Act with divine power

January 21, 2025 | 40 comments

We must look where we would walk, and we must act as possessing all power from Him in whom we have our being.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 264

That’s a powerful statement to ponder, “…we must act as possessing all power from Him in whom we have our being.”

To possess all power from God is to possess a great amount of power.  It’s not the status of a weakling or a coward.  It’s the status of dominion and authority.

Mrs. Eddy is not talking about the use of human willpower or brute force, but of wisdom, intelligence and understanding.

Understanding God as having all power gives us power over human circumstances.  It gives us dominion and authority to act on inspired ideas that produce good outcomes.

Be sure to claim possession of the immense power you have coming from God today.  And exercise it abundantly!

40 thoughts on “Act with divine power”

  1. The material picture for me at this time seems very dark. So, rightly or wrongly when praying about a belief I’ve found myself thinking…I’ve got such a lot of work ( prayer ) to do to unsee the error. It came to me yesterday that whatever the seeming challenge , the truths and intelligence I rely on are infinite and therefore ALWAYS the victor. So, how grateful I am to read these truths you set before us today Evan…thank you so much. ❣️

    1. Dear Barbara, I am knowing that the ever-present Christ is shining the light
      of Truth and Love into your heart and mind right now, and lifting you right out of the
      illusion of darkness into His glorious light. All is well, for thus saith the Lord
      that is caring for you. love, Maggie

      1. Dear Maggie, Thank you for your loving thoughts and reply. Indeed it is truly felt . I love the thought of’ ‘’ His glorious light ‘’ it will stay with me all day .Love is all around cherishing us all. B.x

    2. Dear, Dear BarbaraUK,
      The dark material picture you Seem to be experiencing can be likened to
      the sun coming up like on a new morning. When turning to God, we can
      see this beautiful light and warmth of divine Truth washing upon us like
      the sun is shining and enlightening a snowy scenery right now. It was
      so cold and dark during the night, but this breath of God’s reflection
      has warmed the soul, the Truth of our being, as reflected in this Love.
      I see your perfection as a child of God .. not in a mortal being struggling
      with this or that seeming problem, but as God has created you … not in
      a limited, mortal body, but in the vast infinity, like of the snowflakes that
      are blanketing the entire vision, as it were a spiritual view of eternity.
      Hugs to you and so much love. Your inspiration you have always shared
      here is shining back at you with such an abundance of peace and Love.

      1. Dear Carol. What a wonderful uplift I’ve had today from your so truthful and loving comment.
        I’ve had so much help here today on SV , it definitely has given me needed spiritual encouragement.
        Sending Love and expecting good.B.x

        1. Awww … so glad, Barbara! We all are here to help each
          other let our light shine. Thank you to Evan for providing
          this wonderful platform in uplifting us all!! : )

  2. The 1st commandment, “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me” coincides with this statement, “We must act as possessing all power from Him in whom we have our being.”
    Or are we making gods out of MY sickness (fill in the blank)? Or MY sin (fill in the blank)? as having a power apart from God? By acting (knowing, expressing, acknowledging, affirming, avowing, God’s allness) we are obeying the 1st commandment.

    1. Thanks, Josef, for
      “ We can’t be less”
      Creation is more and more good available
      God’s reservoirs can’t get empty for a moment, so let His
      Her angels welcome us!

  3. And always so important to remember that domination is human, but dominion is divine and that we are all “subject to the divine powers that be” —-and not to domination of evil people, actions or intent.

    1. I am grateful for the clear separation between the words you contributed, “domination is human, but dominion is divine. . .”subject to the divine powers that be”. Learning that definition applies here, where ‘spots’ of domination have appeared suddenly, but the DIVINE DOMINION goes unacknowledged. Each incident lifts me up, realizing that I express DIVINE DOMINION, Rising up by acknowledging that “DIVINE DOMINION”, results in peace and harmony. Thank you Diane W for pointing the way.

