Affirm what is true

November 18, 2024 | 35 comments

I was listening as a patient rehearsed statements of truth she had been praying to heal a physical ailment.

She said, “I’m knowing that the pain is not real, that I don’t have a disease, that I ‘m not material…” and so on.  I mentioned to her that these were accurate statements, from a metaphysical point of view, but they would be classified more in the category of denial of error rather than affirmations of truth.

Truth is God.  God is good.  Affirmations of Truth affirm aspects of spiritual reality.  They state what is true with God, we discussed.

For instance, knowing that “God made me healthy and keeps me healthy,” is an affirmation of truth.  Knowing that “I am a spiritual being filled with the harmony and peace of God,” is an affirmation of truth.

Denying pain and disease reality can be a helpful start when arguing one’s way to spiritual reality, but we don’t want to get stuck there.  The purpose of prayer is to see reality—to see and know what God knows.

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Truth is affirmative, and confers harmony” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 418).  Truth is Love.  Truth is good.  Truth is harmony, order, health and peace.  Truth is spiritual reality.

As my patient caught on to affirming what is real and true with God, rather than sticking with denials of what is not true with God, her prayers were far more effective.  She started to feel better!

For better results when praying, affirm reality.  Affirm what God knows and what God creates.  You’ll feel God’s presence much quicker that way.

35 thoughts on “Affirm what is true”

  1. On a bill board locally recently…

    ‘No God..No Peace
    KNOW God..KNOW Peace ‘

    Thank you Evan…and I love the way the bricks turn between Truth and Trust!
    So grateful for Spirit View…Truth full day to all.❣️

    1. That is very good, Barbara. It is a bit like saying “There is no life, Truth,
      Intelligence or substance in matter -All is infinite Mind, and its infinite
      manifestations, for God is All-in-all:……” What a difference those two
      extra letters at the begging and end of the word “NO” make,
      And the Bible says “All shall know me from the least unto the greatest”.
      So we stick with the knowing of God for us all and let it continually unfold
      the spiritual goodness that God gives us to know and express.

      1. Hi Maggie….I love having smaller quotes/truths to go to , especially in some circumstances when short is more waiting in the dentist…or a traffic jam. After your comment , this little couplet I noticed will associate me with the Scientific Statement of Being.
        Perfect. B.x.

        1. Yes, I agree, Barbara – shorter quotes are very useful to have
          at hand to declare particularly in an emergency.

          After your last one, I declare Perfect U and
          perfect I, and that covers everyone I think. So let us all
          perfect B.forever. .

  2. Guilty as charged! Like yiur patient I have been stuck in denials rather than affirmations. Your message today has shown me where I’ve been going wrong! I’m so grateful for this today. Thank you.

    1. Lately I have been studying in depth the Scientific Statement of Being and an important aspect I noticed in it is the only verb used is “is”,which is a present tense meaning “now”. This was an enlightening revelation to me regarding the effectiveness of this statement. We have recently been talking about not being disturbed by the past or worried about the future. I hope my revelation might help someone else’s study.

      1. thank you. that’s helpful. and thank you, Evan for the reminder not to get stuck in the denial part of prayer, but really the most important part is the affirmation of good, God present here, now and to know and feel our oneness with God.

      2. Oh yes that is really helpful M ! I have often noticed how the small words such as “ if” and “ but” in the textbook are often the most important— and this is another instance and I hadn’t noticed the IS in the SS of Being

  3. Good morning Evan :
    im so greatful have spiritview back in it’s rightful capacity.
    just realized it this morning.

    1. Using some denials is helpful. Too many make denials an affirmation. I love how Evan wrote “God made me healthy and keeps me healthy.”
      This led me to expand the thought to “God knows that I know that he made me healthy and keeps me healthy.” It is the knowing, the understanding that heals. Saying it in this way reminds me that we are one. “I and the Father are one.” Thank you Evan

  4. Mrs. Eddy told her students one denial for 10 affirmations of truth. I think we get stuck in the denial like we are casting out a real something. It’s the truth that heals.

  5. This is a very good reminder. I liken it sports. As I have been trying to improve my golf game (over the past 30 yers 🙂 ) I do not spend mental time focusing on what I can’t do or mistakes I could make. Whenever I affirm mentally what I can do, what I know I am capable of, and where all ability comes from, it inevitably manifests itself as paying at a higher level. Your mental game practicing strategy is as, or more, important as the physical.

    1. Mark Swinney write a wonderful article about focusing on what you are doing right. Accentuate the positive
      By Mark Swinney

  6. Thanks everyone! This has been an affirmative thread! I’m thinking about how the scientific statement of being begins with a denial, followed by so many affirmations! Love to all.

  7. Thank you Evan for these wonderful truths.
    1. Affirm that you’re loved. Excerpt from:
    “Five ideas for quicker healings” By Elise L. Moore from The Christian Science Journal, March 2005:

    *For those of you with subscriptions, the same article can be found here:

    – I wrote this down, but not the author: “You don’t have to know what ISN’T true, only what IS true. Good always has been and ever will be true about God’s child.”

  8. Thank you Evan and Everyone. I find the spiritually uplifting truths in the above messages
    very helpful, Such as, “Truth is God. God is good. Affirmations of Truth affirm aspects of
    Spiritual Reality. They state what is true with God. Truth is Love … Affirm what God knows
    and what God creates”. All such powerful declarations of what is Real. True. Thank you.
    By affirming what God/Soul/Mind sees as spiritual and not in matter, the eternality of His
    creation is reflected in a peace that is Christlike. We can not see Christ or God, like we
    can not “see” for example, those who have gone on into another realm of existence before
    us, but we Know that these qualities of Love and Truth are always with us. Hymn #23
    comes to mind: “Blest Christmas morn… Thou gentle beam of living Love … Truth infinite
    … Fill us today With all thou art – be thou our saint, Our stay, alway”.

  9. “You don’t have to know what ISN’T true, only what IS true. Good always has been and ever will be true about God’s child.” (sorry, didn’t write down the author.)

    “We are not starting out as flawed people and working hard to become un-flawed. Instead, we have always been the pure expression of infinite Mind, and through prayer we are discovering this truth of being. Prayer enables us to let go of misconceptions about man.” (Christie Hanzlik)

    1. I often will state off the cuff, I am not material , I am Spiritual. Now I will say I am, and always have been, and always will be Spiritual. 🙂

  10. In common world view prayer is often understood to consist of imploring a higher power to fix or change a bad material situation into a good one, and hoping that this power will give us what we ask. But Evan makes it clear that, “The purpose of prayer is to see reality – to see and know what God knows.” And to feel His wonderful, healing presence. With this kind of prayer there is no human outlining, just a lot of humility and trust and peace.

  11. Thank you very much, dear Evan for your today’s wonderfully uplifting SpiritView. As Josef says , I havn’t seen it that way you explained it, either – more to the positive side – more affirming divine Reality than denying unreality. Yess let’s affirm what God knows and what God creates, namely all creation/ideas as very very good. And how wonderfully, that we then feel God’s persence much quicker, as Evan assures us. Thank you very much!!!
    Thank you all so much for your inspired comments and Maggie for the link to Mark Swinney’s interesting article “Accentuate the Positive.”
    Have all a lovely day – here it’ts bedtime. now.

  12. Thank you Evan! SO helpful. Clarifies and explains the difference. I didn’t realize thatI’ve been doing so many denials and not so many affirmations.
    And thank you so much J for the link to Elise Moore’s article!

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