Be yourself

February 18, 2020 | 20 comments

Have you ever been tempted to compare yourself to others and think less of yourself as a result? Maybe they appear more talented, privileged, smarter or good looking, and you wish that you were more like them. If so, you can cease doing this kind of comparison judging, and learn to love what God created you to be.

You are awesome the way God made you! You have your own magical individuality to live out and express that humanity needs to see and experience.

God’s children are unique, special in their own way, and you are one of these beloved individuals.

No one else is like you and you are not like anyone else. Comparisons are valueless.

God gave you amazing talents, abilities and qualities to express. They may appear modest to the human mind, but they are monumental to the divine Mind. God gave you those talents for a reason and expects you to demonstrate them.

In the Mind of God, one act of good is not measured against another. Every expression of Love is important and vital. Each is needed to contribute to one grand harmonious whole.

So, don’t let mortal mind make you feel less by mortal comparisons. You are not a mortal to be compared. You are an immortal with a spiritual purpose that only you can live out.

No one else can do what God has chosen you to do.

Cherish your individuality. Value it. Live it. Love it!

Be yourself, your spiritual self, and enjoy every moment of it.

“Comparisons are odorous.” Shakespeare

20 thoughts on “Be yourself”

  1. What important words! Everyone is so important and unique, and without each one of us God’s perfect creation would be incomplete. Evan writes above: “Have you ever been tempted to compare yourself to others and think less of yourself as a result?” “You are not a mortal to be compared.”
    May I share this poem called “NO COMPARISON”?
    Comparison is a deadly sin
    And those who do so can never win!
    For better, the same, or some might say worse,
    The belief in a difference is a curse.
    For all creation is good and pure
    God made it perfect. What can be more?
    For each idea grand, whether big or small,
    Is equally precious to infinite All. / Is an integral part of Infinite All.

    If interested, “unlockpotentialwithlove Ken” embraces this aspect, and concludes “Love is the first step, next step, every step….” When Love is your all, you reflect infinity.

    1. Thank you, Evan – a good Lesson to remember and live out.

      And many thanks, Ken for the poem and the link to your other poems etc. I have located it, and I will look forward to listening to them – such a variety of topics from the Bible stories.

    2. Many thanks Evan for addressing this issue of human comparison and appreciating the infinite variety teeming from the same idea that each one is a God’s Blessed Child. I am gratefully enlightened by Ken’s poem and treasure these footsteps of Love forever unfolding good for our individual spiritual unity and expression of divine reality of God’s infinite Creation, here, now and forever. From every thought of Love (ideas) we reflect the teeming universe of God filled with spiritual being

  2. This has taken me and still is taking me a long time to fully understand. When I learned about God, it was hard to accept that reality was good, not a mixture of good and evil. I still have to constantly
    correct myself- where I must begin is where i want to go.
    I see all around me suffering from wrong identification, not knowing you are a beloved child of Creation/God/Mind. thank you.

    1. It is also challenging for me to see the good in my being and not compare…. I find that when I compare envy rears it’s ugly head and I fall deeper into despair. Always a challenge for me thus far. thanks for your honest share.

  3. Stick around because God has something planned just for you; He’ll reveal it in your Life, something only you can accomplish for Him, because you are unique, just as you were created.

  4. A reflection on the subject. A very important subject.
    “Simply that, there would be no unhappiness if it weren’t for comparison.”
    If you must compare your self or your situation compare it to those less fortunate.
    A noted psychiatrist advised “If you are depressed, go to the other side of the tracks, find someone unfortunate and help them.”
    Compassion, giving up your coat when asked for it and then unasked give up your cloak as well. What is that cloak the master Jesus mentioned? A cloak to me is a lie of some kind.
    The Good Samaritan didn’t pass by the man in need. The other’s in the story hid themselves by going another way. There’s always a way to express your special kind of lovingkindness. A smile, a helping hand, an idea, all free stuff!

  5. Love the cute little characters in the picture today. Each of them also have a unique position to fill. To some they may appear defected, to others adorable. To me they show God really does have a wonderful sense of humor and today they have made me smile . When each of God’s precious ideas show forth All that God made us to be, He is expressed!!! I’m going to work on just being what God made me to be today and seeing others just as He/She made them to be. Love love LOVE is all there is … so today let’s just Live Love
    Thank you Evan!!!
    Lovingly, CayDee

    1. I know there is no perfection in MATTER, but I did not like the “deformed” photos. We all have different shapes and sizes and should not compare ourselves with others, but deformities are
      not God’s will or creation

  6. Thank you very much indeed for today’s SpiritView , dear Evan!
    The farther I read this SV the warmer it gets in my heart, as I notice the great Love, how much God loves us. If I think back I can be aware what blessing qualities God bestowed on me. Evan, with this SV you show us how rich we are as loved children of an abondantly rich Father-Mother God.
    And I myself are very grateful for the qualities God gave me and the opportunities to express them to God’s glory. I love my God given individuality!
    Thank you, Ken for your inspiring poem!
    I love to read all your comments, dear SpiritView friends. 🙂

  7. “Oh the depth of the riches, both of the WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE of God” I told a friend today, it always humbles me that with His LOVE, we simply are Millionaire s and just aren’t aware of it. We have it all Friends, it’s called Christian Science.

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