A benefit from strong morals

May 31, 2024 | 7 comments

The moral man has no fear that he will commit a murder, and he should be as fearless on the question of disease.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 406

The above is an arresting statement.  It implies that a strong moral stance protects us from disease.  How can this be? one may wonder.

The moral man does the right thing.  He strives to be honest, genuine, sincere, thoughtful, kind and considerate.  The stronger his commitment to his ideals, the more successful he is in carrying them out.  He doesn’t hear temptation to lie and cheat, because his thought is not tuned in that direction.  He is focused on doing the right thing, and he follows through with his commitments.

How does this help us stay free of disease?

As Christian Science explains, health is spiritual.  It’s a state of Mind gifted to us from divine Mind that is permanently ours to enjoy and reflect.  Any suggestions to the contrary are evil beliefs that need to be defended against and prevented from lodging in thought so that we don’t live out their harmful consequences.

The moral man is quick to agree with right, and even quicker to disagree with wrong.

Health is right.  Disease is wrong.

When temptations to agree with disease come knocking on consciousness, a strong moral sense is quick to see them as evil suggestions that need to be promptly knocked out with spiritual truth.  Rather than entertaining suggestions of disease, mulling them over, and even befriending them, a clear moral sense will adamantly reject the possibility of disease, disagree with it, quick it out of consciousness promptly and retain its natural and normal healthy state of consciousness coming from God.

Morality is good.  It makes us a nice person to be around, but it also serves to keep us healthy.

Be quick to agree with all that is right and true with God, and even quicker to disagree with anything less. 

7 thoughts on “A benefit from strong morals”

  1. Thank you for this. The paragraph that begins, “As Christian Science explains…” was most meaningful to me. Knowing we are whole, complete, and undiminished in God dispels the lie of brokenness no matter how it appears. It is already powerless. Profound, loving thought. Again, thank you.

  2. Evan thank you for showing the parallels between our morality keeping us free from fear of breaking societal laws and keeping us free from fear of disease. Both involve knowing right from wrong. It’s right to do good and it’s right to know the truth about how God made and maintains our wellness. Disease is often portrayed as being caused by breaking physical/material health laws.

    I am still serving on Grand Jury. The quote from Mrs. Eddy that mentioned committing murder got my attention. One of our cases this week involved a graphic scene of this crime. I continue trying to see everything they are presenting to us in a spiritual light, but it is still very hard. It’s a great opportunity to put my CS knowledge into practice, but it is all very exhausting physically and emotionally. Need to know my energy, clarity and peace come from God.

  3. People don’t like talking about morals, they think we’re invading their privacy. Someone new to Christian Science asked me how to really get into it, what was needed. I asked the person if they had tried looking into morals, knowing that it brings up what is good, caring, and holy. They actually said, I’m not interested in that. How can we heal disease if we don’t want to heal our hearts and mind?

    Truth makes a new creature, in whom old things pass away and “all things are become new.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 201:7–9 Truth)

  4. This topic is so pertinent in what is going on in the world today. Dis ease or un ease
    of any kind, is so virulent in trying to get us to believe in a power other than what is
    right, and just and fair. Mortal mind tries every which way it can to cause inharmony,
    chaos in thought, to sway thought away from the correct, the true, the Perfect. It tries
    surreptitiously to get us to believe in falsities and is gleeful when evil seems to be
    winning. In doing so, it sneakily tries to be real and lie and cheat it’s way into controlling
    or influencing thought away from the Truth. But as the sun doesn’t decide not to shine,
    even on cloudy days or our perceived night time, it’s continuity, like God’s Love for each
    of us, continues on if we see it or not. There are no gaps in Divine Harmony/Peace.
    The quote above, “The moral man has no fear he will commit murder and he should be
    as fearless on the question of dis ease”… It is a small example, but made me chuckle.
    Years ago, when doing house checks for a weekend customer, it was around Christmas
    and he had just handed me a Christmas bonus and had said, after doing so…. “and you
    Will set mousetraps, Right?” I had already told his wife, that that is something I just do
    not feel comfortable doing and there was someone I knew who would, but it wasn’t me.
    He had said, “Well, you can Learn to set them!” I was thinking as he said that, “I could
    Learn to smoke or drink or I suppose murder someone, too, but that doesn’t mean that
    I would”. If we stand strong in our convictions.. guard our thought … against any kind of
    dis ease and stick to what we firmly believe in, the Truth will eventually win, as it always
    does. There is no power greater than God and one with God is a majority.

  5. Such a sweet photo sharing joy and Spirit and Love! Precious! Thank you Evan and
    all for God’s ever-present message of harmony, peace and strength.

  6. While I was learning CS nursing there was a theme on the timetable of the nursing school, namely “Ethic”. I found that very interesting and important, and it means “how we treat others, our brothers and sisters”, kindly, compassionate, tender loving! Well these are qualities a Christian Science Nurse must practise everyday. These qualities further the healing of the patience. That’s what we learned!

    Thank you Evan to treat this theme “Morality”! The mother on the foto here treats her child very lovingly and thoughtfully. Thanks for that refreshing image of divine Love!

    Thank you Angel for your comment, and thank you Rose for your comment. God is the only power, and he gives you the strength and power you need for a righteous judgement, dear Rose. God is always in control!

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