A new year

December 31, 2010 | 4 comments

Happy New Year is a traditional greeting on the first day of January.


A New Year, as a point in time, is not really that significant. Big deal, another day and 364 more to come, the uninspired might ho-hum.


But a New Year, and an Old Year, measured in terms of spritual progress made and lessons learned is a big deal. They are evidence that we are ascending in thought to Truth and leaving false matter beliefs behind.


May your New Year be filled with more steps heavenward, blessings, inspirations and healings that highlight your inseparability from God, demonstrate your endless supply coming from divine Mind and prove divine Love’s unfailing care.


Happy New Year!


4 thoughts on “A new year”

  1. “Exercise thyself to godliness,” the Bible instructs. Put off gluttony, fear, excess appetite, and false beliefs that justify too much weight, and any other belief that props the problem up, and you will find the health you seek. Yep, you should do it everyday! And if you pray best when you’re running a few miles to get out and away from distraction, then so be it.

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