23 thoughts on “Be generous with kindness”

  1. A wonderful spiritual suggestion, Evan. I observed a worker at the local post office get slighted by a customer for something the employee had no control over. When my turn at the window came, I smiled at her for helping me and thanked her. She returned my gratitude with so much appreciation. It’s really so easy to be kind and so rewarding to all involved..

    1. Yes Love, I had a similar thought. When I read the quote, “You know who could use some kindness right now?” My immediate thought was — “you.” Being kind to ourselves is important, makes it easier for us to express kindness to others. God is pouring His kindness into us, through us, so we can send it forth to everyone in our path.

      Great photo, so sweet and dear, an expression of Love.

      I looked up Dr. Sunwolf from the quote. Quite the renaissance woman. Trial attorney, jury expert, author, professor of Law and of Communications, storyteller, taught a course called Science of Happiness and writing a book called God-Thinking. On her Twitter page is a short video near the top which she calls “2 minutes of joy to watch.” This will make you smile. especially if you’re feeling a little old.

      1. Thank you dear Rose, yes it makes me smile very much, and I enjoyed it a lot!
        One can see the joy and kindness in the faces of that lovely couple! 🙂

      2. Outstanding Rose, Caught time to watch, with glee, as my husband joined me with outbursts of awe, as the “2 minutes of joy to watch” was broadcasting. Great. . . .
        Thank you.

        1. You’re so welcome J, Uta and Chilesands. I had a feeling folks might enjoy that video as much as I did.

          And thank you J for the superb article today on holding everyone, near and far, in a spiritual embrace. The writer gave an inspiring testimony and her writing style was so sincere and clear.

  2. Kindness is especially worthwhile when we express it to someone who has not been kind to us,
    but has shown animosity towards us.

    Mrs.Eddy says on p 405 of S&H,
    “Christian Science commands man to master the propensities, — to hold hatred in abeyance with kindness,….”

    But obviously showing kindness to everyone whenever we have the opportunity is
    the right and good thing to do – and then leave the outcome to God. It will help to
    destroy the false material claims on man and bring happiness and joy to light.

  3. Awww…What an Adorable photo and message! With my
    precious kitty passing on to a higher realm recently after
    having lived a good life, it is extra special.

    There are so many quotes on kindness, but here are
    a few I love:

    “Kindness is spreading sunshine into people’s [and animal’s]
    lives regardless of the weather.”
    “Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.”
    “You will change the world just by being a warm, kindhearted
    human being”
    “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking
    creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” – Lao Tzu
    and from the last part of a sweet letter from Mrs. Eddy’s Miscellaneous
    Writings, page 134: 18:
    “Love comes to our tears like a soft summer shower,
    To beautify, bless, and inspire man’s power.”
    : )

  4. Thank you Evan for highlighting such a simple but so consequential gesture. Extending kindness is probably the most underrated act of personal interaction.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this powerful article! and to Evan for your inspiration and direction. And to all who share. I am reminded today that I can help support this work of Evan’s by donating to help cover his costs. please consider joining me. there is a donation link somewhere on this website.

  5. Wow! Wonderful, Evan. Yes, kindness, regardless of the situation, does have a healing effect. I love the kitten being sheltered under the umbrella.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this powerful article! and to Evan for your inspiration and direction. And to all who share. I am reminded today that I can help support this work of Evan’s by donating to help cover his costs. please consider joining me. there is a donation link somewhere on this website.

    1. Great suggestion Margi about donating to the upkeep of our beloved SpiritView. We can click on ‘About’ (in blue bar that runs across the top of this page) and then scroll down to the bottom of the About page to find the Donate button. Giving is a solid act of kindness. Lots of love to everyone here, appreciate all of you.

  7. I’ve been thinking about this the last few days. Yes, prayer is vital but, in the Bible, God says, “if you love me keep My commandments…” And Jesus said in Matt 25:35-36, “I was hungry and you gave me meat; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me.” And in verse 40, “..as you have done it unto one of these least of these my brethren, you have done it unto Me.”
    I observed a situation recently where someone went up to someone hurting and said that they loved him. It made no difference to this hurting person. What did make a difference was someone going to his home and helping clean, inviting him to a meal, taking him to church. The human footsteps….

  8. Thank you Evan and all. There is gain when we are generous and kind to all in our prayers. The beatitudes lay a good foundation for such prayers.

  9. I love reading and seeing the kindnesses expressed here.
    Thank you so much J , for sharing with us that very loving
    article on hugging the world. The thoughts were beautifully
    written and so heartfelt. Like the article states, Christian
    affection Is ” unselfed – the love of the one universal God,
    reflected” and …
    “The spiritual embrace of prayer reaches the farthest corner of the
    globe” … and into every purpose. It is Universally felt in it’s reach.
    Truly Lovely!

  10. Thank you Evan, such a heartwarming Foto!
    Yes, that is absolutely right that we all need Kindness!
    And thank you all for your inspiring insites in today’s topic. It sounds so natural to be kind, and it is! But Kindness as an expression of our Father-Mother God who is divine Love, is an absolute healing aspect! And therefore our Kindness coming from our heart is very needed to heal and love our neighbor as ourself!♡

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