflection of His Love.
O thank you very much, dear Carol. It’s wonderful what you say, and I agree so very much with it. “God has made us perfect and a very dear reflection of His Love.” So beautiful and sweet!♡
Thanks a lot , dear J for the very helpful article by George Shaw Cook!♡
A very lovely weekend! ❤️
Thank You, dear Uta and a very lovely weekend to you, too.
God bless us – Every One.
Dear Carol, I like to affirm that God does bless us All as His cherished and loved creation. I think that’s what you meant ❤️
Oh yes, Uta, what you write is what I meant.
God Does bless us All … every one of us as
a beloved child of God. Thank you for
clarifying with your comment.
“Once learned, it’s done”
“Controlling One’s Thoughts” by George Shaw Cook, from the January 28, 1939 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel: