Be wise and discerning

July 6, 2023 | 20 comments

Do not sacrifice a large good for a little evil.

~ Martin H. Fischer (1879–1962)

A little compromise in one place can lead to a bigger unwanted sacrifice in another. Be wise about choices!

There is nothing desirable about evil, even a little bit of it. God’s good has everything you need to live happy and healthy!

20 thoughts on “Be wise and discerning”

  1. We have the good advice “Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full……..” (see My 210:0-17)

    Reminded me of my poem “The Eve Dream, which has the pdf version also shown, just takes the one thought to be accepted……
    “That little word “Just”, – temptation’s best friend.
    Don’t be fooled! Don’t listen. Don’t dare descend!
    Suggesting that sin is easy to do
    Sets you wholly against all that is true!”

    The poem finishes:
    We can’t be tempted, and error can’t win:
    The answer is simple. Don’t be took in!
    When faced with a lie, dismiss as untrue!
    Man is unfallen! SO, SIMPLY, BE YOU!

    1. Thank you for sharing your poem with us, Ken. It really speaks to Evan’s wisdom this morning, and every morning.

      It is so easy to be taken in by mortal mind’s temptations, even with the best of intentions. When we do get taken in, it does set us against what is true. It is so much better to turn away right at the get-go.

  2. What a wonderful poem Ken – thank you so much for sharing with us. It is so beautifully presented in
    every way, and very inspiring. It really goes well with Evan’s message.

  3. I often ponder and feel a sense of peace by pondering the following Bible passage:

    “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. (James” 3:17, 18)

  4. I am almost done reading a book, titled “The Forgiveness Factor: stories of hope in a world of conflict“ by Michael Henderson, in which he gives a details of the influence of Moral Re-Armament andvThe Mountain House in Caux, Switzerland and how individuals after WWII around the world listened to, and responded to a quiet, inner voice that demanded they forgive their enemies and love and bless them. After they obeyed, gave them solutions in face-to-face conversations with their former enemies that resulted in healing progress, of former tortured prisoners, and their torturers: guards, Jew and Nazis, warring nations or tribes. This one person then two people then those they influenced then ended wars or genocide, or resulted in less violent independence, or an improved economy or justice between capitalist and labor, etc. One example was the humble, forgiving, courageous, resolution of conflict about whether Austria or Italy controlled a part of the dolomite mountains.

    I am enjoying watching YouTube videos of that area because ny youngest American child is hiking or climbing with her German boyfriend in an area that was a war zone between German Austria and Italy. They are sometimes harnessed and roped in to steel cables, and walking on steel ladders or steel pegs during lightning storms and downpours where soldiers had once installed these for quick access to battlegrounds. They have completed most of the 99 miles with smiles. They both demonstrate discipline and not compromising on little things that could have big negative consequences.

    The truth mentioned by all above is relevant in every situation and thought. Thank you.

  5. This is very helpful wisdom, especially in trying times that
    seem so questionable of how to think about things.
    Having had many seeming betrayals in my life over the
    years, sometimes the choices have not been clear in
    making them, with lessons learned. But God/Truth/
    divine Love always wins eventually. There is really
    no other way but God’s way.
    Your poem is excellent, Ken. A lovely presentation …
    Thank you for sharing!
    I am reminded that on ads/logos on materially-minded
    so-called healing ways, the serpent is usually depicted.

    1. Carol you got me curious about the snake medical symbol. I found this from the World Health Organization, “The staff with the snake has long been a symbol of medicine and the medical profession. It originates from the story of Asclepius, who was revered by the ancient Greeks as a god of healing and whose cult involved the use of snakes.”

      Not sure what to make of that, but we do know the serpent in the Bible is the first “appearance” of error, trying to tempt Eve away from God’s good guidance. It probably was presented in a way that seemed like just a “little evil” in exchange for some promised greater gain. It is the same today so we have to keep our spiritual glasses on to see God’s guidance and direction,

      “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

      Greetings to all dear SpiritView readers, ponderers and commenters. Grateful to be with all of you.

      1. Thank you, Rose. In my comment above, I didn’t mean to
        imply that the medical profession is not trying to heal and
        a lot of really good people do believe in it’s purpose and
        outcomes, so wanted to clarify that. We all have our differing
        ways of dealing with things and I shouldn’t have used the word,
        “so-called”, but was meaning coming from the spiritual angle
        of getting to the root of the causes of healing.
        I was only finding it interesting the symbol used.
        I am very sorry if I sounded in any way against whatever method of
        healing anyone chooses.

        1. Dear Carol, I don’t think you sounded like you were against anything. It was just an interesting metaphor about the serpent and material mindedness. I agree that there are many so many wonderful, sincere people in the material healing professions, they just have a different understanding of the nature of man (woman, children). All the best to you, as always.

          1. Awww, Rose, you always have such consoling
            words. Thank you. I didn’t want to come
            across as sounding judgmental in any way.
            That is a great article about choosing
            Good…Thank you, J ! God Good/Love
            Guides, Guards and Governs us. Sometimes
            in the shadow of misunderstandings, we
            let mortal mind tempt us into believing all
            sorts of things that probably are not true.
            But that’s what mortal mind does best …
            tries to lead us astray, but when we turn
            to God, we let Love lead the way.

  6. I have not had a date in 4 years, the longest I’ve ever gone in my adult life, due mainly to the dedicated work of publishing my first novel. When you quit one career to start another your life can feel small and distant sometimes, and that comes with temptations of exactly the kind nobody needs. This was exactly the message I needed today, to remember Divine Love’s guiding hand in all our endeavors. Is it worth it? Of course it is, and I want to look back on this chapter of my life with gladness and gratitude.

  7. Thank you very much dear Evan for today’s very comforting SpiritView!♡
    God is the allmighty and allencompassing eternal good. Your last sentence is so very comforting and healing for me as it answers a question I posed to myself and to God these days. “God’s good has everthing we need to live happy and healthy!” It’s a really wonderfully firm assurance of God’s perfect and loving care for us all!

    I am thankful for CS that it teaches that God is only good and that he is Love and Truth!

    Thank you all for your interesting and inspiring comments, poems and the very inspiring article “Choose Good”!♡

  8. Dear Rpse from New York, So many thanks for including in your writing “we have to keep our spiritual glasses on to see God’s guidance and direction,” There is conflict today is “waging war” over using the recommendation for material glasses, and wearing those with ” the latest prescription” or not. I’m wearing my “spiritual glasses for God’s guidance and direction” beginning with spiritual prayer, but there’s push back about what is the right/ or wrong solution. Mentally, I’m wearing my spiritual glasses, to see what God has in store for healing.

    1. Dear chilesands,
      We sometimes seem distracted by the storm of materiality
      and want to help those we care about so much, who may
      also be distracted from seeing clearly the love of God’s
      guidance … to stop the storm that Seems true, in reading
      the pages before us that seem to be painting a picture we
      find very hard to accept and want to help if we can, both
      for our own sake and for others.
      Like a beach ball analogy, when the Truth tries to be suppressed
      and held down, silenced, it can’t remain underwater/under
      mortal mind’s control and keeps rising above limitations that
      would sink us down to the depths of materiality’s anchoring
      dregs of disharmony.
      Being in the realm of spiritual vision is really the only way …
      of divine Love’s universal expression, regardless what matter
      seems to be around us.
      Lots of love to you!

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