Be patient when waiting on God’s direction

February 9, 2021 | 19 comments

Sometimes people praying for divine direction wonder whether they are hearing God’s direction or hearing the influence of human will. If you’re not sure, it pays to be patient and continue praying until the direction gets clear.

God speaks clearly to us giving us exactly the idea we need to know. At times, though, our sense of what God is telling us might be clouded by personal sense, selfish desire, someone else’s desire, doubt, worry or fear. To hear an accurate message, the muddle of mortal mind needs to be cleared away.

Pray to clear the muddle!

Clear out human will and personal sense. Pray to let God’s will be done. Refuse to be influenced by anything less than God. Know the omnipresence of Love where all fear and worry disappear.

As you persist with knowing that God has the answer you seek, and shut out any counter or competing mental influences, there will come a point when the muddle goes away and a deep peace from God settles into thought. That’s when you’re ready to hear what God is telling you and to know the proper direction to take.

God’s message will get through to you in a way that makes sense.

Be patient when waiting on God for direction. The direction is coming! But you may need to get some competing voices out of the way first before the divine direction is clear.

19 thoughts on “Be patient when waiting on God’s direction”

  1. The still, small voice is speaking to us all, always — a gentle voice of Love. Let us be quiet, lift thought higher, and listen…

    “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

  2. Today I have learnt the Truth I must know
    That God is my Life and all good dost bestow.
    I wondered if I was important enough
    to reap all that good, reflect all his Love!
    I’m’s true, God just keeps right on giving
    Expanding my Happiness, guiding my living.

    Today I have learnt that error is fading,
    I’m able to feel it diminish to nothing.
    I opened my thought to the angels above
    Such change I felt round me..upheld in Gods Love.
    I’m happy , it’s true, God just keeps right on giving
    Expanding my happiness ,guiding my living.

    How happy I am to feel demonstration
    Applying Gods law for every occasion
    I know that His Spirit can never fail me
    His eternal Love, Minds inclusivity.
    I listened…and now know God does keep on giving
    Expanding our happiness, guiding true living!

    Thank you for the thought today Evan❣️

    1. Beautiful poem Barbara.Cumbria.UK. It touched a lot of areas that I needed to be reminded of today. And, thank you Evan too. Today’s “Be patient” . . . will help me to be sure I am listening to God’s right directions once I have cleared all of the “muddle” away. Thank you both.

    2. Thank you so much Barbara for such a wonderful poem! It expresses absolute asurance of God`s everpresence, divine Love`s caring for us , being around, beneath and above us all, and all of His creation. The poem is so comforting and healing and meeting our spiritual needs like Happyness and Joy and Demonstration! Thanks again for it 🙂

  3. Often I find success when I’m able to just “let go and let God” knowing I will have what I need.
    Thank you Evan for this daily inspiration!

    1. CRL I know exactly what you mean. It helps so much. It’s letting go of self and praying righteously. I find it’s not easy to do.
      Njoy B

  4. Awesome!
    Amongst other things mentioned…”refuse to be influenced by ANYTHING other than God.” That’s a pretty clear measurement. I’m going to stick with that. Often when erroneous thoughts come to me, I mentally and sometimes audibly, vehemently declare: “I am doing a great work, so that I CANNOT come down!” Thanks to Nehemiah for refusing to stop building the wall. NEH 6

  5. Thanks so much, Evan, for this very important message.
    Thank thank you, Barbara, for your lovely and inspirational poem.

  6. Very helpful Evan, thank you. It is comforting to know that by endeavoring to
    clear our thoughts of clutter, and waiting patiently for God to answer us, and sticking
    with it, we will be rewarded with an answer.

    And a very helpful poem, Barbara – many thanks for sharing.

    I love the picture, but I am not quite sure if this is depicting
    the muddle, or whether it is an example of waiting patiently for God’s reply,
    with a woolly hat and feet up the wall!!!

  7. Waiting patiently is sometimes hard to do…but seems very necessary during this time Thenks for the lovely poem which assures us that God
    Is providing all good all the time, we just have to recognize it.
    Very nee today in my life! Thanks again Evan and all.

  8. Very helpful direction today. …..patience at this time seems to
    Be especially needed in my daily life . thanks all for reminding
    Me to listen for God’s direction.

  9. Thank you very much Evan, just what I needed, so as mostly! It is just so what you say. If I want to know God`s will, what is best to do, it seems as if I do not get an answer. But if I am patient enough and wait, leaving all my own wants behind, I get an answer, which feels very good to do.
    When I started to read the weekly lesson sermon today I noticed that the corelative passages with which the lesson always starts, matches very well with today`s very comforting and helpful SpiritView!
    Am very thankful for Evan`s healing SpiritView and for all the helpful and lovely comments!

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