Be the one who brings peace

September 1, 2020 | 23 comments

“Scoffers set a city aflame, but wise men turn away wrath.”

~ Proverbs 29:8, NKJV

“A gang of cynics can upset a whole city; a group of sages can calm everyone down.”

~ Proverbs 29:8, The Message

23 thoughts on “Be the one who brings peace”

  1. How powerful and profound those two statements are especially in what is being seen in our country today. But also an assurance of the peace and harmony right thinking and acting can bring to neutralize and heal every situation. These Spiritview messages are so comforting and they compel us into action. I am grateful also for the comments that are shared.

  2. Picture and word perfect!
    They say it all.

    And to think that statement, so current, was in
    the Bible.
    But through the ages there have been challenges
    to peace.

    Thanks! ❤️

  3. We are each the wise men and women, turning away wrath in our consciousness, thereby supporting our community and country. All is mental.
    Thank you, Evan, for this timely reminder.

  4. Such a pertinent topic that needs our attention with what has been going on for months now, finally being addressed by some who have chosen to ignore evil or to justify it or provoke it, which of course, only inflames and intensifies mortal thinking’s power.
    “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God”
    Matt 5:9.
    It is amazing how relevant these two statements from Proverbs, from so long ago, are to a world that is craving peace and calm instead of vitriol and hatred, which has been harming innocent people, homes and businesses and acknowledging what needs healing is a blessed start.
    Comforting words from hymn # 181:
    “Loving Father, we thy children Look to Thee in fear’s dark night…
    Then we feel the power that lifts us To Thy holy secret place, Where
    our gloom is lost in glory, As we see Thee face to face…
    We would learn, O gracious Father, To reflect thy healing love…
    Fear shall have no more dominion, God is All and heaven is here.”
    And from another inspiring song, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”.

  5. Over 30 years ago we bought a little corner grocery shop. I was so excited as it meant that I could contribute to the family income without leaving our children home alone or with baby sitters. It was a demonstration in a way as we were feeling the pinch with 4 boys to look after.
    During our first night at the property there was an almighty crash of glass. The whole of the shopfront had been broken by some local youths who tore out the handset of the public phone box opposite and threw it through our window. Needless to say we were very distraught and had to do much remedial work to remain open and protect our stock. I did notice 3 or 4 youths hanging about and the police advised us that they knew it was them and that these boys were constantly causing grief in our area. We felt we had made the wrong decision moving to the shop but knew there was no way out.
    This was for me just a fleeting thought. I’d felt all along this was a good place to be and I needed to remember that our circumstances were in Gods control and not the local gang. Shortly after the new glass was installed I spotted one of the lads lurking about. I immediately went out to him and introduced myself , asked him whether he knew either of my elder boys etc. Just general talk. I told him that he and his friends were welcome in my shop and gave him a big bag of oranges to share between them. All the time knowing that they were sharing in Gods Love the same as myself.
    Well, this lad smiled at me and said thank you. What a change in attitude I saw. They never targeted us again even though they often gathered together nearby. The threat had gone. I’m so glad we didn’t press charges or even think of retribution. Love and kindness was the answer . We lived in peace in our home but what’s more, those 4 boys were not branded either.
    Thank you Evan. ‘Divine Love meets every human need’ ❣️

    1. Barbara, what a beautiful story of how one person can make such a difference in our communities. Thank you for sharing and for your understanding that divine Love always wins. Mary says in Misc 277, “Right wins the everlasting victory.” When I was working at TMC a young man who lived in the apt below me had fallen asleep w a cigarette in his mouth causing a fire. As I walked hm I saw the fire trucks in front of my building which prompted me to declare the truth of God’s ever-present protection and power. I was grateful that there was no damage to my apt. I didn’t know the fellow, but was impelled to bake some cookies which I brought to him telling him I was glad he was safe.. He was so surprised and thankful for the gesture, saying everyone else had been putting him down. We’re all in this material world together. Small kindnesses, just as you did, is the reason we’re here, to bring peace, as Evan says.

    2. Thank you for sharing this wonderful healing. If it’s not already, you could submit this to one of our periodicals.

  6. Bonner’s in Frankenmuth, Michigan, USA…Acres of Christmas ornaments, gifts, beauty.
    A 365 days a year Christmas outlet, It was vandalized one night doing extreme damage.
    The young men were apprehended as they were seen on a security system.
    When they were arraigned in a court of law, the Bonner’s didn’t press charges. Those in custody admitted their mistake and committed to do labor for restitution.
    It all was in the news, the Christian forgiveness of the young men who vandalized the premises.
    The forgiveness was least expected because the damage was quite significant.
    The young offenders learned a lesson in love and will not offend anymore.

  7. Barbara, what a moving example of being led to Divine action, rather than mortal mind re-action. Thank you for this share. Much love.

  8. Thank you Evan and everyone for these thoughts. I have been called for jury duty tomorrow. These are wonderful ideas for me to keep in mind.

  9. One with God may well be a majority but a “group of sages” can help a lot! I keep thinking of MBE writing “Citizens of the world, accept the glorious liberty of the children of God,” and be free! …
    ….The enslavement of man is not legitimate.”
    p. 227:24–25; 228:11 (only) and man cannot be enslaved by ignorance, fear, hatred and self will. These falsities about God’s man and woman have no truth, no source , no intelligence. no power to act at all. The divine intelligence of Mind never gives its power to any so-called opposing power or entity.

    1. Diane W,, your comment is beautiful, so well put and powerful. I can apply this in so many ways. It does feel at times that we have been enslaved to dark beliefs. But the truth is that we are free in God, in every moment. Love the idea of “accepting the glorious liberty of the children of God.” I accept it! Thank you.

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