Any tennis players in Australia?

February 21, 2012 | 2 comments

G’day mate!

I’m flying to Sydney this evening for a month long lecture tour of Australia and part of New Zealand.  I expect the trip to be very productive, fruitful and full of healing.  It sure has taken a mountain of planning and prayer to get this far!

My practice will continue as it always does while I travel.  I have plenty of down-time for prayer and treatment while riding airplanes and sitting in hotels.  My iphone will receive phone messages and emails while I’m in Australia. But the easiest way to communicate with me will be through email. I will be about 18 hours ahead of Pacific Time in the USA.

I expect to blog my way through this lecture tour and keep you abreast. Won’t that be fun!  I’ve never been there before.  I look forward to meeting the people, loving and praying with them, and learning more about God’s extended family. 

How often I post entries about the trip while traveling is yet to be seen.  They will likely be interspersed with other items you’re accustomed to seeing.

I know this blog has many readers from Down Under. Are any of you tennis players? Most of my schedule is too tight for squeezing in a tennis match, but I could find time for hitting some balls while in Wynnum, near Brisbane, February 25-27, in Sydney on March 4, or in Perth, March 4, 5. I’m a middle-of-the line 3.5 USTA level tennis player (ITN 7). If any of you in those areas, male or female, would like to hit some balls for fun, let me know.  You can help keep my game in shape for a tournament I have when returning to the States.  🙂

2 thoughts on “Any tennis players in Australia?”

  1. Wow, Evan, your commitment and dedication to the Cause of Christian Science NEVER ceases to amaze me! Truly inspiring! Have a joy-filled, productive trip. I look forward to the blogs from down under … actually, as I write “down under” I’m curious … do the Aussies enjoy being referred to as down under? Could be interpreted as negative. KIDDING!! LOL!!

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