32 thoughts on “Be about doing it”

  1. I am awake in the middle of the night praying to learn whether I am to move to another state or remain where I have lived all my life. Finances and getting help and how to go about all of this has been uncertain, but I am getting God’s messages in wonderful ways. And at 2 a.m. this SpiritView came across helping me to know wherever I am, it is possible that is where Love will have me be. God provides and this truth I have felt throughout my years of Christian Science prayer and understanding. It’s possible I’ll move near another Christian Science Church in another state and feel at home, or my home where I am now will continue to bless me in wonderful ways.

    1. 2am is a good time to pray because the world around you is quiet and you can really “tune in”..
      We hear that “still small voice” reassuring us “this is the way walk ye in it”..

    2. When I was in college, a dear protestant friend said, in a delightful southern accent, “My mama always said, ‘you want to find your home? You find your church home FIRST, and then everything falls into place.” I followed that advice when our family had to make a big move to a large city across the country. I found the Christian Science church first, with the heartfelt intention of serving church as faithfully as possible. Then I looked for a place within walking distance of that church. God has blessed that motive immeasurably, Immeasurably. We have moved twice within the city since that first move,– again, always within walking distance of the church, and each time finding a place more fitting, more beautiful, and more affordable. We have been able to bless our neighbors as well as the church.

      Divine Love is always the best Shepherd to follow, and divine Love does indeed lead to green pastures, still waters, mercy and goodness.

      1. Thank you Diane, that’s also what Mrs. Eddy says, to possibly visit the church nearest to you. Thank you for your comforting comment.

    3. I guess its a matter of motive, Judith. As we are made in God’s image and likeness and the first Commandment reinfoirces this by indicating the indissoluble inter-relation between God and His creation, we cannot really do anything but move in accordance with His direction; we can only move from where we are already serving our Creator to a location where we can better serve Him.

      I love what John Qualtrough says iun this connection

  2. Thank you … yesterday I learned my position at work is being eliminated without a severance package. I also have been awake all night .. as ALWAYS when we listen for the still small voice God sends his loving ideas/truths via Angel messages.

    1. Lisa, your needs will be met. Keep your thought open to seeing the many blessings God has for you. I’ve seen this happen in my life many times ❣️

  3. A wonderful quotation form an inspiring man, and it brought to mind verse 3
    from the following hymn, but the whole hymn is helpful.

    My God, my Father, make me strong,
    When tasks of life seem hard and long,
    To greet them with this triumph song,
    Thy will be done.

    With confident and humble mind,
    My joy in service I would find,
    My prayer through every task assigned,
    Thy will be done.

    Things deemed impossible I dare,
    Thine is the call and Thine the care,
    Thy wisdom shall the way prepare;
    Thy will be done.

    Heaven’s music chimes the glad days in,
    Hope soars beyond death, pain and sin,
    Faith sings in triumph, Love doth win;
    Thy will is done.
    (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 190:1–4)

    1. Thank you very very much dear Maggie for this powerful and comforting hymn!
      It is the prayer and conviction I just needed – it is balm for my soul! God is my strength, my doing, my care and my safe guide!

      Thank you dear Evan for these true words! I just have to manage several items for which I have to know that with God a l l things are possible. God is the doer and I am the doing, His expression!

      1. Dear Uta, I am glad you found the hymn helpful. I love the hymns, there is always one
        that comes to me when I need it, as I am sure it does to everyone, and if I don’t know it
        by heart, I memorise it, and take it around with me during the day, silently or audibly singing it to myself. I suppose it is one way of praying without ceasing – it keeps my mind focussed where it needs to be.

        1. Dear Maggie and Uta (and of course Evan) and Everyone, The thoughts
          shared today are so lovely! That hymn is very soothing and comforting,
          Maggie. Thank you. I find such inspiration in hymns. They are truly God’s messages to us, whispering in such a beautiful way that all will be/is well.
          Our trust in God brings peace in mind..
          “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is”-
          William Shakespeare

        2. Indeed Maggie, the music in many situations
          Can bring us back in alignment with the good Lord, the infinite Presence, the personal Sheperd. The inspiring words of the hymn take us to the next level and the vibration of the music transends our thought
          And heart.

  4. Good for you Lisa! God has a special next step for you for sure! We don’t need to be backed up with matter (severance packages). We have what we need every moment supplied by Divine Love’s infinite supply.
    (Thanks for wonderful ideas Evan and everyone)

    1. Thank you for sharing this article, Martine – I found it really excellent in helping to
      strengthen my understanding that every detail of God’s creation is completely
      spiritual and governed by His spiritual perfect Law, which is infallible. Everything
      IS possible when we admit that God, Spirit is the only substance and intelligence
      of the universe..

      Thank you to everyone also for your determination to trust in God for all your
      needs. These needs will be met, as you are confident that they will be.

  5. Thanks, Martine, for the link to that Barbara Cook Spencer’s article. I hadn’t read it before and it was so inspiring!

    1. Thank you so much Maggie, Katherine and Evelyn for your kind words ! I am glad I have been the instrument of God to find this article.

  6. I’m grateful to have been taught that it is always our perspective on things, knowing that “with God all things are possible” has been a great support. I can, because I reflect the Great I Am (God). I like Audrey Hepburn quote, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I’m possible!” Thank you Evan for this helpful reminder, God is the Doer and we are the doing and He supplies us with all we need.

  7. It is wonderful to know that wherever we are, our spiritual home is with God/Love.
    And with Him/Her anything and everything is possible. Where I lived previously, I
    thought I would always remain, but with much prayer, God led me, like He does
    everyone, to a wonderful place. Hymn 148 was a constant guide “Wherever He may
    guide me, No want shall turn me back; My Shepherd is beside me, And nothing can I
    lack”. For months into years, my life was turned upside down, with my home, funds,
    customers, everything being threatened to be taken away. Very unfair and out of
    vindictiveness (mortal mind). But with the help of God’s always caring, a (mortal) judge
    saw through all the negativity and I have been blessed with my humble way of life and
    am so grateful to share the Love I have. One Mind’s communication and sharing is a
    heavenly blessing that will always guide us into whatever God’s plan is already defined.
    Every day is a spiritual journey along the path of seeing what that plan is and how it will
    be implemented.

    1. Thanks J for this article. There are concentration camps in China as well today that have been bothering me. This article gives me a new and powerful approach to prayer. it reminded me of the story of a woman in a concentration camp during WWII who found a copy of Science and Health in the mud and started reading it. She ended up walking right out of the camp with guards in the towers. When I first read this I thought of her as having an “invisible” cloak on, like Harry Potter: hidden from the enemy. But I get the idea now that the camp was what was invisible to her. Nothing there to hold her.

        1. This information is really interesting, J . Thank you for researching and
          sharing it with us. It is quite unfathomable how humans can sometimes
          treat others so unkindly, and today as well. All error, evil, of course.
          I found the Linda Jo Beckers article very helpful, too. Thank you so much
          for sharing that also with us. I particularly found the demonstration of
          where does darkness go when the light is turned on – into the hallway?
          What a great way of showing the nothingness.
          Also the pencil and ant presentation was also a good one. It goes along
          with a saying I’ve heard, “A number 2 pencil [or to modernize it to today –
          a computer] – and a dream can take you anywhere”. That is, with
          thoughts of Spirit, Mind is limitless.

  8. Thank you Evan and all. We can always know whether we are in the right path when we listen to God. This is very apt in decision making.

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