Think spiritual, not old

January 24, 2018 | 16 comments

Are you thinking of yourself as old or spiritual? Hopefully, the latter.
God’s man never grows old. He is spiritual. He lives forever. He knows no age, no years, no lack nor loss.
A mortal grows old in belief, but there is no requirement that you identify yourself as a mortal. God made man immortal. God made you immortal!
The more you identify with spiritual reality and not with mortal error, the more you’ll feel divine strength, freedom and health with advancing years.
Be good to yourself, and identify with ageless being. As a child of God, you’re never old. Only spiritual.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote,
“The measurement of life by solar years robs youth and gives ugliness to age….Chronological data are no part of the vast forever….Life is eternal. We should find this out, and begin the demonstration thereof. Life and goodness are immortal. Let us then shape our views of existence into loveliness, freshness, and continuity, rather than into age and blight” Science and Health, p. 246.

16 thoughts on “Think spiritual, not old”

  1. Yes instead of identifying ourself as mortal and material and subject to age, deterioration and death, we need to identify ourself as the spiritual offsprings of God totally pure and perfect, unaffected by old age and problems connected with age. If we are governed by the Divine Mind, God then all our faculties function perfectly always.
    Mrs Eddy mentions in her book that man governed by God is always beautiful and grand and that each succeeding year unfolds wisdom, beauty, harmony, purity and perfection. So friends let’s not be disillusioned by any age issues, for we as the children of God, go stronger and healthier and wiser by age.

  2. Am I grateful for the assurance of the great Truth of eternal, ageless, happy, strong and abundant Life! Thank you awfully, dear Evan for reminding and assuring us about this Truth which is God, good, so freeing!!

    And thank you Nergish for the so helpful truth thoughts you give us, so true!

  3. Thank you Evan. This claim can be a constant temptation unless we address it. Yesterday Craig brought up a passage from the lesson in dealing with false claims about food. This applies to false claims about age too so here it is. Thank Craig. Lettuce overthrow some false evidence today; (sorry I couldn’t resist)

    15 | 120:17
    Health and the senses
    The Science of Mind-healing shows it to be impossible for aught but Mind to testify truly or to exhibit the real status of man. Therefore the divine Principle of Science, reversing the testimony of the physical senses, reveals man as harmoniously existent in Truth, which is the only basis of health; and thus Science denies all disease, heals the sick, overthrows false evidence, and refutes materialistic logic.
    16 | 390:32
    Rise in the conscious strength of the spirit of Truth to overthrow the plea of mortal mind, alias matter, arrayed against the supremacy of Spirit. Blot out the images of mortal thought and its beliefs in sickness and sin. Then, when thou art delivered to the judgment of Truth, Christ, the judge will say, “Thou art whole!”


  4. Thank you Evan and all!

    Back in High School I took a Social Studies class in which the topic of “Rights and Responsibilities” was discussed. For example, in a democracy, people have certain rights, like the right to vote, the right to free speech, etc. But they only can be certain of continuing to experience those rights if they also accept certain responsibilities, like the responsibility of paying taxes, the responsibility of voting, etc.

    I’m at what might be considered in the U.S. “early retirement age” so lately I’ve been thinking about retiring from the job I’ve had for the last 32 years. Many people think of retirement as time during which they can be “leisurely”. But in thinking about retirement along with “eternal life”, it occurred to me that in reality we have an “eternal purpose”. I had an “aha moment” that in order to enjoy the “right” of agelessness, I had to also take on the “responsibility” of knowing that I have to keep “working” eternally to achieve the purpose God has for me. That doesn’t mean I have to keep working at the same job forever. But it does mean that I have to *think* and *act* from the standpoint of having never ending activity, never ending health, never ending energy to fulfill God’s purpose for me. Eternity is a L-O-N-G time, so instead of planning to retire (stop working) I need to be planning what I will be doing (working at) for the rest of eternity!

