Avoid danger zones

January 16, 2018 | 18 comments

If you’re walking down a city street and approach a construction site with Danger signs posted around it, what do you do? If you’re s sensible type, you likely walk around the danger zone to keep yourself away from falling debris showering from above or unstable ground below.

Construction sites are one type of danger zone to avoid in the best interests of health and safety. Another type is any state of mortal mind that argues for evil.

For instance, if a family member gets angry and wants you to get angry with them, see Danger Zone! You don’t need to jump into their rage and participate. You can remain in the safe place of divine Love and pray to bring them into that place too.

If a neighbor predicts disease running rampant in the office, see Danger Zone! You don’t need to jump into a fearful mindset and contribute to the fulfillment of a harmful prophecy. You can stay in a consciousness of God’s omnipotence and prevent the spread of disease.

If thought whispers, “You have no purpose,” you can see Danger Zone! You can refuse to agree with any type of destructive mortal mind attitude that would demoralize outlook and depress hope. God always has a purpose for you, and every day is an opportunity to explore that purpose and live it fully.

Other types of danger zones to avoid include participating in poisonous gossip, predicting failure, self-righteous condemnation of others, putting others down, expecting lack, agreeing with sickness, harboring resentment, indulging pity-parties, envy or jealousy.

The best way to avoid getting entrapped with mental danger zones is to stay clear on the allness of God’s good. Perfect God and perfect man is the standard of Christian Science, and when this ideal is kept firmly in view, any condition or circumstance of evil we encounter will stand out to us. We will “see it coming,” and take steps to avoid mindlessly wandering into its snares, traps and pitfalls.

With God, there are no danger zones. All is Love, peace, harmony, health and dominion.

Walk with Truth and Love as your guides to all things in life, and you’ll walk in a path of safety. You’ll be in God’s Zone where all is well.

18 thoughts on “Avoid danger zones”

  1. Evan,
    Thank you for the call to alertness. How these danger zones try to subtly creep into our thinking.

  2. Good morning dear Evan and participants. What a beautiful and extremely useful article today. It’s just for me today and … for everyone today. I think it has a vital utility because it tells us about prevention. Each time our human mind sees a “danger zone” sign we must immediately return to the “God zone”, and know of its omnipresence and omnipotence. Recognize that Love and Truth fill all space and that we reflect. Before a danger zone we must flood our conscience with these truths and immediately we will perceive that we never stop being in the zone of God. It is mesmerism that seeks to be heard, but we must be alert and firmly declare which is the “single zone”, the “zone of God”. Blessings to all.

  3. So clear and so helpful in our day to day journey. Thank you, Evan. Would be a great message to teach young Sunday school students as well. Even the very youngest. Never allowing the danger messages to seep into thought except to warn us to pray, is crucial. How to do that? By keeping thought in the God Zone! By claiming and understanding the all power, all action, all presence, all safety of “living and moving and having our being in God” (as Paul in Acts 13 so eloquently states.) That God Zone is a place of true safety. But as you point out, Evan, we must stay alert! Not going through life with blinders on but head on meeting every danger zone with the truth about God and man. Just love this!

  4. Thank you Evan for alerting us to recognize we dwell in God’s zone, and how to keep our consciousness filled with that knowledge.

  5. I love this post. It is just a beautiful statement for being alert, patient relying on spiritual guidance for our participation with others. I have to share this one. Thanks Evan

  6. Evan,
    Thank you for the reminder to stay alert. 🙂

    “Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full. There is no door through which evil can enter, and no space for evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness. Good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited.
    My. 210:2-11

    1. Kirsten, You’ve led me exactly where I need to be today, mentally; preparing for a membership meeting at church, and so much good keeps coming; the fact is that the meeting and all who attend are blessed by the message you shared out of MBE’s MY 2010: 2-11.

    2. Thank you Kirsten, for sharing MBEddy’s passage from My. P. 210:2-11.

      Our church has a boardmeeting, and I now intend to read this as an introduction to the meeting. Such a healing passage, am grateful for it!

  7. Sometimes, I am confronted with those that are not supportive with our healing processes.

    Many times, I tell them to look into Christian Science and the wonderful healing process that occurs.

    There is not much concern and it is easier for them to change the subject. My answer is why don’t you look into Christian Science and the wonderful healing benefits that occurs.

    Try it, you will like it.

  8. Thank you so much, Evan!
    Mortal mind sometimes seems so true and real, that i need such a reminder to get out of the dream, “danger zone”.
    Thank you very much!

  9. Thank u for a reminder to be alert to the danger zone, Gustavo, I appreciate too the
    “God zone”. Gratitude to u both and also Kirsten for the significant words from Mrs. Eddy about keeping our minds full… So there is no room for evil… Bless all

  10. Thank you Evan. A great short, powerful reminder to be alert: “Danger Zone!” As Grace said, “so clear and so helpful in our day to day journey. ” Goes right along with Mrs. Eddy’s “Stand porter at the door of thought.”

  11. Great tips shared. The subtle ways we slip into dangerous territory not really realizing what’s really going on. Thanks for reminding and warning us .

  12. Thank you dear Evan, I love the truth thoughts ,,perfect God and perfect man is the standard of Christian Science”. It is comforting, but we have to prove it through our prayer and our living so as Evan makes it clear to us. I feel so blessed by all the SpiritViews – thank you dear God!

  13. Thanks Evan for another wake up call. Thanks Kirsten for sharing Mrs. Eddy’s words. I have always loved that statement and applies so well to todays SV.

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