    2. Thank you Diane for this. I love the distinction you made between domination and dominion. Very helpful as is SV and all comments.

    3. wow, thank you, Evan and thank you, Diane. I have shared these quotes and comments with friends and family today. very much appreciated

  4. Such a powerful idea from Mary Baker Eddy. Barb starts a new job today so this is so helpful to remember! Thank you Evan!

  5. Your wonderful statement on God’s power sent me to Concord to look up a favorite hymn:
    Hymn. 10:1
    All power is given unto our Lord, / On Him we place reliance; / With truth from out His sacred word / We bid our foes defiance. / With Him we shall prevail, / Whatever may assail; / He is our shield and tower, / Almighty is His power; / His kingdom is forever.
    We take a stance against mortal mind because it’s based on the nothingness of error. The Word of God is what we follow as our Master Jesus Christ demonstrated and Mary Baker Eddy discovered and shared with every receptive person.

  6. Thank you all for your words of wisdom. Diane, I appreciated your distinction between domination and dominion. And Josef’s thought of not being less than God’s perfect idea. I’ve liked the thought that the divine will impels right action whereas human will seems to compel action. much love to all.

      1. Excellent article J. So helpful! Thank you. And I also got a lot out of Mark Swinney’s new Sentinel Watch last night.

    1. Dear J …thank you for this link. I’ve read this before but this time what has been so helpful is understanding that the serpent has no influence until mortal mind gave it credit . Always learning.Bx

        1. Dear J ..yes I’ve just listened to this and especially liked the ‘’small steps’’ advice when expectantly reaching out to God. Made me think of the bible verse
          ISAIAH 55:11
          so shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: It shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.. Love to you .B.x

  7. I found this article last week when pondering the sentence from page 516 in S&H. “Man,made in His likeness, possesses and reflects God’s dominion over all the earth.”

    “Man’s Heritage of Dominion” Margaret Morrison. JCS Journal May 1946

        1. Thank you Sew and Cheryl for the Margaret Morrison article….”the dominion of absolute good which knows no evil.. the knowledge of good & evil…closed the eyes of mortals to man’s dominion over the earth…Rather is dominion given to man in the likeness of God, knowing no evil.”
          Excellent article. So helpful!

  8. Dear Barbara UK Carol. and others – comments appreciated – I also feeling less that good today. Thanks Evan too for all the Spiritviews

    1. Dear Richard…sending you Love . Beautiful messages today ..
      Hymn 49
      Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from us now the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
 The beauty of Thy peace. —‘’ B.x

    2. So happy to share, Richard … and BarbaraUK , Hymn 49 is great.
      I particularly love “Speak through the earthquake, wind and fire,
      O still small voice of calm”. If I might add, “cold”, too, that so
      many also seem to be affected with in parts of the US and
      wherever… a very calming hymn.

  9. Jumping in late in the day, but just wanted to say I am very moved and grateful reading the discussion today. So much love and wisdom, it is a priviledge to be with all of you great spiritual thinkers and sharers.

    I join in the love and prayers of Truth we hold for you dear Barbara. The progress in your thought is clear. Thanks for that great hymn 49 and Isaiah 55:11. A dear practitioner I knew always closed her communications with these words, “All is well, because all IS well.”

    1. From the article J kindly shared on topic of manipulation from a few days ago (Jan 17, SV), “You and I exist as God’s, infinite Mind’s, expression of Himself.” That is what we are, and the only thing we are.

  10. I am also moved with many many deep thanks to Evan for this healing and blessing SV Blog. You are also always teaching us something important and helpful, dear Evan. “To possess all power from God is to possess all great amount of power.” That’s so wonderful and true, because God is all power there is and ever can be. How endless comforting that is.
    It’s just what I do need, thanks dearly, Evan. And it’s really to ponder a lot. And I can manage my day only with the strength of our everpresent loving God.

    I am also very grateful for this very loving conversation forum and the so helpful links to CS articles. I feel the love expressed here a lot; thank you all very deeply!♡

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