    I also recently looked up the word “retire” and was surprised to see how many of the various definitions for that word included the concept of “withdrawing”. So again, we can’t get trapped into thinking we need to “withdraw” over time and do less than we have always done if we want to keep our “right” of ageless harmony.

    Below is a great quote from Science and Health, 246:27-28. I love the part about “begin the demonstration thereof”. Are you all planning your eternal life? I’m starting to do that ever since I had that aha moment!

    Life is eternal. We should find this out, and begin the demonstration thereof.

    1. Hallo Brian, thank you for your wonderful comment.

      But one sentence please allow me to correct a little, namely you said in the second half of your comment: “Eternity is a L-O-N-G time …”

      There is no time in Eternity. Shortly I watched Dave Hohles inspiring lecture “time is no factor”. You can find in the internet. That is really an insight into timelessness and agelessness.

      1. Hi Uta,

        Yes, that was just a subtle attempt at humor. Like in a previous post when I wrote about a box being “filled” with nothing. I guess when you can’t see me winking, dry humor is hard to get. I’ll try to avoid that type of humor in the future. Thanks!

        1. Hi Brian,

          I knew what you meant by a L-O-N-G time! It’s a play on words, that doesn’t necessarily communicate an absolute truth, but still points in the direction of absolute truth with a wink and a smile along the way…

          Thanks for all your contributions. And you too, Uta! Readers love to read what everyone has to contribute.

          1. Oh Brian, don`t do that, don`t try to avoid that type of humor in the future. Of course I do understand the humor of “Eternity is a L-O-N-G time… now. Please let us know your humor further.
            I think next time I will understand your humor at once!
            And I like your humorous remark from that previous post about a box been “filled” with nothing – very funny.
            Please excuse that I did not at once understand your humor today. Actually I do love humor very much!

            And thank you very much Evan for your further clearing explanation of Brian`s humor.

            And I am also very grateful for all comments ever coming!

      2. Hi again Uta,

        After I responded with my “humor” comment, I went for an afternoon walk and I kept thinking about your statement that “There is no time in Eternity”. Your comment reminded me of a citation from Science and Health, pg 468:

        Eternity, not time, expresses the thought of Life, and time is no part of eternity.

        I looked up the definition of “eternity” and found it means “infinite time”. At least that’s the conventional human definition of eternity. When I wrote my comment about eternity being a “L-O-N-G time” I was accepting that standard definition of eternity. As Evan pointed out, I was trying to make a joke that if you have an infinite amount of something, then that something is no longer a factor you consider. But your comment, which reminded me of the statement above from S&H, made me realize I never really understood the statement “time is no part of eternity”. I now realize Mrs. Eddy “redefined” what eternity means by that statement!

        For example, in an eternity that consists of “infinite time”, it still takes three minutes to cook a three minute egg. But in an eternity in which there is “no time”, it doesn’t take any time to cook a three minute egg. In an eternity in which there is no time, it doesn’t take any time to do or achieve something…but instead we can do or achieve whatever we need to do instantaneously. In an eternity of infinite time there is still a past, present, and future. But in a “no time” eternity, there is only now.

        Therefore, I wanted to say “thanks” for responding with your comment! It made me think more deeply about these ideas! I love the fact that SpiritView allows us to interact with each other for the purpose of understanding these concepts more clearly. Thanks again to you Uta, Evan, and all of the people that share ideas here!

        1. Hi again Brian,

          that is so very good and so perfectly explained how Eternity is to be understood correct.

          And again very funny your comparison with the three minute-egg boiling.

          Thank you for this very clarifying and inspiring comment of you, Brian! 😉

  5. I needed this so much today. Thank you, Evan, and the responders. I recall that when I was a child in Sunday School, my teacher told us to start working on age. Well I thought that was the dumbest thing I ever heard. Of course now I wish I had heated her advice. Again thank you Evan and your responders.

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