A happy healthy heart

September 5, 2024 | 17 comments

Lord, make my heart a place where angels sing! 

~ John Keble

17 thoughts on “A happy healthy heart”

  1. Love the thought and what the picture
    represents. I love the words “make my heart
    a place … where … angels sing.
    A perfect thought for the start and
    finish to every day.


    1. quote… oh love divine this heart of thine is all I need to comfort mine. I have said this for many years when my heart was so heavy taking care of my mother. Not her care, But I cared about how she felt as my dad had passed away and she missed him so much she didn’t want to be here, I had to rise above my heart ache for her feelings of loss as she was living in my home at the time. This quote is what got me through many days and I wanted to share it with all of you. Oh love divine, this heart of thine is all I need to comfort mine. It did, does and i still use it often.

  2. Who doesn’t love angels! Mary Baker Eddy’s explanation of angels has always been a favorite: “God’s thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuition, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality.” (Science & Health, p. 581)

    I came across another quote I kept, but didn’t write down the author: “Your angels are whispering in your ear and telling you what you need to hear. Open a favorite book at random, find a passage to read, and you will hear the voice of the Universe.” This is great to do with hymns, the Bible, etc.

    1. “The angels that you need” God gives us spiritual thoughts, the specific intuitions that lead, transform, heal us by Robert L. T. Holcomb, From the February 2000 issue of The Christian Science Journal. I don’t have the direct link, but if anyone is interested in reading it or adding it here, it has many insightful and inspiring thoughts on angels. 🙂

          1. Thank you, Evan, for today’s post. Lovely!

            What a beautiful article! Thank you, J (and Martine)! ❤️

  3. Taking on the “Name” Angel, when a dear friend passed on to another realm,
    not seen mortally, the Spirit of her Love, lives on, here and throughout all time
    and place. She had given me a little tin box that says “Sisters by heart” and
    “Soul Sisters Forever” with a <3. As a tribute to her, I try to express the kindness,
    compassion, thoughtfulness that she always shared with me, with others..
    Thank you, J , for the quote about opening a favorite book at random. I did that with
    the hymnal and Hymn #347 came up, with the words, "…O thou afflicted, tossed with
    doubt, God bids the storm to cease; His children shall be taught of Him And great
    shall be their peace". In opening randomly, S & H, Pg. 509, "The periods of spiritual
    ascension are the days and seasons of Mind's creation, in which beauty, sublimity,
    purity, and holiness – yea, the divine nature – appear in man and the universe never
    to disappear". And in Miscellany, Pg.39, in describing our dear Mrs. Eddy, was/is
    described …. "We recall the harmonious tones of her gentle voice. Our hearts were
    thrilled by her compassion, and the memory lives with us. But even more distinctly
    may we realize her presence with us to-day. Why? Because our own growth in love
    and unity enables us to comprehend better the strength and beauty of her character".
    God's angel messages are with us always.

  4. God’s angels ever come and go, All winged with light and love; They bring us blessings from on high, They lift our thoughts above, They whisper God is Love. O longing hearts that wait on GodThroufh all the world so wide; He knows the angels that you need, and sends them to your side, to comfort, guard and guide. O wake and hear the angel-song That bids all discord cease, From pain and sorrow, doubt and fear, It brings us sweet release; And so our hearts find peace. ❤️ ❤️
    Hymn 9 from the Christian Science Hymnal

  5. One of my favourite hymns is 444. There are 3 lovely verses:

    Be still my heart: you rest in Love divine;
    God’s gracious touch has silenced grief and pain.
    Love’s timeless Christ allows for no decline;
    In changeless being shall your health remain.
    Be still, my heart: your faithful only Friend
    Secures your joyful voyage without end.

    Be still, my heart: of present glories sing
    Instead of mourning for a troubled past.
    Replace sad tunes with melodies that ring
    Of God’s rich mercy and of blessings vast.
    Be still, my heart: the winds and waves recede
    When to God’s angel voices you give heed.

    Be still my heart: God casts out all fears,
    Assuring you that God and man are one;
    And in that oneness here and now appears
    Love’s everlasting life, with death outdone.
    Be still, my heart: no lies, no tears, no curse
    Can mar the rhythm of God’s universe. L. X

  6. I have been deeply pondering the Mother Love of God and have felt a lightness and joy in my own heart with guidance for new directions.

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